Layered Links ReLoaded - CLOSED FOR ORDERS

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hey hey, I am back and will be doing some coding for some new stuff this week, as well as putting the final touches on some new secret sauce that Grind will be announcing shortly.

We've picked up another worker and had the holiday last week, hence some short delays on just a few projects, but things should be pretty damn fast starting this week because of the new bandwidth we can handle.

fun times, hit up Grind or myself if you have any questions about anything
Ok, I screwed up. Just going to get that out of the way. I was considering making a video full of fluffery to distract you with, but that'd be time not spent getting caught up...although I will take this opportunity to remind you that when you order a Layered Links package, you get everything. The original article, the spintax (use it again and again wherever you want), all logins, every file in the project is one click away, and you can come back whenever you need to and grab it again. But enough about you, back to me...

I seriously underestimated the amount of time it takes to finish the platinum orders. Blindly assuming (ass out of U and me, mostly me) that at around double the price of the gold, it would take double the time to complete them. But it's 3x the properties, 3x times the links (can you say value?) and considering every step of the process (minus the blog comments to your properties) is manual, it just takes 3x longer. So much longer that dchuk and I just went round and round regarding raising the price on the platinum's to fall in line with the volume of work required to complete them but never say dchuk's not a man of the people as he's convinced me that keeping the price at the current level, bringing in more workers and taking a hit on the margins will continue to make the Layered Links platinum package the best value on the board. Especially with the new layer launching soon.

Speaking of, to apologize to everyone who's project has come in 24 hours late or more, I'm going to deliver another layer (the soon to be released platinum package upgrade) to your order. Not going into details yet, as I'd rather force the competition to buy the platinum package before they attempt to reverse engineer it but rest assured, getting this additional link layer boosted into your web2.0 properties is going to make you very happy. Maybe even happy enough to forgive my time management estimating mistake.

Going forward, I currently expect to be back on schedule for projects ending the 2nd or 3rd. Thanks for your time.
Grindstone, I accept your apology, but it was not necessary. I got my platinum order and it was incredibly well done. Even if a project is a day or two behind, I prefer that it is done diligently and you have done that.

Looking to schedule more work soon. Thanks!!!
Brenden, would be happy to discuss it with you. Probably best handled off the thread though. Feel free to PM me with the volume you're looking to do or hit me up at any of the IM services in my profile. Thanks for asking. :)
Grindstone, I accept your apology, but it was not necessary. I got my platinum order and it was incredibly well done. Even if a project is a day or two behind, I prefer that it is done diligently and you have done that.

Looking to schedule more work soon. Thanks!!!

Wow, not sure how I missed this but thanks for the kind words. Glad you liked the product, as is the norm, links in report exceed advertised amounts. But I'm sure you're already well aware of that. :)

Looking forward to doing more work for you.
Went ahead and shot you a PM. Damn quick response Grindstone, you're the nutz.

Thanks ahead of time, builds a little confidence in me using your service, even on my own projects.
Uh yeah - so I can't edit my previous post, so admin/mod feel free to consolidate this one, not doing this on purpose. Must be a minimum post limit on PMs because I'm not sure mine sent to you or not. Looks as though they didnt. Will check this in the mornin' to see what's up.
Quick review: I received my final report for my gold order today. There were some delays which caused the project to overrun by a few days, but I was ok with that. The actual quality of the total work was v. good, with the various properties well-created and using the correct anchors and URLs that I asked for. Now looking forward to seeing some movements in the SERPs!

I should also say, Grindstone does a good job of answering questions and keeping you generally updated, which personally I find a big plus. Some other providers should take note here.
I just got my boost package report today and must say that I'm very impressed with this service. The report was nice, clean and professional with everything laid out that I needed.

I also had some minor delays, but honestly it didn't even both me. The work done is top notch so I'm willing to wait.

I will admit that I've had problems with other providers of this service and after trying out Layered Links Reloaded I will be using this service a lot more frequently!
Hi -

I have placed an order for a Silver package on your system (Project #201). Can you please approve and let me know how to make a payment.

Many thanks!
Approved. Log back in (or F5 your browser) and you'll see the payment link. Thanks for the order.

Take this opportunity to throw out an update, still running 24-48 hours behind on projects scheduled thru Monday, so it looks like a bunch of people are getting the free unreleased upgrade for the platinum package. And since that reads funny, let me be clear: if your order was late, even by one day, regardless of the level of package you ordered, you will receive the additional layer (not yet advertised) that platinum packages now receive. I need more sleep. ;)
Quick review: I received my final report for my gold order today. There were some delays which caused the project to overrun by a few days, but I was ok with that. The actual quality of the total work was v. good, with the various properties well-created and using the correct anchors and URLs that I asked for. Now looking forward to seeing some movements in the SERPs!

I should also say, Grindstone does a good job of answering questions and keeping you generally updated, which personally I find a big plus. Some other providers should take note here.

I just got my boost package report today and must say that I'm very impressed with this service. The report was nice, clean and professional with everything laid out that I needed.

I also had some minor delays, but honestly it didn't even both me. The work done is top notch so I'm willing to wait.

I will admit that I've had problems with other providers of this service and after trying out Layered Links Reloaded I will be using this service a lot more frequently!

dami99, grafixguru36: thanks for taking your time to leave some feedback, appreciate it. Will be emailing reports with your bonus layer sometime tonight.
Just had my project completed by dchuk and grindstone A+++ work guys will be ordering again.
gutter, thanks for the feedback. Sorry about that last delay. I literally had your comments loaded and ready to fire for over 24 hours as I was bombarded with questions, training more workets, support issues, pre sales was like groundhogs day there. Fired off about 4x more than advertised tho. ;)
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