Sold another site, $19,500

@ Ly2 - it's a beautiful cross, post more next time. And wtf was up with that gay thread of yours?

The symbol is not just a cross it is an ancient Hindu symbol and is used by every Hindu business man in their bookkeeping. It is a religious symbol for prosperity and wealth and also used often while praying Hindu God.

congrats for da success.

Congrats :)
How old was your site before selling it? I'm just curious.

inb4 flaming, is it better to sell a site privately?, I've only used Flippa and I want to sell a site of mine generating $250+/month but I don't know how much should I ask for.

screw flippa lol.

I've tried selling there a few times. Been burned the valuations 3 out of 4 times.

Seems like that in order to sell sites at a normal valuations there you just have to accept that your first few listings are gonna be below market value. (or maybe I just suck at writing listing sales pitches)
For two of my accounts, with smaller amounts they are holding for 180 days. However, the large account with roughly $10k in it is marked as "suspicious payment activity." I called and they said they are actually investigating me. I don't really get why. The account is six years old, has done steady revenue for the last three and is verified in every way possible. The only thing I can think of is that I recently got a few larger payments from international clients. Still, FUCK PAYPAL.

FUCK THAT... see what separates me from you, is that I'm not gonna just sit back while paypal keeps my money and says its due to suspicious activity. If they had any type of 4 or 5 figure funds of mine, I'd fucking get lawyers, file complaints with the attorney general, banking commission (BBB wont do shit); etc. If you do this, I guaran fucking tee you - you'll get your money. So if they really owe you this, get started because for them to just hold this amount of money, pisses me off (even tho the moneys not mine, lol).

The symbol is not just a cross it is an ancient Hindu symbol and is used by every Hindu business man in their bookkeeping. It is a religious symbol for prosperity and wealth and also used often while praying Hindu God.

congrats for da success.

I'm aware of where the swastika originated, but only one set of people made it strike fear in those who opposed it. :-=)

Congrats :)
How old was your site before selling it? I'm just curious.

inb4 flaming, is it better to sell a site privately?, I've only used Flippa and I want to sell a site of mine generating $250+/month but I don't know how much should I ask for.


Site was 4 months old since created; maybe 3 1/2. Pm me with your site, keywords, details, asking price - may be interested.
Congrats :)
How old was your site before selling it? I'm just curious.

inb4 flaming, is it better to sell a site privately?, I've only used Flippa and I want to sell a site of mine generating $250+/month but I don't know how much should I ask for.

past 3 months revenue * 10=Site value i guess....
so $250*10=$2500, so keep your asking price of $3000 to 4000.

@Dresden14 kudos for successful sale:)
What type of site is yours , are u selling affiliate products or adsense or amazon or wat?
What was your revenue generating per month?Unique visitors etc.,?

Just curious to know^^ this.
(or maybe I just suck at writing listing sales pitches)

No you don't. I have sold several sites on flippa and experienced the same thing. ( below market valuations).

There is also the "shiny new object method" you can capitalize on at flippa. I sold a 28 day old "Sexual Stamina Product" review site there for $5800.00 No converting traffic at all and not one affiliate sale, however I was 1 on the SERP.

Don't mean to bomb the thread...congrats Dresden!!!
The symbol is not just a cross it is an ancient Hindu symbol and is used by every Hindu business man in their bookkeeping. It is a religious symbol for prosperity and wealth and also used often while praying Hindu God.

congrats for da success.

it's not just hindu either, it's a sun symbol that has various representations dating into prehistory in ancient cultures around the world.



eidt: and congrats on the sale Dresden, tidy profit for a four month old site :)
I'm aware of where the swastika originated, but only one set of people made it strike fear in those who opposed it. :-=)

So wait... I thought you were only for separatism.. doesn't this statement suggest that you are proud of the mindless slaughter and attempted genocide of the Jewish by your German ancestry?
Congrats Dresden!
I may have run into you at some of the gun shows here in OC... Don't know if I'll make it next weekend, though.

Yeah if you go, pm me. It's that cross roads of the west show @ the fair grounds in costa mesa. I usually criss cross between that show and the one in mesa/phoenix to get the shit i really want that california prohibits.

So wait... I thought you were only for separatism.. doesn't this statement suggest that you are proud of the mindless slaughter and attempted genocide of the Jewish by your German ancestry?

I wont go into detail here, but I was always raised Christian. When I was 18 I joined a local Klan chapter and started attending Klavern meetings and still do. I adopted that ideology because it was and always has been Christian based. My religion of Christianity comes before my personal beliefs despite how strong I feel for them. I accept national socialism as well, since it has similar mutual goals and from my ties through my family. I don't believe in the extermination of all races, just some which are ordered through the Bible. ill limit my thoughts on that in respect for the admin here, and most being offshore (some people just drive me to the point of yapping and posting random shit). But I agree with what was done (by the Wehrmacht) and ill leave it at that. I do believe in separatism first, not necessarily extermination (it's an act of war, collateral damage and all wars have this). I'd prefer to not turn this thread into one of personal beliefs, lol.

I found early on in flips that the buyers love sites that have everything already done for them (PR, SEO, Links, Social, Posts, Following, etc.) and revenue potential (But you have to how some too)

I've actually seemed to have had better luck selling websites that have it all(content) and little(200-600/month) revenue than websites that had ok traffic and generated more revenue through affiliate offers

don't ask me how.. but it's true.. flippa buyers LOVE LOVE magazine/content themed websites.
Congrats Dresden! I remember a few emails from latona asking to buy 2 of my sites. Kept ignoring them as the %15 put me off. Mind sharing what formula they use to valuate a site?