Sold another site, $19,500

How much is a site worth making $1200 to $1500 month with adsense? I need to get rid of a few..

Adsense sites typically make more than 10-12x on flippa if they're sites that look like they can just sit there and bring in cash with no work.

The flippa nuts love them some "on autopilot" nonsense.
@Dresden, do you build the sites from scratch then sell them, or do you buy small sites that you develop and sell back?

All the sites I do, I design from scratch. No templates, outsourced content/designs, etc. Sometimes, ill steal a psd or two and modify it but thats the extent of it.

My grandmother (german) lived in Nazi germany and had a gun put in her face by a Nazi soilder for not doing the heil hitler salute to the soilder while passing on the street.

Maybe next time she'll get to the salutin' then ;-)

dresden needs therapy

Agreed. I think I'm gonna take a vacation here (A much needed one). It's been a yaer since I've been to the caribbean. Hopefully this will ease my mind and put my sanity back in check.

Don't want to come across as a hater, and congrats to the awesome flipping you did, but from what I read in this thread and other posts of yours, you sound like a freakin' neonazi (or at least you meet the widely known definition of one). You call yourself Dresden14... Dresden because of the "bombing holocaust" that happened there, something neonazis often refer too to play down the holocaust against the jews, and 14... for fuckin' Adolf Hitler. Honestly, you called your daughter "Dresden"... really classy... I hope people like you never get power in society again.

On Topic:
Could you still post some details on how exactly you managed to get this much for your website? :smokin:
Would love to make $$$ out of my profitable sites to get budget for bigger projects.

LoL - "The victors will always be the victive, and will always write what is taught in the history books". I don't deny the holocaust, in all acts of war certain things need to be done in order to deal with the opposition. Since the national socialists were deemed as "evil people", I named my daughter Dresden in remembrance of the bombings that the oh so glorious RAF and USAF did during feb 13-15. The fact that the allies dropped bombs in a city where the Wehrmacht wasn't present, deems them as evil holocaust scumbags that should have been shot. Dropping bombs on innocent civilian cities with no military presence, is 'just as evil' (may we mention hiroshima)??? So It's not just the germans my good man. Maybe this was an eye for eye? Who knows... but it was just as wrong, and my daughter was named in remembrace of these innocent people. So whereas my daughters name has meaning, you can go about naming yours; "tiffany, jessica, nicole" or some other trendy ass name.

I know WF is lenient, but are the mods really gonna let this idiot talk such shite?

I like WF opposed to other forums because they allow everyone to voice their opinion. I've messaged the mods, and asked them if I should stfu out of respect for the forum. It's only people who have stupid remarks that often get my thought on the matter that deem me as a hater. Forgive me if I don't go home at night, watch "the jersey shore" / mtv, go to clubs, etc to "fit in".

"You know WF is lenient", how would you know this with 16 posts, or is this just some fake bs account since you were either (A) Banned, or (B) your a pussy.
I have 16 posts because I'd rather work than post on here all day.

I like how you twist being a racist into not fitting in. I don't watch Jersey Shore or MTV but I don't put pillowcases on my head and pretend I'm the master race.

I'm white by the way and you're a fucking idiot.
^^^^^^^^^^ LoL - I post all dam day and make an assload of cash. Gotta love personal opinion though. Keep on with that white guilt. Must suck having no sense of pride because you were deemed to feel "bad" for what your ancestors did. LoL

If you want to live your life based on the teachings of Christianity and Nazi Germany, two majorly warped outlooks on the world then feel free to, you're only kidding yourself.
My rule of thumbs - this is keeping in mind adsense site valuations have dropped a bit lately.

4-8 for auto blogs
6-12 for TM
10-25 for None TM
20-30 for well established long term history

Whether or not you get that with flippa seems to be the flip of a coin. There seems to be a huge bias against new sellers that translates to 50% + lower valuations.
I don't deny the holocaust, in all acts of war certain things need to be done in order to deal with the opposition.
Bullshit. They planned to kill millions upon millions of innocent people, including children, just because some stupid pseudoscience and ideology told them that those evil, eeeeeeevil jews have something really baaad in their blood that is looking to control the world. So let's shoot or gas them all baby :ak:
Honestly, this is a fucking stupid and cruel thing to do.

