Spam Gone Wild

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Can we place a 3 pack order and then use over the next month so we can take advantage of the "show and tell" pricing?

Thanks for the order, hope it helps but as we posted a couple times upthread, haven't seen much love on already penalized stuff. If it was truly Panda and not another filter, it can do some good, time will tell I guess.

It wasn't penalized so I think it will do ok. Rankings just moved from page 1 to page 2 for some keywords on the Oct 14th update. Already starting to see a recovery. Ill report back in a couple of days and let you know how it did.
Buylinkstoday and I spoke on Thursday, we discussed several of my sites and decided which one would be the best candidate. We decided on one of my newer sites that got bitch slapped because I was a little over exuberant with my SB posts. the has seen a doubling in traffic, by the end of today it is on track to tripple. On Monday I was talking to him about another site I have that use to rank #1 for my money maker keyword, Panda did some major Kung Fu all over that site. Fucked me back to page 4. I have been fighting the fight but I was stuck on page 2. I think Buylinkstoday felt my pain and worked his magic on the site starting on Monday, Tuesday I was #9 this AM I was #4, right now I am #1. This shit is the real deal.
Not got anything that could handle this directly but open to experimenting as it will be a learning experience - so going to go the 301 route. The domain the 301 will be to is an EMD and I have a couple of options for the site taking the direct blast

A PR3, one year old completely unrelated domain (in term of current backlinks - I will put relevant content on it)

A brand new domain which is basically the EMD name prefixed with an i

In your opinion which is the better candidate for the blast & subsequent 301?
Did you hear anything on why we can't get past #12? Is is some sort of filter? Feel free to blast away at it as my competitors blast 20k links at a time and seem to do alright. If I get beat up by google then that is just part of the risk I am willing to take man. I just want to see it move :)

Thanks for all your help, you rock...
Tcode - 02k0691617084780S

Keyword 1 - 33,100 exact
Keyword 2 - 12,000 exact

e-m-d for keyword 1
currently have the 800+ homepage links network attached. with much more linking and probably a little more than a yr old.

Currently sitting for both terms page 2

Man are my fingers crossed!!!!!!
Order placed - transaction ID 0RG81885RT7923505. Looking forward to seeing what this thing can do....

Got it, thanks.

Eff it, order placed. Time to monitor results :D

ID: 4LY679316G2063934


2nd order placed.

So effin giddy.

I bet...

By the way, for those of you who followed this thread in detail, my KW with 1,200,000 exact searches per month is now ranked number 2 on the big G. If you haven't ordered this service, you're dumb. Period.

Ordered for a ~15k/month exact match keyword with decent competition. My year old site was ranking top page 2, within 2 days it is sitting at #1. Still there a couple days later. Probably the most effective thing I have ever ordered on WF.

Awesome, thanks for feedback. Appreciated.

PMed my second order of 3. Thanks!

Got it.

Just placed an order for 3-Pack of Wild Spam - Trans ID - 1RP73556PE452140Y

Sent you a PM

Got it, replied.

I have a few questions:

- You say "We'll automatically turn your main anchor into hundreds of relevant anchors and use them all."
Do you accept foreign (French) language sites (so foreign language anchor text) ? Is it a problem to turn it into hundreds of keywords ?

- And I also just wanted to be sure you were accepting sport betting guides (nothing illegal of course) ?

Not sure, PM me the anchors you're thinking.

Can we place a 3 pack order and then use over the next month so we can take advantage of the "show and tell" pricing?

Hmm, good question, will think on it...

No, go away


I want to place my 3rd order but PMs are full. let me know when cleared. Thanks.

Just dumped em all to csv and deleted about 300, will probably take about 2 days for you guys to fill it back up again. :)

It wasn't penalized so I think it will do ok. Rankings just moved from page 1 to page 2 for some keywords on the Oct 14th update. Already starting to see a recovery. Ill report back in a couple of days and let you know how it did.

