Ca$hvertising (Book Summary)

Gary Halbert passed away in 2007. The site is now run by his sons Bond and Kevin. Not sure what they're going to do with it, but the wealth of the site is in the newsletter archives. Read through those and you'll get a first class education in direct response copywriting and marketing.

And as far as Ca$shvertising, I guess I'll give it a fair shake before I ignore such an overwhelmingly positive reception on WF.

yeah, someone above you said the same and i googled him (after the fact), he passed in 07 like you said.

as for the book, this was the first book i read about advertising and it's well worth the 12 bucks i spent. it made me realize, i've been doing it wrong.

it's a MUST READ.

Gary Halbert passed away in 2007. The site is now run by his sons Bond and Kevin. Not sure what they're going to do with it, but the wealth of the site is in the newsletter archives. Read through those and you'll get a first class education in direct response copywriting and marketing.

And as far as Ca$shvertising, I guess I'll give it a fair shake before I ignore such an overwhelmingly positive reception on WF.

Seriously though. I have given a lot of books like this cashvertising book a fair read, but nothing beats learning from the originals like Gary Halbert.

Don't spend money on these gay books you guys, just get a membership to any of the 100 biz torrent sites and start downloading courses from Gary Halbert, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy Etc. They are the real deal.
I got this book in today. 25 pages in and I'm HOOKED.

I've only read the first chapter and I already know I'm doing SO many things wrong... at this point I am surprised I am even running profitable sites. I can't wait to finish this and start testing.

This may go down as the best $10 I've ever spent. A full review will come later with results, but I'm already going to say that you should get this book right now. Back to the book...
Finished the book. Freaking great. I learned a lot, and everyone on WF should own this book.

ACTIVELY read it. Halfway through, I started highlighting parts that pertained to my campaigns, and now they'll be easier to find. Wish I would have done that the whole time.

Putting it to the test, will post stats and goal conversion graphs in a couple of weeks.
This sounds like a very useful resource indeed, I may go and hunt this out on the web.
Hooooooooooolllllly shit

Finally launched my new landing/sales page based on this book today. My tracking was messed up for a while, and STILL this page has a 2.5x better conversion rate than the rest of my microsite.

I'll post images of the goal conversion rate charts after a week or so... but holy shit. Buy this book now.
Also, another idea I have is to sell a how-to ebook on using the products I promote, which I'll sell and (and have sold by affiliates), and then all the PDF links will be to my affiliate sites. Double money bang bang!

yes absolutely smart !! :)

that's the great information.. I did it and yes we get money from our ebook and get free traffic which is link it from our ebook.. and promote our product
After purchased Ca$hvertising I thought about the same marketing stuff rewritten for the web but I have to say that it's a very good book.
right now fully loaded with CPA offers. next target is clickbank. up in the pipeline is amazon affiliate program and someday i hope to have my own product and own army of affiliates to promote that.

looking forward to the happy days!
It's posts like these that have got me hooked onto WF. I have been writing content and working on AM for like 4 years.

Have always been a lurker to many forums. Just heard of Wickedfire and joined and MAN this forum is like pure Genius. Just took prints and ordered the book. Thank you!

On another fucking note, does this look like SPAM to any of you? One post - random, totally worthless with an avatar promoting an affiliate linking to a URL. Me says SPAM!

right now fully loaded with CPA offers. next target is clickbank. up in the pipeline is amazon affiliate program and someday i hope to have my own product and own army of affiliates to promote that.

looking forward to the happy days!
just bought this book today at barnes and noble, cant wait to start reading it. +rep