Ca$hvertising (Book Summary)

I think this affiliate book has a lot to offer. This will help a lot for me. The very first post of IronLogik really catch my attention. Enumerating what people wants, consumer Psychology, etc. I will find and read this book.

I'm new here! I'm new to computer and search engine optimization. Thanks for your post! I have learnt so much from your post! I have built a own website about ghd hair straighteners.There are many competitors in the market.So everyday I need to visit many websites about SEO and computer to learn. If you can help me,please give me some hand.
I'm late to the party on this but figured I'd say thanks. Also found an interview with Ca$hvertising's author Drew Eric Whitman floating around the internets:

This interview is amazing. A big eye opener.

For anyone interested, I got the digital version of this book off Barnes & Noble for 9.99. Their ebook Reader is pretty cool - I use it to highlight parts, leave notes, and bookmark.
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This interview is amazing. A big eye opener.

For anyone interested, I got the digital version of this book off Barnes & Noble for 9.99. Their ebook Reader is pretty cool - I use it to highlight parts, leave notes, and bookmark.

I actually bought the Cashvertising hard copy a few days ago based on the comments from members here. A lot of the info in the book I already knew, such as going deep in search of consumers' motivations. There's also plenty for me and other marketers to bone up on, such as writing more compelling headlines that the consumer absolutely, positively must click....

This Drew is a witty guy, and the book is good for a few lulz.
Just finished reading this book and i have to say it is amazing. Grab the techniques and test them. It will surprise you.
That looks like a fantastic book OP! Just ordered my copy.

Also, here's a great little tool for you guys. You copy/paste paragraphs of text into it and it tells you the Flesch-Kincaid score (reading grade level) of your copy. I always try to keep it at the 7th grade or lower:

Check Text Readability - Added Bytes

Always run my copy through this before putting online, sending out, or Emailing.

cool tool + rep for sharing this.
BTW, I just learned that Word has readability scores built into it as well. Look in Help - Test your document's readability - you show the results when you do a spelling/grammar check.

Damn, reading too many direct marketers, they all sound the same now! Anyone read Sugarman's stuff? That pretty much changed my game. This is still a very good read, I've snapped it in a few hours.