Why would anyone on this forum be a democrat??

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It's all about you, isn't it?

Heres is when it was only at 522 billion

153,995,332 People with Health Care for One Year OR
540,922,142 Homes with Renewable Electricity for One Year OR
11,285,097 Public Safety Officers for One year OR
8,960,343 Music and Arts Teachers for One Year OR
80,782,313 Scholarships for University Students for One Year OR
38,313 New Elementary Schools OR
4,064,478 Affordable Housing Units OR
230,292,880 Children with Health Care for One Year OR
71,703,033 Head Start Places for Children for One Year OR
8,583,162 Elementary School Teachers for One Year OR
7,549,214 Port Container Inspectors for One year

You could take these numbers and multiply them by 9.5 to get todays numbers.

Thats an unbeliveable waste of funds.

You want to stay in iraq and accomplish nothing OR
give 2,187,782,360 Children with Health Care for One Year .

Source: Federal Budget Trade-Offs | National Priorities Project

Note these cost projections are from 2007.. You'd have to multiply them by 9.5 to be closer to todays costs.. (This would include Afghanistan and Iraq)

Everyone wants to talk about cutting costs. Hell we have departments of goverment to see how effective the other parts of goverment are.

ExpectMore.gov: Ineffective Programs

Don't gripe about gas prices, you have too look at all these compound fuckups, and see that we as a country are making a bill (Amount owed) that the majority of americans are not ok with. We are spending an incredible amount of money in many places and we see no beneficial results from our spending (Return on investment).

When you don't have it, you can't spend it.
Heres is when it was only at 522 billion

153,995,332 People with Health Care for One Year OR
540,922,142 Homes with Renewable Electricity for One Year OR
11,285,097 Public Safety Officers for One year OR
8,960,343 Music and Arts Teachers for One Year OR
80,782,313 Scholarships for University Students for One Year OR
38,313 New Elementary Schools OR
4,064,478 Affordable Housing Units OR
230,292,880 Children with Health Care for One Year OR
71,703,033 Head Start Places for Children for One Year OR
8,583,162 Elementary School Teachers for One Year OR
7,549,214 Port Container Inspectors for One year

You could take these numbers and multiply them by 9.5 to get todays numbers.

Thats an unbeliveable waste of funds.

You want to stay in iraq and accomplish nothing OR
give 2,187,782,360 Children with Health Care for One Year .

Source: Federal Budget Trade-Offs | National Priorities Project

Note these cost projections are from 2007.. You'd have to multiply them by 9.5 to be closer to todays costs.. (This would include Afghanistan and Iraq)

Ok, now take your little MoveOn.org stats and multiply them by 50 to get a realistic idea of the ridiculous waste of shit Obama is promising.
Ok, now take your little MoveOn.org stats and multiply them by 50 to get a realistic idea of the ridiculous waste of shit Obama is promising.

Who the fuck cares?

All 3 are a fucking joke.

WTF are you trying to spin..

I say get out of a iraq, and you say look at obama?

Let me guess, blonde, tits... doesn't do well in casual conversation?
Who the fuck cares?

All 3 are a fucking joke.

WTF are you trying to spin..

I say get out of a iraq, and you say look at obama?

Let me guess, blonde, tits... doesn't do well in casual conversation?

Not quite.

Just someone sick of hearing people bash on my country. Yeah, its got problems, many big, but people like you running around with your little 6th grade DailyKos and Jon Stewart logic and stats do nothing to help the situation.
Not quite.

Just someone sick of hearing people bash on my country. Yeah, its got problems, many big, but people like you running around with your little 6th grade DailyKos and Jon Stewart logic and stats do nothing to help the situation.

4 day a week schools, due to lack of funds... WTF?!!? Come on America, healthcare is one thing (I don't agree, but can understand the arguments against spending taxes there), but cutting back on education to the extent that kids are getting a fifth less time in school??

I'm betting it isn't a school full of rich kids, but even the most die hard conservatives must see the value to everyone of providing a decent education to all.
4 day a week schools, due to lack of funds... WTF?!!? Come on America, healthcare is one thing (I don't agree, but can understand the arguments against spending taxes there), but cutting back on education to the extent that kids are getting a fifth less time in school??

I'm betting it isn't a school full of rich kids, but even the most die hard conservatives must see the value to everyone of providing a decent education to all.

Thank you.
The public school system SUCKS. Even if you're in a "good" school. It's a bureaucratic nightmare. I brought my son in an hour and half late one day (cause he hadn't been feeling well when he first woke up but then felt fine later) and they counted him absent for the whole day. The lady was like why did you even bother bringing him in? What kind of logic is that?? If he gets a certain amount of absences they will hold him back. It doesn't matter that he's in kindegarten but reads and does math on a 3rd grade level...what's important is the bullshit rules that they can't bend for anything. That's just one example. Everything about public school works in that fashion.

(btw he's not in danger of being held back. It's just the fuckin principle of the matter. The SHEEPLENESS of it all.)
4 day a week schools, due to lack of funds... but even the most die hard conservatives must see the value to everyone of providing a decent education to all.

