Ca$hvertising (Book Summary)

I imagine a plane full with affiliate marketers all reading the same book heading towards LV. Just ask the stewardess if she will read it out loud on the intercomm ;)

Book looks good.

This guys a direct advertising surgeon? Where the fuck is the call to action to buy his book on His website is also ugly as fuck.

That point above makes me skeptical of him personally, but the book still looks amazing regardless.

haaahaha he uses an amazon affiliate link. Making affiliate money, and money from publishing the book itself
Now thats hustlin. But I went ahead and bought this today from Barnes and Noble for $16(I couldn't wait for the shipping). One of the best books I've ever read in my life
Yep this books a deffinate good read, only done the first chapter but already some very useful info and helps you aquire different mindsets to aproach advertising.
Now thats hustlin. But I went ahead and bought this today from Barnes and Noble for $16(I couldn't wait for the shipping). One of the best books I've ever read in my life

haha, same, went and picked it up at B&N. So far very good book. Every time he covers a new concept, I find a new way to how i'm approaching my current verticals. I've been wondering if this sort of psychology could be applied to convincing peoples reactions in real life, not just advertising.
So did anyone find audio book? In fact, if you guys have any good audio books (non fiction) please share. I drive about 1 hour one way to my 9-5 and just hate this time go to waste.
In fact, if you guys have any good audio books (non fiction) please share. I drive about 1 hour one way to my 9-5 and just hate this time go to waste.

"The 4-hour "Workweek" is one of my favorite audiobooks right now as well as "Arguing With Idiots"
Free Report From Gary Halbert Reveals How You Can Learn Copywriting In 30 Days...

Gary Halbert said:
You know, getting a good education in any field is tricky and, in advertising, it borders impossible. You see, most books written abut advertising are not just bad; they are downright dangerous! Many years ago, Claude Hopkins (the greatest ad man who ever lived) was asked to critique and offer suggestions on how to improve some college textbooks on advertising. His suggestion?

"Burn Them!"

Truly. Claude further went on to say that the "educators" involved had no right to impose such erroneous BS on a group of naive students, that it would take years of front-line experience to "deprogram" the students and free them up from all that garbage.

Don't fuck around with dickless wonders who regurgitate watered down rehashes mixed with bullshit. If you want to learn how to do this shit right, Gary Halbert shows you how it's done.

p.s. Pretty much all the real "gold" in that book can be found for free on Halbert's site and/or for the price of the few paperbacks he recommends.
My copy from Amazon arrived today - I skimmed two pages before my IM marketing master mind group tonight and nearly jizzed my pants.

There is VERY good stuff in this book - I took it to my MM group and recommended it to all of them.
haaahaha he uses an amazon affiliate link. Making affiliate money, and money from publishing the book itself

I always give myself an 8% Amazon discount by using my personal account to buy from my business account... :)

Also, another idea I have is to sell a how-to ebook on using the products I promote, which I'll sell and (and have sold by affiliates), and then all the PDF links will be to my affiliate sites. Double money bang bang!
This book was recommended to me by Smaxor and is by far one of the most usefull and straight forward marketing books i've ever come across.

A must read for any marketer
:crap:, all i have is a beta player

srs, i check out that site. i signed up for the newsletter...we'll see.

Gary Halbert passed away in 2007. The site is now run by his sons Bond and Kevin. Not sure what they're going to do with it, but the wealth of the site is in the newsletter archives. Read through those and you'll get a first class education in direct response copywriting and marketing.

And as far as Ca$shvertising, I guess I'll give it a fair shake before I ignore such an overwhelmingly positive reception on WF.