Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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so a.titus - what you are talking about is basically like that site MonsterMarketplace ?

what if you had a site geared towards bottled water for example - and you made the site based around the 'great deals!' that your site could provide your visitors access to, making it look like somethign only your site can give them access to...
then have a list of your affiliate's deals, which link to a nice landing page.

You would have one separate landing page for each affiliate program you are participating in (each of which you could advertise in adwords).

On the landing page you would link to your affiliate program via a php redirect to mask the link... after talking up the product, letting the buyer know the type of deal they will be getting- and to click on the link if they want the huge awesome deal!

This way they could find your programs via specific ad campaigns geared towards each page - or they could find your main site, be able to browse by category, and then find your pages that way.

does this sound OK?

I don't have the programming skills to make a site as complicated as a.titus is describing- though I guess i could outsource something like that to India easy enough.

You certainly don't have to track every keyword - and I'll certainly admit that what I describe isn't feasible if you don't have programming skills - I just outlined what has worked for me.

As for not tracking specific keywords, why not? I agree that if you can't automate it don't bother, but I can automate it. I get my list of keywords, then run it through a script that gives me custom urls for every keyword. Then just upload to google in their custom format keyword**bid**url and bam you're done.

In terms of the user wandering, it's definately an issue, and that's where session variables/cookies come into play. It's not 100% but it's close enough for me.

Of course, if I couldn't program I'd have a different opinion on this whole thing, but since I'm able to do it, why would I not want stats that are as detailed as possible?
To the above - its similar to that, yes. But the basics of what I was trying to say as it relates to keywords are if keep your ad consistent with your landing page. If you're advertising a specific brand/model number, make sure your ad takes them to that brand/model number. If you're advertising a great deal/coupon, make sure your ad takes them to that deal/coupon.
You are, the ?keyword= is just information, the user will go to whatever url is before that.

that's not what I'm confused about...

say you make an ad from adwords. You enter 1 keyword for that 1 ad and put mypage.com?keyword=blah

user goes to the page and a script records the keyword from url. Because an adwarods ad can only have 1 url, you will need to make multiple ads. one for each keyword with the "keyword=blah" different on each one.


why the hell would you want to keep track of all this shit when all your keywords are related anyways? I seriosuly don't think there will be a huge diff between

buy item detail1
buy item detail2

as long as there is "buy", the rest doesn't matter does it? And, yes I can program script with php so I understand everything. I'm just unsure if there is a better way of doing things besides making an ad with a diff link in each one.
instead of blah you would put {keyword} or whatever the dynamic thing is for adwords. That way it is recording what keyword they are clicking.
you don't have to make a new ad.. you can add ads in some format that adwords says and give each kword its own url in the same ad group (or use adwords editor to do this as well) or you can use the {keyword} dynamic insertion.
Of course, if I couldn't program I'd have a different opinion on this whole thing, but since I'm able to do it, why would I not want stats that are as detailed as possible?

So why aren't there any scripts that some programmer creates to automatically link an excel file to adwords campaigns and do a lot of this "sticky work" for you? Like AdderRobot with MySpace. You make it and I'll buy it :)
wow, lets stay on topic KIDS! got damn, I go to bed and you kids act crazy, Drusam, Engaged! ;-)

Update: last 24 hour spend $13 - 1 sale made $5.75. Not a great day however of the 40 clicks better than 75% clicked through

Someone posted about the wolf and his observation that having to put up links on an affiliate landing page kill sales. I have to agree and it is a big issue. This should be discussed. My solution that I am testing is to just make pages about 1 product. (look at 2nd to last example below for an example.) Also look at the last 2 sites. They are both for the same product but 1 is a mulit page deal the other 1 page. The 1 page site is for people who are buying, the multi page site is for people who are looking for the type of software.

Here are some links to pages, none mine all info given out by the owners. Not sure how they would do after the quality score so -
New Offers from Telewest - Broadband, Digital TV and Phone
Spyware - how to protect your PC
Dating Site Critic
Christmas Gifts - Gift Baskets - Gifts for all Occasions
Free Budgeting Software - Manage Your Personal Budget
Revolutionary Online Budgeting Program

Don't ask about stats and who owns etc. lets keep the discussion to page and site creation and ways we can limit the losses based on the links on your page.

One more thing, the reason the 1 page sales letter's work is because of focus and target.
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