Layered Links ReLoaded - CLOSED FOR ORDERS

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Yeah, I'm kicking myself now, signed up for a package on the 8th of December as a test, was so impressed with the control panel I immediately bought another one (stupid of me, especially after the complaints in the last thread), still waiting for them to be finished now they are both sitting there at 14%.

Deadline on the first package has come and gone, I thought it was too long in the first place but was willing to wait if the quality is as good as advertised.

Not happy Jan.

Fair enough criticism. I greatly overestimated the production capabilities of our existing staff and unfortunately, time spent training the increased workforce takes away from production time of myself and some of the other experienced employees.

Not sure what else to tell you, it's 12:30 am and I've been at it since 6:15 am with breaks only for food and making more coffee. Just like yesterday. Just like tomorrow. The quality will be there, you'll get more links than you paid for and rest assured, I'm enjoying the situation no more than you are.

@ accho, looks like I have less than 24 hours to deliver on my promise. See you this time tomorrow night. :)
I look forward to the results. In my case the first project is time sensitive (well they both are really), so the amount of head space I've consumed logging in, checking the control panel, wondering what is up, remembering the comments in the old thread, isn't worth it to me at this point.

If it delivers in the end then I will have worried for naught and will be back singing its praises.
Just a quick comment on my project that Grind did, every thing looked and read great. Going to be putting in some more orders when I get back from vacation.

I am sure Grind will get the kinks out of production, it always happens when a service is new and good, you know he is not going anywhere so relax.
Alright here is my review:

I was trying to build up this new site and I was all up in WF trying to cop free reviews in the BST for links:

When Darrin told me he was putting together a new team for LL that included Grindstone:

They told me they could hook me up and that it would blow my mind:

But then it hit me, wtf.. i dont pay for shit on WF:

So Darrin and Grindstone tempted me with a special 10% discount for WF members:

So I gave them some money and waited for my shit to be done. I didn't want to do any work and was so glad some VA's was doing all this shit. I was able to keep up with the progress of the order at every step of the way:

My site climbed up from 15th for a medium level KW term with aged competition to 5th within about 2 weeks:

Now my competition is mad:

and now i collecting checks like a drug lord:

For sure will buy again soon because this is some solid shit.
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Reactions: Grindstone
Alright here is my review:

I was trying to build up this new site and I was all up in WF trying to cop free reviews in the BST for links:

When Darrin told me he was putting together a new team for LL that included Grindstone:

They told me they could hook me up and that it would blow my mind:

But then it hit me, wtf.. i dont pay for shit on WF:

So Darrin and Grindstone tempted me with a special 10% discount for WF members:

So I gave them some money and waited for my shit to be done. I didn't want to do any work and was so glad some VA's was doing all this shit. I was able to keep up with the progress of the order at every step of the way:

My site climbed up from 15th for a medium level KW term with aged competition to 5th within about 2 weeks:

Now my competition is mad:

and now i collecting checks like a drug lord:

For sure will buy again soon because this is some solid shit.

Will buy. When they let me.
Alright here is my review:

I was trying to build up this new site and I was all up in WF trying to cop free reviews in the BST for links:

When Darrin told me he was putting together a new team for LL that included Grindstone:

They told me they could hook me up and that it would blow my mind:

But then it hit me, wtf.. i dont pay for shit on WF:

So Darrin and Grindstone tempted me with a special 10% discount for WF members:

So I gave them some money and waited for my shit to be done. I didn't want to do any work and was so glad some VA's was doing all this shit. I was able to keep up with the progress of the order at every step of the way:

My site climbed up from 15th for a medium level KW term with aged competition to 5th within about 2 weeks:

Now my competition is mad:

and now i collecting checks like a drug lord:

For sure will buy again soon because this is some solid shit.

Epic. Thanks for the lulz. Glad to hear positive results.

Will buy. When they let me.


Update on existing orders. Finally got the full work force back on the scene (love 3rd world rolling blackouts, took down multiple VA companies for multiple days, good times) last night and crushing commenced. If the lights stay on for another two nights (our nights, their days), we'll be back on schedule with everyone's projects. Fingers crossed, thanks for the patience. dchuk and I are retooling the entire system to ensure that similar situations will not hamstring us going forward.

Again, thanks for your patience while we work through these growing pains. Getting lots of positive feedback privately regarding SERPs results from people that didn't feel like posting them publicly (probably don't want us getting any busier than we already are), hopefully some of the recently competed and soon to be completed project owners will feel fit to share for the masses.
I just want to start off by saying I bought the Gold Package for a CLIENT and it finally finished today.
Now this client is one of those who doesn't know anything and trusts me to do all the "dirty work." If this was for a different client (who demands reports every 2 days) I would have eaten shit...but here I start.

First off I want to say it was 15 days late. The articles flow really well and the anchor text was done correctly. At the start Grindstone help me setup the keywords correctly for optimum performance.

--Now I was disappointed for the lateness, not the quality of the work. What saved Grindstone was the awesome communication, in which he would respond within minutes or 2hours max when I messaged.

Keeping me updated on what is going on when something is late is a huge PLUS and that alone made me have a peace of mind.

The articles are starting to get indexed and I'll wait a week or so before I start the force indexing of them.

The report was good enough for me to make a few adjustments and pass it on to my client as is.

Score: 8/10

Will I buy again, yes because these are White Hat Links in my standards and will look better. As soon as the new packages come out (with better timing and employees :spawn:) I will purchase for my serious clients who I can't lose.

Layered Links Rock!! All in all Grindstone took well care of me and the targeted keywords and ill post some SEscout screenshots when I improve serps.
If the lights stay on for another two nights (our nights, their days), we'll be back on schedule with everyone's projects.

This was a pipedream. Got 80% of staffing for one night and 20% of staffing last night. Joy of joys. So there's still some projects scheduled thru today's date, 8 or 9 I believe, that aren't finished.

That might sound dire but I'm another hour and a half from putting the finishing stamps on 4 more projects, that'll be 15 today total cleared off the books. So we should (fuck you 3rd world power/internet utiliity providers!!!) be able to clear up the other outstanding orders in short order following the Christmas Day break.

Regardless, we're not taking orders at this point, I see lots of them in the control panel but I'm not even thinking about processing them until our currently paid customers are all sorted out. If that takes another 3-4 days and then another week after that for me to build all the bonus links promised for later delivery, so be it.

I'll be around for another couple hours if anybody needs to convey how pissed off they are that their projects are late, then I'm off reservation until the 26th.

Merry Christmas, Wickedfire!!! :music06:
i logged in and it wont allow me to do 40 only 80...?

Yeah, we're revamping everything for 2011.

Just ordered a project. When do you think it will start?

If there's time to fit it in before we launch the new stuff, we'll get to it. If not, I'll consider your order good enough to get the lifetime 15% discount and you can pick from the new packages.
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