Why would anyone on this forum be a democrat??

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OMG I can't even fit in how many +1 I would give you. These fucking middle red neck pos states. How can we get rid of the people that live there?

GUESS WHAT POPEYE... Bush has spent so much fucking $, higher taxes are inevitable, McCain, Clinton, Obama will all be forced to raise taxes, I promise.

Why is it that liberals can't listen to an opposing veiws without shittin themselves to the point of having to bash someone that doesnt believe the way they do???

What is funny is that you share the same attitude as the elitist Obama and all the rest of the Liberals. You and him are so smart and so above any "redneck". That is why he WILL NOT be voted in. See their are more of us middle red state rednecks voting then their are fag Liberals.

I guess at least you will have 8 more years to bash the republicans and maybe even you and Cindy Sheehan can hang out together and sing songs and shit.
I think it's funny the American poor population has an obesity problem. Just think about that for a second.
Why is it that liberals can't listen to an opposing veiws without shittin themselves to the point of having to bash someone that doesnt believe the way they do???

What is funny is that you share the same attitude as the elitist Obama and all the rest of the Liberals. You and him are so smart and so above any "redneck". That is why he WILL NOT be voted in. See their are more of us middle red state rednecks voting then their are fag Liberals.

I guess at least you will have 8 more years to bash the republicans and maybe even you and Cindy Sheehan can hang out together and sing songs and shit.

Your the biggest fucking hypocrite on this forum. You bitch about liberals not listening to other views, but everyone who disagrees with you is instantly a "liberal fag" or an "Obama bot". Seriously just shut the fuck up and stop posting topics like this. We've all had enough of your intolerant bullshit.
Your the biggest fucking hypocrite on this forum. You bitch about liberals not listening to other views, but everyone who disagrees with you is instantly a "liberal fag" or an "Obama bot". Seriously just shut the fuck up and stop posting topics like this. We've all had enough of your intolerant bullshit.

The problem with popeye and other republicans/conservatives is that they offer no counter argument. They just recycle fox news bullshit. Instead of taking an argument and replying to it, he screams "OBAMABOT111".

Ad hominem attacks are for the weakest of thinkers.
The problem with popeye and other republicans/conservatives is that they offer no counter argument. They just recycle fox news bullshit. Instead of taking an argument and replying to it, he screams "OBAMABOT111".

Ad hominem attacks are for the weakest of thinkers.

Actually if you read through this thread there have been several conservative view points that have been well thought out. Just because we aren't real fond of our current political choices DOES NOT mean we are just spouting fox news sound bites.

I'd be glad to go point for point against any democratic platform you care to throw up in the air... but my answers would all come down to two or three answers.

-- sorry charlie the president doesn't have the power to do that, only the states or congress/senate.

-- sorry charlie the constitution doesn't allow that either.

-- Sorry charlie your candidate is lying anyway - see point 1 and 2.

So much of the crap all the candidates are spouting is just that - they don't have the power or the constitutional right to do it.
There are plenty of republican views on this forum that I have respect for, but these guys are right, when you come off sounding like like O'reilly's flock, it's just a turn off. Don't you want people to listen to what your trying to say?
Several reasons.
  1. My Expenses are as Follows: Cigarettes, Food, Rent, a modest amount of inebriants, Red Bull. I don't really need as much as I make
  2. It's insane that people in this country are starving. I can understand not wanting them rollin Cadillacs on 22s or what the fuck ever, but they should get to eat.
  3. I have lived in some really nasty areas between high school and college. The people there were not lazy. In many cases they were uneducated, but rarely lazy. Some couldn't get transportation to a job as well. Welcome to Detroit btw, where our gangsters are too poor to buy bullets because there's no work.
  4. Minimum wage is not even near what's necessary to live on, even working 50+ hour weeks. Those people work MUCH harder than me. Not smarter, but harder. Oh yeah, and they have to put on pants. I don't.
  5. I refuse to punish someone's children because their mother is a lazy and/or stupid.
  6. People with money buy shit. They sometimes buy my shit.
If you honestly believe most people on welfare or whatever are "not working", and not working by choice, you're an ignorant prick and need to get the hell out of your basement.

