Sold another site, $19,500

Not on flippa... no sales ending in the last 6 days for 19.5

Here is one of my flips a few months ago

How many names do you use? I'm rotating around 10

Got three new flips coming up this month should get xx,xxx + each for all three then taking a few weeks off

Why do you rotate through names? Are your sites all so shitty that buyers want their money back immediately after they buy?

@OP - you are either a great troll or an ignorant fuck. I feel bad for you.
To find proper buyer is a key. Last year 1 domain which rank few places lower than 2 of my domains was sold for $11k but I can not find a buyer who will offer just $10k for 1 of my domains :(
pump and dump much?

Just checked out that site and it is not anywhere near the stats it had when you sold it on Flippa.

That's exactly what I was thinking. It doesn't rank on 1st page for any of the keywords I checked. (Best Rum, Best Tequila, Best Vodka, etc...)

I think it would be worth way more than 15k if it was really ranking #1 for all those keywords. I just don't get it, I see this happen all the time on Flippa. I wonder if it's the ex-owners pulling out all links or if it's the new buyers that fuck up the sites all the time...

@Dresden, do you build the sites from scratch then sell them, or do you buy small sites that you develop and sell back?
So wait... I thought you were only for separatism.. doesn't this statement suggest that you are proud of the mindless slaughter and attempted genocide of the Jewish by your German ancestry?

Ignorant comments are Ignorant.

The german people as a whole, are as guilty of killing Jewish(along with other Germans,Polish,Homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses etc) as you and I are of the slaughter taking place in middle east countries the last decade.

My grandmother (german) lived in Nazi germany and had a gun put in her face by a Nazi soilder for not doing the heil hitler salute to the soilder while passing on the street.
Ignorant comments are Ignorant.

The german people as a whole, are as guilty of killing Jewish(along with other Germans,Polish,Homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses etc) as you and I are of the slaughter taking place in middle east countries the last decade.

My grandmother (german) lived in Nazi germany and had a gun put in her face by a Nazi soilder for not doing the heil hitler salute to the soilder while passing on the street.

Reading is fundamental.

" But I agree with what was done (by the Wehrmacht) and ill leave it at that."
Don't want to come across as a hater, and congrats to the awesome flipping you did, but from what I read in this thread and other posts of yours, you sound like a freakin' neonazi (or at least you meet the widely known definition of one). You call yourself Dresden14... Dresden because of the "bombing holocaust" that happened there, something neonazis often refer too to play down the holocaust against the jews, and 14... for fuckin' Adolf Hitler. Honestly, you called your daughter "Dresden"... really classy... I hope people like you never get power in society again.

On Topic:
Could you still post some details on how exactly you managed to get this much for your website? :smokin:
Would love to make $$$ out of my profitable sites to get budget for bigger projects.
That's exactly what I was thinking. It doesn't rank on 1st page for any of the keywords I checked. (Best Rum, Best Tequila, Best Vodka, etc...)

I think it would be worth way more than 15k if it was really ranking #1 for all those keywords. I just don't get it, I see this happen all the time on Flippa. I wonder if it's the ex-owners pulling out all links or if it's the new buyers that fuck up the sites all the time...

@Dresden, do you build the sites from scratch then sell them, or do you buy small sites that you develop and sell back?

Yea same here, a lot of sites that catch my eye on there end up tanking later on. The alexa stats on the sick night site show a real high spike in traffics probably around the time it was sold. Its got to be artificial.

I can't believe how many idiots there are that actually have 15k to blow on a site like that
Reading is fundamental.

" But I agree with what was done (by the Wehrmacht) and ill leave it at that."

believe everything you read in your fine public school system, 9/11 is in the history books too now, I'm sure it's all factual.

Edit: Did not know you were referring to another comment within this thread.