Spam Gone Wild

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My Review:

I know I said I was going to come back in a week time but god damn this service got some crazy juice, my moderate competition keyword went from

ranking 400+ to #6 in less than 24 hours!

This is like the holy grail of SEO, the only other linkbuilding I've done are some profile links drip fed and SB bomb. If you're on the fence about this one, you better jump quick before Grindstone shuts it down!

His support guy was also very helpful giving you suggestions on how to further improve your results but of course, take everything with a grain of salt as with any SEO advices.

p/s: my keyword gets 40k+ local exact searches. I'll probably order another blast in a week or so. Super stoked! :bowdown:


I dont like toying so close to the spam side of shit, looking for some good aged sites now (that are aged in G's cache) i can blast this to and rock to my money sites, good shit

(white/greyhat peanut gallery yappin) shit works, ive seen it first hand .............. makes me want to re-think all my whitehat strategies considering the rev produced from the "dark side" lol
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Ok, so results for my second order are starting to roll in. Keyword is pretty competitive - all sites on the first page are PR5+ apart from another site I own. This time I went with a parasite (think squidoo but more spam friendly). Within 24 hours I was ranking 11th or so, I just checked again and I'm already on the first page.

Parasite is focused around an affiliate offer - already got some clicks to the offer - no conversions as of yet but as I already have a site with this KW ranking I know each click to offer is worth about $3. I should be able to get a ROI within the week/fortnight.

Placing another order now as well.
Has anyone tried pointing these at Facebook pages and/or Twitter accounts? Want to push some competitors off the page.
Left an iTrader, please reciprocal back. Thanks!

I dont like toying so close to the spam side of shit, looking for some good aged sites now (that are aged in G's cache) i can blast this to and rock to my money sites, good shit

(white/greyhat peanut gallery yappin) shit works, ive seen it first hand .............. makes me want to re-think all my whitehat strategies considering the rev produced from the "dark side" lol

Yeah man, that's what I did, I cop'ed a 5y/o PR4 domain for $90 and 301'ed that to my money site.
I'll abuse this more.
Sent you a pm this looks sick man.

Im currently ranked #10 for a keyword with 42,600,000 results and gets 165 000 exact searches a month. It took me a year to get to #10 so if this can push me up further man i will be stoked.

Tim you bastard. If you pass me, I'm doing it to mine!
ordered a tester package on a funky domain that can be 301'd. ID 68T02025C1894603S.

I've seen some funny action on this domain so it will be a fun test before I try it on other niches.
I dont like toying so close to the spam side of shit, looking for some good aged sites now (that are aged in G's cache) i can blast this to and rock to my money sites, good shit

(white/greyhat peanut gallery yappin) shit works, ive seen it first hand .............. makes me want to re-think all my whitehat strategies considering the rev produced from the "dark side" lol

White hat results can last a lot longer. I'm wearing the "time and place for everything, know it hat" over here. Way to resist the lemming urge, you'll be rewarded for your patience. ;)

Ok, so results for my second order are starting to roll in. Keyword is pretty competitive - all sites on the first page are PR5+ apart from another site I own. This time I went with a parasite (think squidoo but more spam friendly). Within 24 hours I was ranking 11th or so, I just checked again and I'm already on the first page.

Parasite is focused around an affiliate offer - already got some clicks to the offer - no conversions as of yet but as I already have a site with this KW ranking I know each click to offer is worth about $3. I should be able to get a ROI within the week/fortnight.

Placing another order now as well.

Thanks for the update and repeat business. Appreciated.

Has anyone tried pointing these at Facebook pages and/or Twitter accounts? Want to push some competitors off the page.

Have not, am interested to see how it works. Will try to queue it this week and see what happens.

Left an iTrader, please reciprocal back. Thanks!

Thanks and done!

Yeah man, that's what I did, I cop'ed a 5y/o PR4 domain for $90 and 301'ed that to my money site.
I'll abuse this more.

Anybody wondering if this is the right package for their money site, just copy Clyde. He's going to get a large % of the link juice passed through and a much larger safety buffer. It's fun to hit shit with a sledgehammer but not so fun putting together the broken pieces.

