Spam Gone Wild

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I will order tomorrow. I'll just wait for my newly registered domain to get index (if that is possible).

Let me know if you received my order, haven't seen any ranking changes yet.

ID: 3W943890****9151
No, go away


A quick review on my first order from last week: My Kw have 70k global exact search and 780k exact results. The site was not in top 1000 and after 6 days..... it is now at #4!!!
This is real shit!

Second order placed :)
Let me know if you received my order, haven't seen any ranking changes yet.

ID: 3W943890****9151

Recieved, your order started firing ~2 hours ago.

A quick review on my first order from last week: My Kw have 70k global exact search and 780k exact results. The site was not in top 1000 and after 6 days..... it is now at #4!!!
This is real shit!


Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your experience.
Hey Grindstone,

Looks like ur doing some amazing shit. Good for you bro. I wish I had sites to move up but that is not my thing or else I would have bought 20 at least from you. I have sent ur thread to a few heads so I hope it helps :)

Good luck and all the best my man. Mark
Hey did you start my order? I ordered yesterday.

Started a couple hours ago, thanks.

Let me know when you are ready to take my next order!

You can order now, we're sorting out some payment shit atm so all orders for a short while will go into a queue and then we'll invoice you.

Word. I'm with Botwiz. Lemme know when my second campaign is done so we can hop on the next one. :D

Love the enthusiasm, your's is lined up to start later today.

Hey Grindstone,

Looks like ur doing some amazing shit. Good for you bro. I wish I had sites to move up but that is not my thing or else I would have bought 20 at least from you. I have sent ur thread to a few heads so I hope it helps :)

Good luck and all the best my man. Mark

Cool, thnx for the kind words.
Can you check mine? I did my first of three on the 17th, but haven't seen anything yet. I want to order another 5 pack before the 23rd, but I want to see what the 3 I sent in do first.
Can you check mine? I did my first of three on the 17th, but haven't seen anything yet. I want to order another 5 pack before the 23rd, but I want to see what the 3 I sent in do first.

First one looks done but you have a ton of unindexed links out there still, judging from what I see indexed. The other two you sent me last night are lined out and will go into production tonight or early AM tomorrow.
Can I order before the price increases and send you the details in a week or so? (not sure how fast I need this right now)

Also, looks like I just had one site recover from a slap or whatever filter. I created this site the end of January and already have an aged domain 301ed to this site. Would you send the blast to the money site or to the 301 domain? Any experience from past orders?

PS: my first order now hit #5 (page 5 before order!)
First one looks done but you have a ton of unindexed links out there still, judging from what I see indexed. The other two you sent me last night are lined out and will go into production tonight or early AM tomorrow.

Thanks. Check PM quick, just want to make sure you're talking abou C******* not W******, which was my first single order.
Can I order before the price increases and send you the details in a week or so? (not sure how fast I need this right now)

Not sure, tbh...still trying to decide how to handle this...response has been a little, umm, explosive...need to keep everything super organized before we can start holding spots for down the road.

Also, looks like I just had one site recover from a slap or whatever filter. I created this site the end of January and already have an aged domain 301ed to this site. Would you send the blast to the money site or to the 301 domain? Any experience from past orders?

Personally, I'd use the aged 301 you already have in place, considering it just recovered. I have no idea if there's a watch list or not, but with Panda, I saw some weird shit each rollout, where some sites got like 7-10 days out of the filter and then back in. Your guess is as good as mine here....

PS: my first order now hit #5 (page 5 before order!)


Thanks. Check PM quick, just want to make sure you're talking abou C******* not W******, which was my first single order.

I just ordered one. Filled out the form. Now what? How do I pay?
Or maybe one have to pay by result only? Would be nice :stonedsmilie:
... you have a ton of unindexed links out there still, judging from what I see indexed.

A related question. Is the indexing slower than normal or just sporadic or something else?

I ask cause I had an order go in on 18th (AM) and so far, my target url only shows about 400 references in G. Just curious if that is normal or out of the ordinary in any way. Some others mentioned seeing the numbers go up by the hundreds each hour so I am curious if my job is 'stuck' or something.

Last Q. I am using a 301. In your experience, will it take longer for the results to appear because of that or will it not make much difference.

Thanks GS.


Ya, thanks for being understanding, will get it sorted out ASAP.

I just ordered one. Filled out the form. Now what? How do I pay?
Or maybe one have to pay by result only? Would be nice :stonedsmilie:

You'll be invoiced or sent a payment link later today. Working out some different payment options ATM.

A related question. Is the indexing slower than normal or just sporadic or something else?

I ask cause I had an order go in on 18th (AM) and so far, my target url only shows about 400 references in G. Just curious if that is normal or out of the ordinary in any way. Some others mentioned seeing the numbers go up by the hundreds each hour so I am curious if my job is 'stuck' or something.

Seems about right, first 48 hours are the blasting, the the indexing trickles in during this time, then it speeds up over the following 5-7 days. I've seen 10k new indexed links on day 7 or so.

Last Q. I am using a 301. In your experience, will it take longer for the results to appear because of that or will it not make much difference.

Thanks GS.


That site loads for me, are you sure you're 301ing it?
GS, are you checking the root of the domain or the inner page? My target url is the inner page and that is 301'ed (just confirmed). Also, when I search G for my target url (the inner page), my redirected page shows up as the first listing.

Will you build links to the root domain as well? If so, let me know and I will 301 the root too.

Ahh yeah, my bad, I had trimmed it to root to check for further indexing, sorry for the scare. No, links go to the single URL you specify. Cheers!
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