Spam Gone Wild

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Just ordered for a PR3 with a couple of years age. Not a massive amount of existing links but it has never been penalised so hoping for the best.

450,000 global exacts - will keep you posted!

Just ordered! Site is 3 years old PR3. Primary keyword has 92,000,000 competition. I currently rank #25 for this keyword (bouncing from #15 to #30). 7.5 million global searches a month.

Lets see how this one performs :)
Ordered a couple of days ago and I am back to the first page. I got kicked to the second page for a couple of weeks now after holding the number one spot for a while now. Lets and see how this bad boy can perform
Just a quick update on my fresh site geo domain, already ranking on the 3rd page. If I end up on the first page I'm going to be kind of screwed (in the best way possible) because I'll need to set up a whole new site with a complicated backend, but I shall work something out :).
Just a quick update on my fresh site geo domain, already ranking on the 3rd page. If I end up on the first page I'm going to be kind of screwed (in the best way possible) because I'll need to set up a whole new site with a complicated backend, but I shall work something out :).

Good to hear that. I plan to give my site at least 1-2 weeks old. Did you blast straightly to your money site?
Currently ranking #1 for a term with 27,000 exact searches a month and an average CPC of $2.22. Traffic is up 50% already, and earnings have doubled today, almost paying for this package in itself. I'm hoping the preventative measures I have taken help this stick.


First time I have heard anything about that, but would need to know your IP to see whats going on. Though maybe its the pop up ajax subscribe box. If you could shoot me a PM, I would love to get that resolved!

K, I got about 20 PM notifications over the weekend, I'll dive into them at some point and PM you one @ the same time.

Going to put in an order in about 5-6 hours. Going to hit the 5 Spam Gone Wild Package, just fyi! :ak:


order placed....


Just ordered for a PR3 with a couple of years age. Not a massive amount of existing links but it has never been penalised so hoping for the best.

450,000 global exacts - will keep you posted!


Just ordered! Site is 3 years old PR3. Primary keyword has 92,000,000 competition. I currently rank #25 for this keyword (bouncing from #15 to #30). 7.5 million global searches a month.

Lets see how this one performs :)


Ordered a couple of days ago and I am back to the first page. I got kicked to the second page for a couple of weeks now after holding the number one spot for a while now. Lets and see how this bad boy can perform

Thanks for the update.

Just a quick update on my fresh site geo domain, already ranking on the 3rd page. If I end up on the first page I'm going to be kind of screwed (in the best way possible) because I'll need to set up a whole new site with a complicated backend, but I shall work something out :).

#whitepeopleproblems ;)

Just Pm d you!

That damn thing isn't full yet?

Whats up Grind?

What up J?

3 pack ordered, let me know if keywords are good.

Takk, will log in shortly and check it.
Testing my second one now. Currently ranked 18 I think. WIll have to double check. Was 18 then 8 then dropped back.
All three are on the front page nice to see! One of the keywords jumped over 100 spots and is number 6 ish....
One of the cool things about this service is you start ranking for a ton of long tail keywords that you wouldn't normally expect.


Went from doing 550 visitors a day to 3,700 and it's still growing by about 500 everyday.

Just setting up another site to order again.
I have tried doing a skype with buylinkstoday. No response. I placed an order on Friday the 14th. Please let me know if run is done?

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