Spam Gone Wild

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2-4 days for all links to go out currently, 7-10 days from start for them to index ~90%, give it 14 days from when you ordered to settle out.

So I'd say you're run is pretty close to finishing but nowhere near close to indexing/ranking movement. I think he's sleeping, lazy fucker. ;)

just ordered 3 blasts Transaction ID: 2AT96474XN353424U, i have bought $1000 service here and was disappointed, i hope this one is kicking-ass... i don't mind to pay $1250 for ten blasts if it's really good...
Anybody got f'ed yet? Mine is dancing with the stars at the moment, lol.

Main URL is gone but inner-pages show up in #60+ in certain datacenters.
Typical Google behavior for new site, will wait it out and build more links. ;)
My rankings dropped back to original positions before the blast :( . Lets hope it goes back up a spot for both kws.
Actually my site didn't really dissappear, it's just the ranking being really volatile at the moment dancing between #2-#7. Ranking as of now is #5 and I'm dripping some high pr blogpost links from other providers to see if those will bump me up to #2 and ultimately #1.

Sorry about the mixed up and don't use MS Rank Tracker.
Just placed a bulk order (5 URLs) to give this service a solid try.

5 different domains/niches/owners all with different age, history and rankings and backlinks, 2 have below 1k backlinks and 3 between 2-8k backlinks according to yahoo site explorer so yes there are actually much more links.

Transaction ID: 2YF32653S2480872D

Kw1: about 4k exact searches - Rank: 7th

Kw2: about 90k exact searches - Rank: 31th

Kw3: about 60k exact searches - Rank: 322th

Kw4: about 49k exact searches - Rank: not in the top 1000

Kw5: about 60k exact searches - Rank: 121th but was 19th 3 days ago

Looking forward to see the results, an honest review will follow in about 2 weeks, all keywords are highly competitive.
Placed an order.

Your transaction ID for this payment is: 48364334VK0861142.

Thanks, will begin running shortly.

just ordered 3 blasts Transaction ID: 2AT96474XN353424U, i have bought $1000 service here and was disappointed, i hope this one is kicking-ass... i don't mind to pay $1250 for ten blasts if it's really good...

Thanks for the orders, let's hope it treats you better than your last experience.

Ordered 1 blast - 1ME77812BV894290M ...mmmhm...

Thanks, in the lineup.

Just ordered another 3 pack :).

Our favorite volume customer. :) How's that traffic increase treating you?

Anybody got f'ed yet? Mine is dancing with the stars at the moment, lol.

lol market samurai lol

My rankings dropped back to original positions before the blast :( . Lets hope it goes back up a spot for both kws.

It happens, rarely. I've blasted a couple that didn't budge again with diff keywords and it bumped them. I'll monitor your rankings, interested to see what happens going forward.

3rd order placed!

Cheers, thanks, lined up.

Just placed a bulk order (5 URLs) to give this service a solid try.

5 different domains/niches/owners all with different age, history and rankings and backlinks, 2 have below 1k backlinks and 3 between 2-8k backlinks according to yahoo site explorer so yes there are actually much more links.

Transaction ID: 2YF32653S2480872D

Kw1: about 4k exact searches - Rank: 7th

Kw2: about 90k exact searches - Rank: 31th

Kw3: about 60k exact searches - Rank: 322th

Kw4: about 49k exact searches - Rank: not in the top 1000

Kw5: about 60k exact searches - Rank: 121th but was 19th 3 days ago

Looking forward to see the results, an honest review will follow in about 2 weeks, all keywords are highly competitive.

Nice one, interested to see what transpires.

Watch this thread for a major announcement this afternoon.
Placed my first order this morning. Trans ID ...W289400F


Thanks, will line it out today

I ordered on the 15th, just checking if you have blasted my site yet.


Mostly done, probably some stragglers still...give it another 7-10 days to index up and settle out.

Grind, brother, I think it stuck at 2. Holy. Shit.

Ya, I believe it might have. Gotta think that's a manual review niche so pimp that site out, bro!
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