Ideally I would like to find something like a digital camera or maybe a TV or something. That way I can form my ads as suggested, "Buy XXXX".
If you want single electronic products to sell check out Commission Junction
Ideally I would like to find something like a digital camera or maybe a TV or something. That way I can form my ads as suggested, "Buy XXXX".
I'm using AdCenter for traffic and just went live about an hour ago, I currently only have 2 keywords bidding at about $0.25 each, average position is #1 for one of the keywords and #3 for my other keyword, I'm trying to be as targeted as I can, Its my first time promoting a Affiliates product and I'm just doing a trial and error run.....I'll see how I do in 24 hours.
BTW if my AdCenter Campagin says SUBMITTED in it STATUS does it mean its running? I'm just double checking....
pocket, actually the latest search market share for msn is just under 15% and I get some very good traffic with adcenter
I'm starting a couple campaigns on MSN and I got an email about one of them having about half the keywords rejected. But I went to look and all the keywords say "accepted" and impressions are starting to show. Anybody know what the deal is with that?
<br />I'm starting a couple campaigns on MSN and I got an email about one of them having about half the keywords rejected. But I went to look and all the keywords say "accepted" and impressions are starting to show. Anybody know what the deal is with that?
Should I be looking in other areas besides xy7 and cpaempire?
And anyone know what I'm talking about with adding content to a page with iframe to bring its QS up to par?
mason and anyone else who thinks affiliate marketing is tough to learn. It is not tough to learn it just takes more work than arbitrage. YOu can't just scrape some content, throw up a page and throw 10,000 keywords at the page. Affiliate marketing is SALES! if you are not a sales man you are going to have a hard time. If you can't put yourself in the position of the person viewing your site you will suck at affiliate marketing. If you try and find a short cut and "automate" any part of the process you are not going to be successful. Learn something about sales copy, what do you need to do to get people to buy from you? It is not easy but it is not very hard either. The thing is like arbitrage, do it once and create a formula that works, then just repeat. It takes research and alittle product knowledge. don't iframe anymore, I used to frame some of my 1 page lead gen offers and they worked fine but with the new quality scores it is tough. You should also think about building your pages and sites for organic search since you have to create a site anyway!