Spam Gone Wild

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It's bouncing around real good right now, check it in a few hours.

I won't tell you where I saw it this morning but my jaw dropped. If it sticks anywhere close to where I saw it, you're loving it. Sorry to get you all worked up, when I posted that I had checked it from 3 diff IPs and saw it there each instance.

Hi Grindstone,
I'm very interested in your service. But before I order I have a question.

How many sites you have used this service on got penalized ?

I want to try this service on a 4 year old website which is ranked 14 since months. It has a lot of varied links already.
Maybe this links will give it the push it needs.
No risk no fun :)
How many sites you have used this service on got penalized ?

Enough to know that that there's going to be some whining and crying in this thread from all the people who decided to not take the orginal post at face value. But why bother listening to the guys who developed the package, amarite?

Your 4 year old site is a better candidate to survive than a lot of what I'm seeing getting blasted recently, but yeah, re-read the OP if you have any doubts.

Thanks for the orders posted above.
Enough to know that that there's going to be some whining and crying in this thread from all the people who decided to not take the orginal post at face value. But why bother listening to the guys who developed the package, amarite?

Your 4 year old site is a better candidate to survive than a lot of what I'm seeing getting blasted recently, but yeah, re-read the OP if you have any doubts.

Thanks for the orders posted above.

I think you've made your recommendations clear. It's not that people are ignoring them- they're just deciding to gamble a little.
Forgive the noob Q below but I really want to know the best way to use this service.

I am tech saavy but a 301 virgin. I have a target domain that I have spent a few hundred on already and I am not in the top 100 (reg'ed in 2010). I also have a related domain that was reg'ed in 2008 but is dormant (no content or links). I plan to blast the related domain and 301 to the money page (taking Grindstone's advice to heart).

Should I:

1) create content on aged domain, let it index, blast it, then 301 after a week
2) create content on aged domain, blast it and immediately 301 after a week
3) create content on aged domain, let it index, 301 redirect, then blast it
4) stop being an idiot cause it does not matter which way it is done

Last question, for the purpose of this service, does it matter if I 301 the entire domain or if I 301 a page on the aged domain and blast that page? The target money page is an inner page on my money site.

Thank you.

First page for another order :). That's 3/3 so far.

1 parasite host ranking #6th for a super competitive term
1 old domain with tons of whitehate seo ranking 4th for a term that gets 3mill monthly exact searches
1 medical term ranking 7th, 40k monthly uniques $10 CPC. Also starting to rank lots of my inner pages for some nice terms also.

Now let's see if I can break onto the FP for my 4th order which is a fresh geotargetted domain.

Just ordered yesterday and was on page 5, now when I check I'm already on page 1! Let's see how high it can go and if it sticks. Go shawty! :)
Forgive the noob Q below but I really want to know the best way to use this service.

I am tech saavy but a 301 virgin. I have a target domain that I have spent a few hundred on already and I am not in the top 100 (reg'ed in 2010). I also have a related domain that was reg'ed in 2008 but is dormant (no content or links). I plan to blast the related domain and 301 to the money page (taking Grindstone's advice to heart).

Should I:

1) create content on aged domain, let it index, blast it, then 301 after a week
2) create content on aged domain, blast it and immediately 301 after a week
3) create content on aged domain, let it index, 301 redirect, then blast it
4) stop being an idiot cause it does not matter which way it is done

Last question, for the purpose of this service, does it matter if I 301 the entire domain or if I 301 a page on the aged domain and blast that page? The target money page is an inner page on my money site.

Thank you.


Post this question over in the traffic and content section and we can address it there, this subforum is publicly indexed and probably not the right spot for it.

My order is going in on Monday!

Cheers. As an fyi, I went to order a LinkPwn as a test because my friend said he was getting good results and Malwarebytes Pro won't even let me hit the site...I don't know why, you might have something lurking about though.

First page for another order :). That's 3/3 so far.

1 parasite host ranking #6th for a super competitive term
1 old domain with tons of whitehate seo ranking 4th for a term that gets 3mill monthly exact searches
1 medical term ranking 7th, 40k monthly uniques $10 CPC. Also starting to rank lots of my inner pages for some nice terms also.

Now let's see if I can break onto the FP for my 4th order which is a fresh geotargetted domain.


trying it out on one of my sites which should be easy to rank for, right now #10, see what happens.

Keep us posted.


Just ordered yesterday and was on page 5, now when I check I'm already on page 1! Let's see how high it can go and if it sticks. Go shawty! :)

Nice, I always like the quick moving ones.

Interesting sidenote, we tested these on a big authority site trying to rank it for a bunch of brands in a certain niche that everybody and their sister is in and we've had to turn down a ton of orders away for because we're going for total niche domination. First 10 blasts for the first 10 brands are all top 3, doing another 8-10 now to see how further volume to the site impacts the ability to rank sub pages for brand names quickly. Opened my eyes right up.
Currently ranking #1 for a term with 27,000 exact searches a month and an average CPC of $2.22. Traffic is up 50% already, and earnings have doubled today, almost paying for this package in itself. I'm hoping the preventative measures I have taken help this stick.
Cheers. As an fyi, I went to order a LinkPwn as a test because my friend said he was getting good results and Malwarebytes Pro won't even let me hit the site...I don't know why, you might have something lurking about though.

First time I have heard anything about that, but would need to know your IP to see whats going on. Though maybe its the pop up ajax subscribe box. If you could shoot me a PM, I would love to get that resolved!

Going to put in an order in about 5-6 hours. Going to hit the 5 Spam Gone Wild Package, just fyi! :ak:
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