Republicans against education, yea right. Pass to ganja hippie.

Please post a link where they are cutting back the school week due to educational funds being spent in Iraq or it didn't happen.

I can tell you for a fact that Tennessee's government shut down (right down to the trash collection, universities & minimal police coverage) in 2004. Public schools stayed in session and would have only been pulled as an absolute last resort. Democrats in office all the way up.

Guys it's not democrats vs. republicans ... the true fight should be politicians vs. citizens. Not one of those fuckers that ran for office (save RP & DK) have any sense and listen to lobbyists instead of the citizens they represent. I'm sure 60% of the public wants us out of Iraq right now (the other 40% are just sheeple). Yet of the 3 major candidates left, 2 push for staying the course ... the other has more long term plans to evacuate than I would like to see.

BUT NOT ONE OF THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS THINK WE NEED TO KEEP OUR MILITARY INSIDE OUR BORDERS UNLESS WE ARE AT A CONGRESSIONALLY APPROVE WAR!!! Iraq is just a symptom, we refuse to treat the illness which is our thirst for blood, oil, control & pussy. Well the last one is at least legit and requires different types of weapons.

By the way, there's not a single conservative left in the race, McCain is just a schmuck and doesn't represent anyone's values. Want to hear the sad part? He'll be our next president because Americans will look at the democratic candidate as either a woman or a black man ... Most of us are closet bigots and would never vote for either.
Republicans against education, yea right. Pass to ganja hippie.

Please post a link where they are cutting back the school week due to educational funds being spent in Iraq or it didn't happen.
I don't need to post a link. I was in high school while bush was in office. It's the same story everywhere. Paper/book rationing, laying off large amounts of teachers..where the hell have you been?
Though, I will give GWB a gold star for the fact that we have not been attacked on US soil since 9/11, even though many extremist have tried to plot it.

Dude, 9/11 took almost 10 fucking years to plan (according to our intelligence). This logic is dubious at best.

The Simpson replied to this logic so cleverly with:

Homer: Well, there's not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol is sure doing its job.

Lisa: That's specious reasoning, Dad.

Homer: Thank you, sweetie.

Lisa: Dad, what if I were to tell you that this rock keeps away tigers.

Homer: Uh-huh, and how does it work?

Lisa: It doesn't work. It's just a stupid rock.

Homer: I see.

Lisa: But you don't see any tigers around, do you?

Homer: Lisa, I'd like to buy your rock.

Homer = your typical republican.
I don't need to post a link. I was in high school while bush was in office. It's the same story everywhere. Paper/book rationing, laying off large amounts of teachers..where the hell have you been?

None of that has to do with cutting down to 4 day school weeks. That's what I want a link for. Recycling books from year to year is totally acceptable and not the same as cutting back the days school is open by 20%.

Besides, Bush has been in office for a long time (too long). There's a good chance weren't fighting in Iraq when you were in school and we've been bad at budgeting and had a deficit since you were in sippin' titty milk. The cost of the war causing schools to shorten their weeks is what I'm requesting a link for. I'm calling BS there!

I won't argue that education is way under funded compared to less important things (like the military) ... That's a no-brainer.
Dude, 9/11 took almost 10 fucking years to plan (according to our intelligence). This logic is dubious at best.

The Simpson replied to this logic so cleverly with:

Homer: Well, there's not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol is sure doing its job.

Lisa: That's specious reasoning, Dad.

Homer: Thank you, sweetie.

Lisa: Dad, what if I were to tell you that this rock keeps away tigers.

Homer: Uh-huh, and how does it work?

Lisa: It doesn't work. It's just a stupid rock.

Homer: I see.

Lisa: But you don't see any tigers around, do you?

Homer: Lisa, I'd like to buy your rock.

Homer = your typical republican.

This isn't the Simpsons so I will respond with: Take a look at the list above, that Beerhat (nice name BTW) has posted. These are all plots and attempts to commit terrorism on US soil. They were all foiled due to the security policies put in place by the administration. I would have to say in no way were any of the plots or attempts in the planning even before 9/11.

9/11 happened because Mr. Clinton and his admin dropped the ball concerning threats from Muslim extremist. This statement would probably be fact if Sandy Burglar hadn't snuck the damming documents out of the archives in his underwear and socks.
I don't need to post a link. I was in high school while bush was in office. It's the same story everywhere. Paper/book rationing, laying off large amounts of teachers..where the hell have you been?

I was in high school during Clinton and it was the same bullshit.
I was in high school during Clinton and it was the same bullshit.

To Beerhats avatar: Beasty Boys Rocks Your Socks. I was in high school during Herbert Bush and it was the same bullshit.

Its really not the money that's fuckin up our school system, its the policy. When I was in school I was afraid of not only getting the hell beat outa my ass my my 250 pound principle but also my 350 pound father that was a power lifter.

I stayed on the straight and narrow because I knew that was what was expected of me. I knew that if I fucked up..that I would have consequences.

Today the kids dont give a fuck. Their parent dont give a fuck. They were raised on playstation and cable TV. The government can't fix the problem. It can only be fixed by the parents.
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