Spam Gone Wild

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Grind, your opinion on a different site (not the one you guys already rocked out on).

First 301-it, then toss links at it, or first let you do your magic then 301it?

Ordered 2 days ago 16/10 (3FC55892SR050682W) but haven't heard back since.

Will you notify me when my package starts? :)
I don't know what on earth is going on. My main keyword ranks #7 already! Got boatloads of traffic.

I wanna keep track of rankings, traffic and what not. Will be reporting back soon but so far so good :)
#8 for my (supposed) 450k term already. Great work.
Hoping to see it rise up like Jesus on Easter day as these links are indexed
Dangit... what in the hey do I need to do to get to the 1st page? Still stuck on 2nd man.

Starting to think you might be filtered, I know we have another site that will not get off the 12 spot for a super competitive term, no matter how many high quality links we push at it. I still haven't identified what the filter is, need to get Bofu drunk and pick his brains.

Ordered 2 days ago 16/10 (3FC55892SR050682W) but haven't heard back since.

Will you notify me when my package starts? :)

Blasting, I see 70+ indexed links in last 24 hours.

ordered! please confirm

Order received, will start today.
Grind, your opinion on a different site (not the one you guys already rocked out on).

First 301-it, then toss links at it, or first let you do your magic then 301it?

Build, 301, then blast is my current best practice. Be advised that I'm constantly testing things and new discoveries could change my answer but that's how I'd do it right now, today.

Just ordered for a PR3 with a couple of years age. Not a massive amount of existing links but it has never been penalised so hoping for the best.

450,000 global exacts - will keep you posted!

#8 for my (supposed) 450k term already. Great work.
Hoping to see it rise up like Jesus on Easter day as these links are indexed

Just ordered! Site is 3 years old PR3. Primary keyword has 92,000,000 competition. I currently rank #25 for this keyword (bouncing from #15 to #30). 7.5 million global searches a month.

Lets see how this one performs :)

I don't know what on earth is going on. My main keyword ranks #7 already! Got boatloads of traffic.

I wanna keep track of rankings, traffic and what not. Will be reporting back soon but so far so good :)

Well, seems as good a time as any to post this...


1) For the past 2 days, we've been hitting all orders with 800+ High PR (2-6) blog posts. This is allowing us to rank sites very fast (see above) and is making new sites much more sticky (been testing this for awhile in house, the 2 days is for paid orders).

2) All future orders will include 500 -1000+ High PR (2-6) blog posts across a network that is ~ 2/3 private (ie, not for sale on WF or elsewhere) and 1/3 public (ie, you could buy links on these).

3) Pricing will go up to regular pricing levels on Monday, October 24th. See original post for pricing details. If you want to get in on the cheap, order by Sunday, October 23rd, 9PM PST.

4) Continuing to PM me asking if your order is started or for confirmation will lead to further price increases as I value my time and charge accordingly. If you order, and don't get refunded, your order started. If you really need confirmation to feel better, jump on skype, add buylinkstoday, and bug him.

5) Some of the shit the new combination of high PR blog posts and volume spam is ranking in as quick as 6-8 hours is blowing my mind. Seriously next level shit. I'll update on the stickability of a slew of brand new test sites next week.


gonna have to look for an older domain to try this on since I keep seeing such good results everywhere else. didn't see anything for either page I tried it on but have been adding content and some better links to try to jump start them.

didn't tank me which was a main concern at least!
Quick question and a fucken YES or NO will do

Id buy this right now if you can answer this for me Im no FUCKING SEO guy im a business owner

MY website ranks well but id like to put this towards either a ( YELP ACCOUNT, THUMBTACK ACCOUNT or a MERCHANTCIRCLE account)

Will it benifit ? Currently all those 3 are on page 2 for google with the keyword I would like to rank one of those for ......................WAITING
Quick question and a fucken YES or NO will do

Id buy this right now if you can answer this for me Im no FUCKING SEO guy im a business owner

MY website ranks well but id like to put this towards either a ( YELP ACCOUNT, THUMBTACK ACCOUNT or a MERCHANTCIRCLE account)

Will it benifit ? Currently all those 3 are on page 2 for google with the keyword I would like to rank one of those for ......................WAITING

Quick question and a fucken YES or NO will do

Id buy this right now if you can answer this for me Im no FUCKING SEO guy im a business owner

MY website ranks well but id like to put this towards either a ( YELP ACCOUNT, THUMBTACK ACCOUNT or a MERCHANTCIRCLE account)

Will it benifit ? Currently all those 3 are on page 2 for google with the keyword I would like to rank one of those for ......................WAITING

DON'T KNOW...haven't tested it. Other tests where I've leveraged a big site like Yelp or MerchantCircle's inherent authority, it ranked fast and hard. But haven't tried any of those.
Grindstone, is this one of those things were repeat/returning customers are locked into old price or it does not matter?

Also, is $500 the new price?
He just started on my TODAY and it has already jumped from not in the first 250 to page 7 for a highly competitive term.. Fuck G**Gle!!
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