Why would anyone on this forum be a democrat??

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No politicians have good character, just get used to it.

voting taxes = putting money back in American's pockets and allowing them to do the right thing. The common man has more integrity than any politician. This also makes for smaller government and less waste. If big gov't is gone, more responsibility falls down to the city / state level ... which is where is should be.

Forgive me for oversimplifying things for you by simply stating that I vote taxes. If you read what I have to say above you will realize it's not all about the dollars but what power those dollars give (& take away). I will always pay taxes because I drive on streets, enjoy being protected by the police, send my kid to public school, like the fact that we have parks & appreciate having a powerful military (if we'd keep them in the borders). Taxes will always have to be paid, but the levels we pay (and the direction they go when they leave our hands) are absurd.

Since we are name calling here, I guess that makes you an ignorant little fucktard for not looking what the taxes represent and just assuming I'm wanting to keep it all to myself. Put the power in the people's hands and watch them be generous with it and donate to charity, churches, education funds and other good causes. We'll also build more small business and advertise more which is fucking great for the economy.

I wonder how many sets of spinners and xbox game systems will be purchased with the '08 tax breaks. Am I the only one who sees this as a temporary solution and not worth it? Never trust the gov't to do the right thing for the future economy ... capitalism works well because the power is in our hands to build. Why you are hoping GWB or Obama have the answers to this I'll never know. We need wholesale tax code changes to stimulate this stagnant economy, not a couple hundred dollars to shut us up.

BTW: You were probably in diapers when Clinton was in office so to fill you in on those 8 years ... I was paying more taxes during that term than under GWB and Bill used the military as a smoke screen for his affairs. You can't give Clinton credit for the economy as we had a genius named Alan Greenspan who was in his prime driving the train back then. The president has little control over the economy ... except tax control. He's more of a puppet and gets too much credit on that topic.

I agree that Bush sucks ass, so did Bill Clinton & to an extent Bush Sr. before him. Reagan was pretty decent but got the debt snowball rolling while shutting Russia down. But he fought & won a war with money, how fucking awesome is that.

Gawd I can't wait to take the power away from the baby boomers. The technology babies of today are going to do a so much better job of electing officials.

Honestly, if I vote this year it will probably be for Nader because McCain is quite simply not a republican. He's in the back pocket of all the lobbyists just like the rest of them. If I really though Obama was serious about legalization of marijuana I'd consider suffering for 4 years for that but he's just blowing smoke up our arses (pun / no pun / whatever).

Why did the public just shrug Ron Paul off again? I'm still confused how that went down as he is exactly what most people want, a hard working normal guy who delivered babies, is a brilliant economist and spent time in the military. He was a real person, not a politician.

We just crucified our savior again ... way to go fellow Romans

I probably pay more taxes than everyone combined (even double/triple counting) above me. I will not vote for Clinton (bought & sold) or McCain (crazy ass nutcase).

If you are voting for taxes as the only reason (erect) then you are a fucking greedy little bitch. Look what Bush has done. He has spent trillions in Iraq and destroyed our currency, put us in a recession. Great your taxes are lower, look how well that worked out.

Look at the character of the person you are voting for and ALL their policies. Stop being so fucking greedy, it has fucked us over the last 8 years and I'm sick of this shit.
Fuck yeah I'm an Obama-girl. Better than being a McCain salad tosser.

And seriously, pull your head out of your cavernous vagina.

I'm seriously thinking about making one of these two quotes my new sig.

I'm leaning towards the second because it's been a longtime theory of mine that men have a subconcious fear that women will devour them with their vaginas.

I wonder how many sets of spinners and xbox game systems will be purchased with the '08 tax breaks. Am I the only one who sees this as a temporary solution and not worth it? Never trust the gov't to do the right thing for the future economy ... capitalism works well because the power is in our hands to build. Why you are hoping GWB or Obama have the answers to this I'll never know. We need wholesale tax code changes to stimulate this stagnant economy, not a couple hundred dollars to shut us up.

The only thing I see the tax break doing is interrupting the 6 consecutive month downturn of GPD needed for this to be classified as a recession. That way they can possibly push it far enough back until after the election.

Nice post by the way. I don't agree with everything you said, but at least you explained yourself thoroughly.
I'm seriously thinking about making one of these two quotes my new sig.

I'm leaning towards the second because it's been a longtime theory of mine that men have a subconcious fear that women will devour them with their vaginas.

Haha, I would be honored.

Have you seen or heard of the movie about a girl who's vagina grows teeth and tries to take over the world?

TEETH the Movie
Haha, I would be honored.

Have you seen or heard of the movie about a girl who's vagina grows teeth and tries to take over the world?

TEETH the Movie

I JUST saw that on google images when I was looking for the Yoni Goddess picture!

EDIT: leave it to hollywood to morph men's psychological fear INTO a physical one!!
Fuck yeah I'm an Obama-girl. Better than being a McCain salad tosser.

