Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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Ok so as a recap for what we have done so far. We have discussed the difference in browse, compare and buy keywords. For affiliate marketing browse keywords are no good. A browse word being very general. A compare word can have great results, these words are more specific. (browse word being; laptop, a compare word being dell laptop) How you set up a page for a browse keyword can have a big effect on your success.

There was also discussion on page set up. Some great advice with links to various points of view. I would say that current evidence says if you set your site up more like a major store like amazon etc. but not nearly as big you don't run into the adwords algo mess. The Perry video although boring is good. If you have not read his book you are missing out. There are some good tools out like seobooks that will provide you with many keyword variations if you just input the words.

Page design - does ugly sell? 1 column, 2 or 3? how much does page design help sales? What type of site works best for ppc? If you do a content site and send ppc campaigns to specific offers how well does this work? Do you have the leak problem were people go clicking all over the site?

Choosing a product or service to sell: this is the toughest question and we touched on it alittle before but there are some things that can be done to increase your results.
1. sell stuff you see advertised (cap. pig)
2. sell stuff that has high search volume
(don't ignore the low search volume stuff there is money to be made there, I tend to look for things that have a minimum 100 searches a month at yahoo.)
3. sell free offers, leads and other items that are not dependent on a sale.
this market is big with financial services
4. do you know something about the product?
5. how are other affiliates doing with the product?
Any other ideas?
those are some question I'm trying to answer myself....

right now I have chosen a product from AzoogleAds to sell, I created a 'multi-page landing site' for this product. My adcopy look similar to this:

(I am not selling a Health & Beauty product its just an example of my adcopy)

ActiveCare Creme' Only $9.99
Most talk about facial care product
are selling for only $9.99.

The design of my multi-page LP is more of web 2.0 look...very simple and clean (I basically ripped it off some else LP and tweak it)

I'm using AdCenter for traffic and just went live about an hour ago, I currently only have 2 keywords bidding at about $0.25 each, average position is #1 for one of the keywords and #3 for my other keyword, I'm trying to be as targeted as I can, Its my first time promoting a Affiliates product and I'm just doing a trial and error run.....I'll see how I do in 24 hours.

BTW if my AdCenter Campagin says SUBMITTED in it STATUS does it mean its running? I'm just double checking....
I'm using AdCenter for traffic and just went live about an hour ago, I currently only have 2 keywords bidding at about $0.25 each, average position is #1 for one of the keywords and #3 for my other keyword, I'm trying to be as targeted as I can, Its my first time promoting a Affiliates product and I'm just doing a trial and error run.....I'll see how I do in 24 hours.

BTW if my AdCenter Campagin says SUBMITTED in it STATUS does it mean its running? I'm just double checking....

The problem you will find with using AdCenter is the lack of traffic. The MSN network makes up less than 9% of the total search market compared with Google who owns 50%. AdCenter like YSM, has a review process but should start displaying within an hour of submitting (as long as it meets all the guidelines).

Just do a search using your keywords - does your ad show up?
pocket, actually the latest search market share for msn is just under 15% and I get some very good traffic with adcenter
I'm starting a couple campaigns on MSN and I got an email about one of them having about half the keywords rejected. But I went to look and all the keywords say "accepted" and impressions are starting to show. Anybody know what the deal is with that?
I'm starting a couple campaigns on MSN and I got an email about one of them having about half the keywords rejected. But I went to look and all the keywords say "accepted" and impressions are starting to show. Anybody know what the deal is with that?

prob cause they don't show the keywords that were rejected... dunno
I'm starting a couple campaigns on MSN and I got an email about one of them having about half the keywords rejected. But I went to look and all the keywords say "accepted" and impressions are starting to show. Anybody know what the deal is with that?
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prob cause they don't show the keywords that were rejected... dunno

anyways, I'm having a horrible time with affiliate stuff. I can't get any decent amount of impressions without spending a shitload of money...

I'm baffled at the people who spend $7+ on keywords... how do they earn money?

EDIT: that was weird.. I pressed "edit" on my last post and it made a new one instead.
Hey I have many different sites, and on my landing pages i use a redirect to one of my other sites with redirects to the offer. Apparently this is acceptable and an easy way to get around things. I also figured out a way to make every keyword cost 1 cent, although for only an hour but hey.
Should I be looking in other areas besides xy7 and cpaempire?

