Why would anyone on this forum be a democrat??

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He said nothing of being at war for 100 years. You liberals need to find another McCain bash, that one is getting really tired.

He said he was happy to keep US troops in Iraq for 100 years and given how welcome they are there is it likely to be a peaceful presence?

YouTube - McCain: 100 years in Iraq "would be fine with me"

War is the wrong word, sorry. Like many, I used it without thinking. The current conflicts with extremist groups cannot be described as a war, let alone a war against an emotion such as terror.

He said nothing of being at war for 100 years. You liberals need to find another McCain bash, that one is getting really tired.

uhh he's okay with troops being in there for 10,000 years...

YouTube - McCain: Americans Fine With Troops In Iraq For 10,000 Years

he's comparing the stay in iraq with the stay in japan, germany, south korea, etc. What a fucking idiot. The consequences are completely different.

And kyle, don't you beleive for one second republicans are conservative. Bush proved that with all of his fucking exec orders and increase in government control. That is EVERYTHING BUT conservative.
You must have missed Kennedy's speech, then.

You are right. The Democratic philosophy at the time blacked that out! :)
Did you ever read his Profiles of Courage book?

Fuck mcain, wow you spent years in a VC camp. Like I care.

And your right Obama is going to sweep, if people have half a brain. It is time for change, and republican isn't the answer. Not that it's going to be easy - someone has to clean up 8 years of someone shiting on the country. [props to all you idiots that voted bush for another term]

Anyways small </rant>. Go Democrats.

Ouch! I never spent any time as a prisoner of war. These guys were lucky to stave off dying in a foreign country.

As far as an Obama sweep; only 1/3 of Hilary supporters would vote for Obama. He is going to have a rude awakening come November if he is the Democratic candidate.

McCain used to seem like an intelligent moderate politician, now he talks of a hundred years of war and stuff... He is either bullshitting to get votes from the far right or senility is starting to set in.

Lol @ senility. Ronald Reagan won the Presidency when he was 69. Who knows whether Mc Cain is the best choice. Only history will tell.

:Yahoo_29: BTW. What was the original question in this thread?:Yahoo_29:
McCain used to seem like an intelligent moderate politician, now he talks of a hundred years of war and stuff... He is either bullshitting to get votes from the far right or senility is starting to set in.

I think hes bullshitting, hes gotta say certain things to get the crazies on the far right to support him
The times when Republicans were better than Democrats as far as taxes/spending/economics are long gone- IF they ever existed (I think a lot of it is false nostalgia).

John McCain admits he knows absolutely nothing about Economics. he couldn't answer a simple question in debates. his solution is to have a 1980s GOP all-star staff of advisors- basically like Romney needing to consult a lawyer before making any decision.

For someone who has been in the senate 20some years and 70+ years of age mcCain is not much of a thinker or much of anything. He knows how to marry well and make Bob Dole 1996 look like a young jock, and thats about it.

You know what? Obama isnt great either. it's just that he's no worse than mcCain and doesnt seem to want to bomb the world. So he edges him out.

Personally, the person I vote for will be determined at Sundays convention. And if it's one of a couple people, I wont vote at all.
I know I've got no involvement in this, but seriously considering the way the presidential election system works, if you're so disatisfied with the majors, why not start doing some research into independent candidates and attempting to get suppor t going for them?

I KNOW that they won't win, but if you can get a decent grass roots campaign going (which should be possible with some decent SEO tactics, and some clever offline stunts) there's no reason why you couldn't get say 0.5% of the vote... which in America, is a HUGE number of people (it's roughly 10% of Australia's population in fact).
And when you get a swing like that, politicians tend to take notice...
Several reasons.
  1. My Expenses are as Follows: Cigarettes, Food, Rent, a modest amount of inebriants, Red Bull. I don't really need as much as I make
  2. It's insane that people in this country are starving. I can understand not wanting them rollin Cadillacs on 22s or what the fuck ever, but they should get to eat.
  3. I have lived in some really nasty areas between high school and college. The people there were not lazy. In many cases they were uneducated, but rarely lazy. Some couldn't get transportation to a job as well. Welcome to Detroit btw, where our gangsters are too poor to buy bullets because there's no work.
  4. Minimum wage is not even near what's necessary to live on, even working 50+ hour weeks. Those people work MUCH harder than me. Not smarter, but harder. Oh yeah, and they have to put on pants. I don't.
  5. I refuse to punish someone's children because their mother is a lazy and/or stupid.
  6. People with money buy shit. They sometimes buy my shit.
If you honestly believe most people on welfare or whatever are "not working", and not working by choice, you're an ignorant prick and need to get the hell out of your basement.

You're a fucking idiot. Next.
Obama has stated that anyone that makes over 100k will recieve a massive tax increase. How can any successfull IM support this?? That is unless you are a poser/wannabe.

Any successful business person will vote for anyone agaisnt the party of entitelment.

Dude everyone who's for democrats should move to China. There is a perfect socialistic system for you fuckfaces.

Leave me, my liberty and my money alone. Fuck you.

Ron Paul for president!
I just think there is something sociopathic about standing by and watching someone suffer or maybe even die because they can't afford a treatment.

If we follow this logic: there are millions helpless homeless people. Why don't you take all your money, sell you car and all the perks you don't need (such as that plasma TV you got hanging on the wall) and give money to the hobos?

I'm sorry, but survival of the fittest. Oh wait, I'm not sorry.
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