You're right of course. Just because the germans did horrible things doesn't mean the other side didn't something totally and thoroughly fucked up when bombing Dresden. Both were separate events and both were a horrible crime.

Your poor daughter might suffer because of her name, I sincerely hope it will not be the case.

All in all, you're justifying atrocious crimes here, and adopting an idiology of hate, as can be clearly seen in your statements like:
I don't believe in the extermination of all races, just some which are ordered through the Bible.
But I agree with what was done (by the Wehrmacht) and ill leave it at that. I do believe in separatism first, not necessarily extermination (it's an act of war, collateral damage and all wars have this).
You need help to get all this shit that somehow got infused into your brain out of there. It's probably not your fault, and there are organisations like Exit that can help you with that. Fuck racism, mass murder and segregation!

But hey, you know what? Maybe we should all take this discussion to another thread, maybe at Shooting the Shit or something, 'cause this has nothing to do with making money and stuff. So I'm going to make a good example and go...

On Topic:
Now that you have some experience with Flippa, got any tips on what to avoid when trying to flip your site? This isn't really like SEO and stuff... It seems you have to expose your niche and keywords to the masses when trying to make some decent cash with your site. So it's risky to just try and see what happens... Any advice? :)
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I wonder how many Japanese kids are named Hiroshima.


People like you make life worth living. Laughter really is the best medicine.
Bullshit. They planned to kill millions upon millions of innocent people, including children, just because some stupid pseudoscience and ideology

I'm no fan of Nazi ideology nor do I worship Hitler or subscribe to Neo - Nazi philosophies.... I had to preface my reply with that because:

A true student of REAL HISTORY not revisionist history will learn the claims of total body count gassed exceeds - in the millions - the total number of Jews on the planet during Hitlers reign. It's fucking mathematically impossible that 5,860,000 jews were gassed.

Furthermore - Here is a BRIEF/CONDENSED list of Jewish Expulsions throughout history.


When your people have a history of being castigated and expelled from every known society throughout the history of the world, at some point and time you have to quit pointing the collective finger at the rest of the world.

When one really looks behind the curtain of history - Rothschild (A Zionist Jew) stands there manipulating the world into War and Genocide for the sole aim of creating a Jewish State (ie Israel). And it has been a fucking parasite sucking the lifes blood from America since its inception.

A true student of REAL HISTORY not revisionist history will learn the claims of total body count gassed exceeds - in the millions - the total number of Jews on the planet during Hitlers reign. It's fucking mathematically impossible that 5,860,000 jews were gassed.
Well, how do you define jew? The nazis had some rather loose interpretation...
Well, how do you define jew? The nazis had some rather loose interpretation...

The definition of "Jew" is a conundrum today as well. I assume it is this way by choice as a means of obfuscation and craftiness.

Jew is a culture, a race and a religion as well as a combination of each of those singularly and combined....according to Jews.

Funny thing though: It's self-identified Jews who insist in the Western World of Academia that there are no races, yet displace, subjugate and murder based on race and proclaim their Jewish Race superior.

If you want a real eye opener about how the Jews really feel about non-Jews, read the Torah. It makes militant Islamism look like child's play.
If you want a real eye opener about how the Jews really feel about non-Jews, read the Torah. It makes militant Islamism look like child's play.
An old book written by some guys thousands of years ago. If people from all religions would start getting honest and open their eyes, these old things would be a thing of the past and there would be none of this outdated nonsense.
The people you refer too are deluded people caught in a belief system that should have been banished decades ago, and then tere're probably a big bunch of "jews" who don't follow this shit anymore, or are somewhat in between, being influenced by the religious bunch telling them shit, holding them back to break free from all this bull completely. Same probably holds true for all the somewhat-christians in the world.

Just get this whole bunch of crap out of the world, along with fashism, unreflected marxism and all the other belief systems that have gone on too long without getting a complete, healthy in-dept check. Then people might notice they have relied on bullshit for thousands of years, and probably ended up killing billions through all this years because of it.