Spam Gone Wild

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Submitted the form and it did not redirect me to paypal so I just logged in to my paypal and sent you the $$. Not sure if you'll be able to match up my form with the payment though. Form is under my WF username and paypal trans # is 8T492429UW764052M

Let me know if you have any questions.
Submitted the form and it did not redirect me to paypal so I just logged in to my paypal and sent you the $$. Not sure if you'll be able to match up my form with the payment though. Form is under my WF username and paypal trans # is 8T492429UW764052M

Let me know if you have any questions.

We'll figure it out but for everybody else, PLEASE DON'T PAY UNTIL WE INVOICE YOU!

Dealing with paypal is never fun, should be sorted out shortly.

I'm not ignoring your PM either, just deserves more time than I have @ the moment to answer, we should really meet up for some beers this winter @ Schweitzer if you're around.
I was in Boise this summer for a wedding. I got so drunk, lost my phone, went and knocked on people's door at 2AM, and they called the cops. Cops took me to a hotel!
Submitted the form and added on skype - let me know whenever you get this paypal issue sorted - other payment options should be fine too :)
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