Lets learn how to run an affiliate campain with PPC shall we kids?

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I don't have any empirical evidence to back this up, but I have a theory that landing pages in a web 2.0 style (warm, pastel colors, bubbly fonts) convert better than normal sites. It's something I'm planning on testing out, but haven't had a chance to yet and was wondering if anyone has tried something to this effect with an a-b test

I have a "web 2.0" css site. I'm testing 2 offers atm. I just started yesterday, but my cost per click was too low to get any clicks. I rose it today so I think I will finally see results.
Ok, so we know that we should be linking to other pages to increase our quality score, but that it hurts conversions. What if we hide the links like everyone did in the old days? text the same color as the background etc...
This would only work if the adwords bot is not as smart as the SE bots, but I would think that it wouldn't be. It would hurt you in the long run if you are trying for organic, but if your focusing on ppc, it might make since.

What do you guys think?
Ok, so we know that we should be linking to other pages to increase our quality score, but that it hurts conversions. What if we hide the links like everyone did in the old days? text the same color as the background etc...
This would only work if the adwords bot is not as smart as the SE bots, but I would think that it wouldn't be. It would hurt you in the long run if you are trying for organic, but if your focusing on ppc, it might make since.

What do you guys think?

wait.. maybe I missed a post, but how do you know that not linking to other sites effects quality score?
everyone is saying to link to a contact page, and privacy page and making mini sites to help the quality score. I'm talking about linking to pages in your site, not other sites.
everyone is saying to link to a contact page, and privacy page and making mini sites to help the quality score. I'm talking about linking to pages in your site, not other sites.

You could just use css to make the links exactly the same as the regular text.
everyone is saying to link to a contact page, and privacy page and making mini sites to help the quality score. I'm talking about linking to pages in your site, not other sites.

that was what I was referring to as well. Isn't this all speculation anyways? I highly doubt google will release anything that they use to determine the quality of a site.
that was what I was referring to as well. Isn't this all speculation anyways? I highly doubt google will release anything that they use to determine the quality of a site.

agreed, they will not release anything. That would be to fucking easy for their genius' to comprehend. I've seen people get better results from adding those pages and I guess I just assumed that is one of the keys to QS. Maybe we need to do a split test and see if links help or not.
That is a good video, thanks. The first part is good..the latter part is more basic.
Although it is funny that they talked about avoiding hype of an adwords solution ebook which claims it is the answer to the Google adwords question. That is sort of what Perry has promoted in the past....however, he does seem knowledgable in that arena, doesn't he.
the post and the video contradict each other...

Yeah, I don't agree with that forum post (Jan) about have no outbound links on your page. Prior to the Google slap I would but why take the chance now? I think having an "about", "contact", "privacy policy" links located at the very bottom of the page will be a plus when the bot checks your page. I wouldn't really call these leaks because 99% of the visitors don't even notice these.
It would be so easy to hide links by making them the same color as their background, covering them over with a solid div, or using CSS to position them off the screen altogether. It seems likely Google would try to detect those tricks that create "invisible" links.

But perhaps you could do just the kind of linking search engines like the most -- links in the middle of your copy -- and make them non-underlined with your normal non-link text color? Surely those would give Google what it's looking for, but the leaks would be insignificant.
So I've read the topic twice and I haven't seen what you guys are actually advertising. Are you pushing sales, leads? It sounds like sales to me, but I would just like to make sure.
Well the main problem I am having right now is finding good offers that you can easily target with methods like "buy xxxx", or "$20 for xxxx", etc...

I have been looking through XY7 and cpaempire and there really isn't much unless I am searching for campaigns wrong. We should be looking for product sales right? Ideally I would like to find something like a digital camera or maybe a TV or something. That way I can form my ads as suggested, "Buy XXXX".

So maybe I'm missing something. I'll give some examples of campaigns I have found though.

- Bingo Cafe
- Discover Platinum Card
- Children International Hunger
- Blockbuster free trial

Are these some campaigns you would try out? Lets say I chose Bingo Cafe. Would good ads be like
"Download bingo, video poker, and more for only $5"
"$100 free on first deposit"

I don't know, for some reason to me the offers I have been able to find do not seem like they would convert well. Should I be looking in other areas besides xy7 and cpaempire?
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