Sold another site, $19,500

.........LoL @ all these post; im not gonna reply to them all. I'm not here to argue. If anyone has any questions on how I sold the site, ranked it, etc - hit me up.

.........LoL @ all these post; im not gonna reply to them all. I'm not here to argue. If anyone has any questions on how I sold the site, ranked it, etc - hit me up.
Replying to this one would be a good start:

On Topic again:
What would interest me is what type of site it was, how it had been making profits, and, well:
Now that you have some experience with Flippa, got any tips on what to avoid when trying to flip your site? This isn't really like SEO and stuff... It seems you have to expose your niche and keywords to the masses when trying to make some decent cash with your site. So it's risky to just try and see what happens... Any advice? :)
Site was related to loans and debt. I own a debt management company, my brother owns a debt settlement company - so when and if we sell sites, we sell them as broker sites to sell us back the leads - so we would cut the checks. Sometimes people send us the traffic, sometimes they dont. We were getting about 8 leads a week ($25 average price). So $25x8x4 = $800/mo. If you did 10x thats a sale price of $8k. The keys were ranking in the position 3-5 area's, so I sold him on the fact that it wouldnt take very much more to secure those 1-2-3 positions which would easily double or triple the volume
multiple keys.

Everything. If you check my post history you can see I buy pretty much everything. On this forum and on others. Gotta spend $ to make it. I keep track of all links paid for in excel. For this one site, my cost was $2,500 roughly in links. So subtract that from the sale price.
lol yeah, 14 is actually this: Hate Number Symbols: 14 (words) - From A Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and Tattoos

Wow. So after you sell the site for $$$, you still make money from it in some cases. That's a pretty interesting concept, I must admit.

^^^ I'll just tell you what 14 means

14 words; David lane:
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children".

But yeah, i still make my money back on top of it in most cases


  • thread_direction.jpg
    8.5 KB · Views: 865
Well, how do you define jew?...

jew 643 up, 259 down

1 Someone of the Jewish persuasion.
2 A derogatory term for someone who is dishonest, miserly or generally regarded as not being a gentleman.

1 To cheat or defraud.
2 To expend an excessive amount of time and effort to negotiate the lowest price for something when an ordinary person would be ashamed to do so.
Just checked out that site and it is not anywhere near the stats it had when you sold it on Flippa.

That's exactly what I was thinking. It doesn't rank on 1st page for any of the keywords I checked. (Best Rum, Best Tequila, Best Vodka, etc...)

I think it would be worth way more than 15k if it was really ranking #1 for all those keywords. I just don't get it, I see this happen all the time on Flippa. I wonder if it's the ex-owners pulling out all links or if it's the new buyers that fuck up the sites all the time...

The guy who bought it is a world traveller and left the country for two months and during the while the website go hit with with malware and his hosting account got suspended, and the website was down for two months.

Sicknight ranked for all those keywords for a year straight and had every stat it says it did.

Maybe you guys shouldnt make assumptions next time.

He just brought the website back up days ago...

he hasnt even updated the twitter or facebook since it was sold to him in Nov.
You guys could have also looked at the VERIFIED google analytics that were posted for the Flippa sale.

It shows the unique visitors and the keywords it was ranking for in google.

I know it sounds like a crazy story but its true.

I've sold websites for 5x that