Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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arz, good find however I don't think this is more work for affiliates if they are wanting organic traffic. What this is doing is making an affiliate make a site for ppc that can also be seo'ed and brought along for organic search.

the info about the 1 landing page a few posts back is also very good. the trick to a good squeeze page or landing page is to be succinct but also know what you are targeting. You can do 1 long page with very good success if your target is the person making up there mind between product a and product b but make sure it is part of a website with more pages, make sure you have a privacy policy and maybe a contact page, this is more for google than anything else!

I have been up since last night, we will move on to other topics and I will update stats, if someone has started an aff offer and wants to post there stats and maybe an analysis of were they are at - lets keep this rockin with good posts and stay on topic! (cause I am the thread NAZI damnit!) ;-)

I will also post some site examples that have been posted elsewere this evening. These examples will be from "big" names who have openly said these were there sites, this will be for structure of site etc. something else, lets make sure we clear any example sites so we know they don't belong to anyone here. don't want to be outing sites and shit!
Targeting "buyers" and not "lookers" - check.

Pre-qualifying with specific brand and model names - got that to0.

I am guessing you obviously link directly to the affiliate sale page... but do these links ever die or change? Or do you have a dynamic url that "finds" the product on your affiliates page? Always wondered this, especially if you're creating the site for organic traffic as well, you don't want to build a site with hundreds of products with half of the affiliate links dying off and having to check them every day.
Geez- one day and this thread is huge!

Great info guys- this cleared a lot up for me- have a few questions though...

1) a.titus said a few pages back to:
"Basically just look at different brands for a product - then break it down into sub-categories (brand families; powershot, rebel, etc.) and then finally model numbers." ----
OK, does this mean that you have a new page target each item, with each page running the same affiliate campaign - or, does this mean you are running multiple aff campaigns (all under cameras) targeting those products specifically?

2) Are all the campaigns you guys are running sub directories of a main site (www.zzzz.com/cameras , etc)? Then you are running promotions on adwords for each page- like we do for arb?

3) If you do use one domain, and subs for each product- how are you guys setting up the site? I was thinking about making a site like the monstermarketplace Dru posted before... with the site set up so the visitors can 'browse all the great deals we have', and then click on say 'health and beauty'- which would lead them to a list of great deals. When they click on one of the deals it brings them to your Proactive acne campaign subdirectory or one of the products you list (which you are also promoting via adsense...). This way you would have a main site you could promote- have the pages all link together- and then have each page run like its own aff campaign as well. THoughts on this?

Thanks again...
Just to make sure I understand... Is this what we're trying to do:


Or is it preferred to have some content written, with recommendations / review, etc.? Like "I highly recommend the new Kanon Powersnot IX218. Click here for the best deal I have come across."

Just to make sure I understand... Is this what we're trying to do:


Or is it preferred to have some content written, with recommendations / review, etc.? Like "I highly recommend the new Kanon Powersnot IX218. Click here for the best deal I have come across."


Well that depends on the product you're trying to promote. I'm still doing ringtones right now and it would be more beneficial to have a landing page with some information. If you direct potential buyer/lead producer to the page to enter a cellphone number, they might get a bit suspicious.
I am just getting started with this, but the approach I am taking is to build a an actual site with actual information - all of it focused on a pretty narrow range of products/offers.

Then I am essentially making each product/offer page a "landing" page. I am going to use PPC to drive traffic to the focused landing pages.

My thinking is I want this to be a real site with some of my own selling techniques and content that might help with search traffic. I'm not really approaching it like an arbi page and locking them in.

Is this a bad idea?
I am just getting started with this, but the approach I am taking is to build a an actual site with actual information - all of it focused on a pretty narrow range of products/offers.

Then I am essentially making each product/offer page a "landing" page. I am going to use PPC to drive traffic to the focused landing pages.

My thinking is I want this to be a real site with some of my own selling techniques and content that might help with search traffic. I'm not really approaching it like an arbi page and locking them in.

Is this a bad idea?
Yes, it can be... not necessarily, though, I guess.

Graywolf wrote at Profits Murdered By Google Adwords :
"My original landing ... was an island with no way in or out to other parts of the site. ... In an effort to regain my lower price I made some changes to increase the “user experience” the customers now started meandering all over the site without purpose, they lost the plot. To make an analogy I paid triple price for my farm animals and threw open the fence and let them wander off into the sunset. Gee thanks Google, I have to say improving the user experience pretty much sucked!"
In regards to the above questions about redirects and products:

I don't think google allows page redirects any longer. Or rather, the domain you list on your ad must match your destination page. So if a merchant does not allow you to display their url, you can't redirect through your own page.

What I was actually talking about, and what I've had some success doing is create an actual "storefront" for products. To continue with the camera example...

I'd find a merchant that had a datafeed with cameras. I'd make a *complete* site with cameras for sale. So I might have a left menu with different camera brands, and on each brand page have that cameras product families, and finally down to single products. The click from the product takes them through my redirect system and then to the merchants buy page. So it would be something like this:


when a user clicks on canon, they are taken to an insite landing page for different canon camera families.


Now there are two ways to do this - list every single model for a given product family on this page, i.e.

rebel model1
rebel model2
rebel model3
powershot model1
powershot model2
powershot model3

or have links that take the user to a page dedicated to that product family

rebel -> rebel.html
powershot -> powershot.html

Finally, when a user clicks on a specific model, they are taken either to a) my redirect system and then to the merchants selling page or b) my own selling page which has links to the merchants buy page.

By doing this, I also get a natural seperation of landing pages for keyword terms. For my keywords that have to do with digital cameras, I take them to the home page with ALL cameras. Then I break it down by brand - canon camera keywords take them to the canon product family page. Then, by product family - rebel keywords take them to the rebel product family page. And finally, by specific product number - rebel model xxx takes them to the rebel model xxx page.

Now, I don't know that I'd suggest this approach unless you have some programming savy, because it is very labor intensive otherwise. Plus, you'll want to track which keywords are actually converting from which ads, which you can do through your own redirect system. Whenever a user clicks a link that leads to a merchant page, insert the keyword that got them to your page, the model they are clicking to, and add a subid to your aff link so you can track sales according to model numbers.
domain names have to be pretty on key right? No more randomn arbitrage domain names im guessing? or have people had decent conversions with not so great domain names?
Whenever a user clicks a link that leads to a merchant page, insert the keyword that got them to your page, the model they are clicking to, and add a subid to your aff link so you can track sales according to model numbers.

how do you know which keywords they used to get to your site in the first place? Say they searched up "green apples" and clicks on your ad. How do you know they searched up "green apples" before click your ad?
One of two ways - you can parse the refering url from google to find the search term, or you can include the search terms in your destination url.


where xxx is your keyword. I suggest keeping a spreadsheet of all your keywords and then just inserting the number of the keyword that coresponds to the row in your spreadsheet.
One of two ways - you can parse the refering url from google to find the search term, or you can include the search terms in your destination url.


where xxx is your keyword. I suggest keeping a spreadsheet of all your keywords and then just inserting the number of the keyword that coresponds to the row in your spreadsheet.

wouldn't you need to make a new ad for each new url then? That could be 100's of ads/urls for just one product... maybe I'm confused?
OKKKKKKK.... this is getting nuts... do NOT TRACK every KEYWORD!!!!!!!!111111111

If you can track every keyword you don't have enough niches. Just set up a campaign or ad group for each niche and track it as a whole and don't worry about individual keywords... this is getting too complicated...

throw shit up and hope it works, don't track down to the kw level unless it is automated.
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