Tim you bastard. If you pass me, I'm doing it to mine!


how will I know when you start on my site? I can't access Skype during the day.


Looks like it started...

just ordered another package please confirm that you got it when you get a chance.

Order received, thank you. Should start tonight.

ordered a tester package on a funky domain that can be 301'd. ID 68T02025C1894603S.

I've seen some funny action on this domain so it will be a fun test before I try it on other niches.

Order received, same as above regarding start time. Thanks!
From #109 to #8 in just over a day. What else can I say? It's FM. (f* magic)

Placed a second order for something more difficult, this one's on a money site, so rolling the dice a bit :) Unique Transaction ID #5GT4771810678011F.

Giving this a try for one of my EMD properties that isn't ranking well for it's main term. Older domain and a decent number of existing backlinks, and not something I'd be terribly upset over if it got a penalty.

Should be a decent test. Currently ranking #109 for it's EMD term.

Paypal Txn: 50B12212TK762263D
just ordered another package please confirm that you got it when you get a chance.


I am so giddy about this, ya'll have no idea...ugh, can't wait for the hammer to drop.

Sometimes you get the hammer, sometimes the hammer gets you. I don't want to instill any false hope so I'll keep the tendencies I've noticed to myself. Good luck bro.

From #109 to #8 in just over a day. What else can I say? It's FM. (f* magic)

Placed a second order for something more difficult, this one's on a money site, so rolling the dice a bit :) Unique Transaction ID #5GT4771810678011F.

Lulz, you should see what some of the guys who don't want to leave any feedback are doing. From nowhere to #1 and sticking in more than one case.

Still, every site is different, again I remind you all that safer and slower is not the worst recipe, don't fear the 301. It just might be the best friend you never knew you had.
holy shit.

Spam gone wild? What is it? Really?? Who gives a fuck what it is. Fuck the reports. This shit is fucking real. How real? How dare you ask. I've been doing SEO for 4 years, and have NEVER been more impressed. Sure, I've seen crazy shit....I am sure you have too.

How big are my balls? Spam gone wild to a 3 day old site. 300,000+ exact match combined search volume. From Page 8 to #14 for virtually all 5 keywords. (Page 2 - Number 4)...

Are you kidding me? Why are you still reading?? Logically, the above sentence should have taken you to paypal. Stop wasting time. Order Now.

Final Conclusion: I am about 99.99% sure that this is better than any blowjob you've ever had. Ever.

My site got blasted 2 days ago - from page 2 to 8 for the main KW, plus page 1 for a few big related terms. noice, hope it keeps moving up.

the mystery links thing + mystery support man on Skype thing is kinda weird, but Grindstone and maybe 2 other people are the only ones here I'd buy mystery shit from...but I can find some of the links they're building and I suck at SEO.

Will buy more once I have the right targets
I have gotten p.m's regarding mystery links for this post.

He is telling you this is SPAM and has showed me some of what he is doing, well he is not lying it truly is SPAM no mystery too it. If you don't know what SPAM is look it up.

I am doing a review on a very hard KW will be interesting to see what this SPAM is all about.
I have gotten p.m's regarding mystery links for this post.

He is telling you this is SPAM and has showed me some of what he is doing, well he is not lying it truly is SPAM no mystery too it. If you don't know what SPAM is look it up.

I am doing a review on a very hard KW will be interesting to see what this SPAM is all about.

Hi zingo, I'm one of the guys that PM'ed you. I think the reason people wanted to know more about the type of links is because they don't want to buy the same thing twice.

i.e: If it's just blog comment + profile links then subscribing to just Dripable would give you the same results since all of the other providers (DFB, Backblasts, LinkAloha, BLG) all have the same database of sites they spam. There are only so many forums/blogs on the internet.

but I did take a look at the type of sites they spam and they're not these so all should be good. No idea how they found the footprint but genius!

Grindstone whats your skype? I have some questions but I need to put in some orders. Thanks.

:eek7: (Skype: buylinkstoday)

It's in the first post bud.
Moved up 1 spot each for 2kws from 4 to 3. Competitive keywords too. I actually don't wnat to move up much more because top spot is another site of mine lol.
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