Amen. Instead of taxing the poor and making the rich richer, why not tug at the rich to make the poor a little richer? I think it's extremely selfish not to think of others.
So you follow them from the parking lot, wait for them to pick out their food, decide which bread has the most fiber....then you walk behind them and stand in line.....then you watch them take out their "Food stamps" which typically looks like a credit card that you scan through the machine? Damn....what are you from the FBI or something. If i had someone following me like that i'd punch them in the nutz.

Yeah, except I don't care what kind of bread they buy.:Yahoo_29:
Your the biggest fucking hypocrite on this forum. You bitch about liberals not listening to other views, but everyone who disagrees with you is instantly a "liberal fag" or an "Obama bot". Seriously just shut the fuck up and stop posting topics like this. We've all had enough of your intolerant bullshit.

WRONG! I challenge you to find any post that I have made that is directed toward any one member. That is unless they are intolerant of my opinion to the point of insulting me directly.
There are plenty of republican views on this forum that I have respect for, but these guys are right, when you come off sounding like like O'reilly's flock, it's just a turn off. Don't you want people to listen to what your trying to say?

O'reilly's flock....Obamabot....What's the difference?
Most people don't buy spinach by the pound, dingbat.

Well I do, and it pisses me off damnit! :Yahoo_29:

Even still, if you don't buy it by the pound you have to buy it by the bag. A bag costs about 3.50 depending on brand and has less than half a pound, so no matter how you cut the cheese it still stinks.
A pound of spinach cost 5.99 in Wisconsin, Thats 6 double cheese burgers from Burger King. How fucked up is that.

Again, who the fuck buys that much spinach. You send me some good spinach recipes and I'll try them - for real.

I would also like to thank all those stupid republican mother fuckers whom elected a guy whom even after his first term - CANT TALK IN A FULL SENTENCE! Thanks dip shits.

Now back to getting a Dem in the white house.
Well I do, and it pisses me off damnit! :Yahoo_29:

Even still, if you don't buy it by the pound you have to buy it by the bag. A bag costs about 3.50 depending on brand and has less than half a pound, so no matter how you cut the cheese it still stinks.

There's better things to whine about than fucking spinach, for fucks sake. I think I paid like 2 or 3 bucks for a bag the other day, no big deal.

Regular gas on the other hand was $3.89 on my way home tonight. That's worth whining about...
Nobody forced him to join the military.....
Yes, and nobody forced Bush to issue a stop-loss in which he can extend a person's tour by any amount of time he wants. There's also national guards in Iraq serving years when they only signed up to serve a couple of weeks a year.
-- sorry charlie the president doesn't have the power to do that, only the states or congress/senate.

-- sorry charlie the constitution doesn't allow that either.

-- Sorry charlie your candidate is lying anyway - see point 1 and 2.

So much of the crap all the candidates are spouting is just that - they don't have the power or the constitutional right to do it.

A conservative (do you support Bush?) telling me about the limited powers of a president, and what the constitution stands for?

Don't make me laugh. You guys have so far shitted on the constitution, pissed on congress, and fucked the american people up the ass with flag pole.

I would love to debate you toe to toe, it would be a joke.

Conservatives are terrible at:

Foreign Policy (War in Iraq = fail, War in Afghanistan = fail, finding OBL= fail)
The Economy (huge deficit, weak dollar, ridiculous stock market fluctuations, McCain admits he knows nothing about the economy)
Not lying (Alberto Gonzalez cant recall!, Bush making contradictory statements, whitehouse shredding/deleting emails, trying to hide visitor book to the whitehouse, etc.)
Applying "small government" rules (See patriot act).

Its so obvious who to go with its not even funny.

The only thing you guys stand great on is being touch on crime. Unfortunatley, no sane person would vote on this alone. Sorry guys, its time for another democrat to clean up your messes.
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