Fantastic, I like the recoveries. Google taketh, we taketh back.

Buylinkstoday and I spoke on Thursday, we discussed several of my sites and decided which one would be the best candidate. We decided on one of my newer sites that got bitch slapped because I was a little over exuberant with my SB posts. the has seen a doubling in traffic, by the end of today it is on track to tripple. On Monday I was talking to him about another site I have that use to rank #1 for my money maker keyword, Panda did some major Kung Fu all over that site. Fucked me back to page 4. I have been fighting the fight but I was stuck on page 2. I think Buylinkstoday felt my pain and worked his magic on the site starting on Monday, Tuesday I was #9 this AM I was #4, right now I am #1. This shit is the real deal.

Thanks for the feedback. buylinkstoday is a good guy, really knows his shit. Just don't tell him "grind said to do..", makes him cranky. ;)

Not got anything that could handle this directly but open to experimenting as it will be a learning experience - so going to go the 301 route. The domain the 301 will be to is an EMD and I have a couple of options for the site taking the direct blast

A PR3, one year old completely unrelated domain (in term of current backlinks - I will put relevant content on it)

A brand new domain which is basically the EMD name prefixed with an i

In your opinion which is the better candidate for the blast & subsequent 301?

I'd option B, both would work.

Did you hear anything on why we can't get past #12? Is is some sort of filter? Feel free to blast away at it as my competitors blast 20k links at a time and seem to do alright. If I get beat up by google then that is just part of the risk I am willing to take man. I just want to see it move :)

Thanks for all your help, you rock...

Man, I wish I knew, I have a site stuck on the top of page 2 that should be top of page 1, for some reason google has just said fuck you grind, you don't pass go, you don't frontpage, you don't collect $150k. Let's monitor it for another week or so and then see what we can come up with, want you to experience the same success your brethren are experiencing.

extremely pleased with previous result. let's go again ... tcode = 3PF81934P737....

thanks for the repeat business...

Tcode - 02k0691617084780S

Keyword 1 - 33,100 exact
Keyword 2 - 12,000 exact

e-m-d for keyword 1
currently have the 800+ homepage links network attached. with much more linking and probably a little more than a yr old.

Currently sitting for both terms page 2

Man are my fingers crossed!!!!!!

Should be fun, keep us posted.
Well, I am fucking-surprised. Ranking 7th for a massive KW, serpIQ of 76. 50k monthly searches and a CPC of $16.

It was on a brand new domain as well, one page of content (1k+ words). Also already ranking 14th for the other KW I ordered and 5th for the other I ordered.

I thought one would hit the front page, I said if all three hit the front page I would sacrifice a cow to spam gone wild. 4 more positions and I need to find out where to buy a fucking cow from.

Well, I am fucking-surprised. Ranking 7th for a massive KW, serpIQ of 76. 50k monthly searches and a CPC of $16.

It was on a brand new domain as well, one page of content (1k+ words). Also already ranking 14th for the other KW I ordered and 5th for the other I ordered.

I thought one would hit the front page, I said if all three hit the front page I would sacrifice a cow to spam gone wild. 4 more positions and I need to find out where to buy a fucking cow from.



since no report is given, do you email us to let us know when the blast is completed?

Not usually, if you need me to figure it out, PM me and I'll get to it at some point. Generally, again, blast is done 24-48 hours, then takes another 5-8 days to index, let it sit 14 days from start of blast to measure total effect.

My site is stuck at 10-12 too.

Which order? I will decipher this bullshit...

Let me know via PM if possible and I'll make sure to pick up a 3 pack.

Still thinking....

Purchased 1 wild for a site that was number 1 for awhile and fell to page 2/3.
Let's see what happens...

Gotcha, thanks!
Just ordered for a 3 year old site in a very competitive niche. Currently holds a variety of page 1, 2, 3, and lower rankings on various urls. Will be very interesting to see what it does.
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