And seriously, pull your head out of your cavernous vagina. The country is falling apart and all you can think about is your hard earned money? With the rate that our currency is turning into generic toilet paper you'd think people would be a little more concerned with fixing the economy and stop petty bitching about taxes.

Oh you're one of those guys who believes there will be abortion too vending machines, right?
Go fuck yourself.

Oh, please. Of course, Obama is the answer to everything. If he gets in office, everything will be great starting on day 1.

He has a lot to answer for between now and November.
Oh, please. Of course, Obama is the answer to everything. If he gets in office, everything will be great starting on day 1.

He has a lot to answer for between now and November.

Were hopeful, not arrogant. Its going to take a long time to fix this mess of a country, but we have to start somewhere.
Oh, please. Of course, Obama is the answer to everything. If he gets in office, everything will be great starting on day 1.

He has a lot to answer for between now and November.
...of course it won't be great starting on day 1. There's a lot to fix.
...and yes, he does have a lot to answer between now and November. You see, that's why we have this time before the "election" where people "campaign". While they're "campaigning" they get to clear up confusion, make it more clear where they stand on the "issues", and answer "questions".
Seriously, do you know anyone who DOESNT have a lot to answer by November?

My big question is if McCain will even be around by November.
...of course it won't be great starting on day 1. There's a lot to fix.
...and yes, he does have a lot to answer between now and November. You see, that's why we have this time before the "election" where people "campaign". While they're "campaigning" they get to clear up confusion, make it more clear where they stand on the "issues", and answer "questions".
Seriously, do you know anyone who DOESNT have a lot to answer by November?

My big question is if McCain will even be around by November.

I was alluding to Barack Obama's personal associations, such as that with his racist, anti-American friend and spiritual leader of 20 years, and his relationship with terrorists (Bill Moyers). When someone with no record like Obama shows up and wants to be the President, we need to understand where he comes from. As things like Wright and Moyers come to light, we are learning just that.

Anyway, I'm not too worried. Your party is a complete mess right now.
So wait..., let me get this straight......

If we have a Dem in office increasing taxes, increasing spending, increasing entitlement programs, increasing health care costs, and the same "style" of goverment we have now (with crazy spending and what seems like no control).... we will have?

If we have McCain in office warmongering and increasing the military (but with a democratic congress) we will have?


A bigger international debt. (From trade deficits, and borrowing)

A bigger yearly price tag from interest from the point above.

A bigger yearly operating cost for our country while increased taxes slow growth because your taxes are just paying interest on 1.2.3.
As of right now almost all of our income tax goes to nothing more than paying for interest.... (Damn our government needs to call a credit counseling place).

We don't need Obama, Hillary, or McCain.... we need to gather our courage and take our freaking country back. All three of our 'options' are the different ways to fuck things up worse than they are.

In ten years when your waiting in line to get your bread remember that you let it happen to yourself because you wanted to be taken care of from cradle to grave or you let the Republican Party screw things up for the last 8 years......
Several reasons.
  1. My Expenses are as Follows: Cigarettes, Food, Rent, a modest amount of inebriants, Red Bull. I don't really need as much as I make
  2. It's insane that people in this country are starving. I can understand not wanting them rollin Cadillacs on 22s or what the fuck ever, but they should get to eat.
  3. I have lived in some really nasty areas between high school and college. The people there were not lazy. In many cases they were uneducated, but rarely lazy. Some couldn't get transportation to a job as well. Welcome to Detroit btw, where our gangsters are too poor to buy bullets because there's no work.
  4. Minimum wage is not even near what's necessary to live on, even working 50+ hour weeks. Those people work MUCH harder than me. Not smarter, but harder. Oh yeah, and they have to put on pants. I don't.
  5. I refuse to punish someone's children because their mother is a lazy and/or stupid.
  6. People with money buy shit. They sometimes buy my shit.
If you honestly believe most people on welfare or whatever are "not working", and not working by choice, you're an ignorant prick and need to get the hell out of your basement.

I own brick and morter business that puts me in front of poor people all the time. One thing I have noticed about poor people at least where I live. They all have color TVs and playstations. Poor people that are starving are not handling thier food stamps effectively or they are selling them for drugs/alcohol. Poor people are the ones in Mexico City living in card board huts or the africans that get handfuls of rice to eat daily. If you have a color TV, cable, playstations etc...you are not poor.

Minimum wage is actually one of the reasons for our economic problems at the moment. Wages in alot of states have went up as high as 17%. This along with gas prices are causing alot of food manufatures to up their prices on the food they produce. The only people I know making minimum wage are teens. Even Burger King pays 8 bucks an hour starting out.
...of course it won't be great starting on day 1. There's a lot to fix.
...and yes, he does have a lot to answer between now and November. You see, that's why we have this time before the "election" where people "campaign". While they're "campaigning" they get to clear up confusion, make it more clear where they stand on the "issues", and answer "questions".
Seriously, do you know anyone who DOESNT have a lot to answer by November?

My big question is if McCain will even be around by November.

Even if Obama had Rebublican ideas, I still coudnt vote for him because I believe him to be an elitist and racist.
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