Layered Links ReLoaded - CLOSED FOR ORDERS

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This is a review of Layered Links 2.0

I paid full price for the $40 package. My work was done in 3 days, as I asked them to delay the start of the project and I am a little tardy on posting this feedback.

Grindstone did a kickass job, and delivered more links than I expected. The $40 package seems like a really good bargain considering how much work went into it.

The content was really readable and the 2.0 sites were setup as well as any I have seen. Dropping them into DFB tonight or tomorrow.

All around an awesome experience, I am going to be placing an order for the bad boy Layered Links $325 service in the next week or so.

Two opposable guerilla thumbs up!


I ordered the Silver Web 2.0 Package on 11/12 and the promised deadline was 11/18. Well, I basically got my package today and I have to say these guys really deliver.

By purchasing from Layered Links, you have access to the admin panel messaging system, and subsequently access to us.
And it will allow me to provide LLR (catchy, no?) clients the customer service and personal attention they deserve.

To start out with the client interface is simply genius. You can basically log in at any time during the process and check on the content and the properties being created. No cumbersome pm's or email conversations.

The properties created were nicely done, well layed out and the correct links used properly. Another refreshing part is that they are not trying to dazzle anyone with uber complicated schemes, diagrams and whatnot - just plain good old link building; done well.

but if you've got SEO questions about how to best utilize these (and any) links in your game plan, I'd be happy to take a look at it and offer up my take on your situation.
The 5 minute skype chat with Grindstone was worth more then the price for the package alone.

Additional services being released shortly will include high quality high PR blog comments direct to your site, as well as premium content creation (the sort of stuff you can drop straight to your money site). .
Can't wait!


@ Guerilla and mkane, thanks for the feedback. Appreciated.

We've managed to clear our backlog of past due orders (9 when I took over) as well as come in on time for every order except matt3. His was 12 hours late and I threw him an extra 400 odd links to compensate for the fact. When I set his time frame, I wasn't aware of the depth of the backlog, not a mistake I'll make again. Apologies.

All current orders are ahead of schedule (except for all of you who have ordered, had your project approved and neglected to pay, can't do anything for you until you take the next step...) and we're ready for more. Blue team, GO!!!
Handwritten, uploaded for your approval. After you approve them, they get spun by hand (tabbing thru TBS) and submitted to the properties. Thanks for the question.
Here's my review of the ReLoaded version:

The new system works much better. I bought a package from the original system, and prefer this new deal.

The new flow you have is much nicer. This time around it was the $80 package. The time estimate was correct and everything was delivered as promised.

I was able to just login and click a link to approve the steps done so far. It was also pretty nice to see the steps marked as completed - I've got so many projects that have to be sheparded along, it's nice to watch the progress just go on it's own :)

The web2.0 sites they make are better quality than lots of the schlock I've bought before. The theme is set to something non-default and the posts include an image. You also get the login/pass for each property.

I'd recommend this system as a nice fire and forget package.

Hearing grindstone's explanation about the backend changes makes sense. I've done the one-man coder/marketing/management gig before and it's a rough non-sustainable one. Good luck, guys!
I just put in my $80 order.. was actually looking at some of my sites backlinks yesterday and saw some of dhucks old work still hanging around after a good bit of time!
Hearing grindstone's explanation about the backend changes makes sense. I've done the one-man coder/marketing/management gig before and it's a rough non-sustainable one. Good luck, guys!

I just put in my $80 order.. was actually looking at some of my sites backlinks yesterday and saw some of dhucks old work still hanging around after a good bit of time!


Thanks guys. Back to your regularly scheduled Grindstone...
this might sound like a pikey question, but can i get a copy of the spun article after ordering? (i.e article with all spin syntax in place) Reason being, I can submit it to some other places that accept spun content.

Hate to see a spun article go to waste, waste not want not, dig for victory, etc
Culvers, you get all the files associated with your account: original articles, spun syntax, pdf's, everything is uploaded to the database and one click away for your retrieval.

I'll take this opportunity to say thanks to WF for the massive volume of orders. Time frames right now are running about 5-9 days (not business days, days. This is the internet, there are no days off) depending on package ordered. And that's from the time you pay. So if you have an approved order in the system, you might want to pay for it sooner than later, or you're going to be at the back of the bus. Cheers!

Review for LLR:

No review copy. I am a full price client.

I'm taking the time to do this because I appreciate vendors I can rely on and deliver what they say they will. (you know, the kind you can ACTUALLY use more than once)

This is one of those services.


  • Communication is excellent with back end system in place
  • Questions answered in reasonable time frames, no waiting for days
  • Work is completed in stages which is updated in a slick interface, so there is no guessing about what stage of your project the team is on, or if they're working on it at all. You know what is happening every step of the way.
  • I like the approval modules. Basically there is no need to ask about the quality of the content. You approve it before it gets distributed to any network, so if you don't like it, just say so and it will be redone.
  • The in content links were flawless
  • Images on every entry (with proper img name)
  • No bullshit diagrams that make your eyes go bananas. Simple, quality work, without any confusion. I feel comfortable relying on this service for long term strategies if the level of service stays exactly the same.
  • Excellent work to drop pinto DFB and start filtering some juice and get those sites ranking quick!

  • Change the alert box about project acceptance for payment to bright yellow (I'm colorblind), OR alert me via email or some other way (not really an issue now that I a first time user, I wanted to pay right away and didn't notice it before I navigated away. Stupid I know, but the little things will reduce tickets. ;) )
  • Include user names with the password reset email, or accept the account email AND user name for log in info. I'm working on my lappy right now and my cookies/sesh isn't synced up. Can't place any more orders until I can log back in on my other machine. ;)
  • In the project completion email, include a simple text file with my url's to drop into DFB. (OR, two text files, one with urls and one with keywords if a spintaxt version is too much of a bitch)
  • Don't be late on my next order! lol (I'm kidding, as it was only a few hours, but more importantly, Grind set me a quick message to let me know BEFOREHAND, so I didn't even care...not to mention he threw some extra comments my way, which I appreciate and is more than an acceptable apology) That is the kind of service that has me ordering for life.
Matt, really appreciate you taking your time to offer up your feedback. Thank you!

I've passed the first 3 suggestions on to dchuk (they're all very good btw) and we will work on implementing them all as quickly as possible. If you need, I can reset your PW thru the admin panel, just fire me a PM with the requested info and I'll take care of it.

As for the 4th, I'll do my best man!
I think Grindstone is chopping down trees right now in the forest because it's about to snow, so I'll jump in and respond...

took me 4-5 months or some shit.. but i finally ordered too..

will report later

it's about damn time

OK cool, I ordered. Very slick interface, cheers


Order placed.

Looking forward to working with you again!

Grind will be back with further updates soon.
I think Grindstone is chopping down trees right now in the forest because it's about to snow, so I'll jump in and respond...

Haha...only when it's not dark. Took a couple hours off for quality time with the wife, she deserved it after the workload I've been processing lately.

how many anchors/URLs per package?

I'll bite... I'll to buy from you grind!

GL, if you go to Layered Links - Register and signup for a free account, you can see all the diff package options and then input your order data (keywords/urls/any notes) right into the forms and it'll upload right to the database. You can then login at any time and check status/approve necessary files for us to continue, etc. Hit me up if you have any problems. Cheers!
I've been curious about this service for awhile. Just ordered a booster package. I already love the interface and am looking forward to watching the progress as the order goes through.
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