Yes, there are tens of affiliate networks (not to mention in house products).


Type "affiliate network" into google and see what comes up.

If you want to promote somthing specific, type in into google "+ affiliate" - eg: "travel insurance + affiliate" without the ""
question referring to AzoogleAds campaign:

If a campaigns says "Search Only Traffic" does that mean I can use my own landing page for this offer BUT only send traffic via SEARCHES to my landing page?

And also I planning to insert the campaign landing page in a iframe, I read somewhere that you need to add some kind of content or text on the page to keep it Quality Score up to par with Google.
I never understood iframes.. i get about 90% click throughs from my landing page to the affiliate landing page, but still no sales. Maybe I should try it, but I doubt I will get any more sales.

I use a header redirect right now.. maybe it's affecting my tracking...
anyone know if I use absolute DIV image positioning to cover the affiliates logo on its page will be against any TOS or look down upon?

What I'm thinking of doing was putting my affiliate offer landing page in a iframe, create my own logo for my site and use absolute position to cover the affiliate landing page logo. Its a lil' on the BLACKHAT side but...I'll try anything to convert.

And anyone know what I'm talking about with adding content to a page with iframe to bring its QS up to par?

thanks in advance
And anyone know what I'm talking about with adding content to a page with iframe to bring its QS up to par?

If all you're doing is iframing the vendor's page, you won't really have any content on your page, and thus your QS will probably be low.

Google says:

"We also monitor and don't allow the following:
  • Redirect URLs: Ads that contain Display URLs that automatically redirect to the parent company.
  • Bridge Pages: Ads for webpages that act as an intermediary, whose sole purpose is to link or redirect traffic to the parent company.
  • Framing: Ads for webpages that replicate the look and feel of a parent site."
So based on bullet 3, they would probably disallow your ad if they check it. And while I'm looking at this, bullet 2 would seem to suggest they don't allow aff landing pages, but plenty of people do that...
im doing #2 right now... aff marketing is a beast to master.

does anyone ever use googles content network? I think I'm gonna trun that crap off.
mason and anyone else who thinks affiliate marketing is tough to learn. It is not tough to learn it just takes more work than arbitrage. YOu can't just scrape some content, throw up a page and throw 10,000 keywords at the page. Affiliate marketing is SALES! if you are not a sales man you are going to have a hard time. If you can't put yourself in the position of the person viewing your site you will suck at affiliate marketing. If you try and find a short cut and "automate" any part of the process you are not going to be successful. Learn something about sales copy, what do you need to do to get people to buy from you? It is not easy but it is not very hard either. The thing is like arbitrage, do it once and create a formula that works, then just repeat. It takes research and alittle product knowledge. don't iframe anymore, I used to frame some of my 1 page lead gen offers and they worked fine but with the new quality scores it is tough. You should also think about building your pages and sites for organic search since you have to create a site anyway!
mason and anyone else who thinks affiliate marketing is tough to learn. It is not tough to learn it just takes more work than arbitrage. YOu can't just scrape some content, throw up a page and throw 10,000 keywords at the page. Affiliate marketing is SALES! if you are not a sales man you are going to have a hard time. If you can't put yourself in the position of the person viewing your site you will suck at affiliate marketing. If you try and find a short cut and "automate" any part of the process you are not going to be successful. Learn something about sales copy, what do you need to do to get people to buy from you? It is not easy but it is not very hard either. The thing is like arbitrage, do it once and create a formula that works, then just repeat. It takes research and alittle product knowledge. don't iframe anymore, I used to frame some of my 1 page lead gen offers and they worked fine but with the new quality scores it is tough. You should also think about building your pages and sites for organic search since you have to create a site anyway!

that post was exactly what was needed to kick me back to reality. :bowdown:
How much should we be willing to spend to test out a PPC affiliate offer? I'm having trouble getting any traffic to the offers I'm trying without spending $3+ a click on MSN.
I'd suggest starting a new affiliate campaign with adwords. If you find yourself having success, then branch to yahoo and msn.

And I definately would'nt pay $3/click unless you know for absolute certainty that you will be turning a profit. If you can't find any keywords for less than that, find a new niche.
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