Sold another site, $19,500

LOL at people saying this thread should be closed/deleted/not allowed.
Fuck u fags. It's freedom of speech. It's not like he's posting kiddy porn.
If it offends you either get out of the thread or stop being a pussy.

multiple keys.

Everything. If you check my post history you can see I buy pretty much everything. On this forum and on others. Gotta spend $ to make it. I keep track of all links paid for in excel. For this one site, my cost was $2,500 roughly in links. So subtract that from the sale price.

Looking at your profile and post history... damn dude you really do buy lots. I'm just gonna follow you around once a week to catch up on my sites!
It sucks this thread totally got derailed.

It got derailed because op felt it necessary to brag about his epenis size.

If I posted on here every time I flipped a domain or started earning passive income on another website, I'd be making a lot of threads. But I don't because I don't need internet strangers to praise me for making money.
LOL at people saying this thread should be closed/deleted/not allowed.
Fuck u fags. It's freedom of speech. It's not like he's posting kiddy porn.
If it offends you either get out of the thread or stop being a pussy.

Agreed, fuck the haters. I dont directly call people racial slurs or nothing, but theres an assload of racial related topics that are started on here (not by me). I merely voice my opinion which isn't the majority thought here. Fuck 'em

Looking at your profile and post history... damn dude you really do buy lots. I'm just gonna follow you around once a week to catch up on my sites!

Yeah, and that's just on this

It got derailed because op felt it necessary to brag about his epenis size.

If I posted on here every time I flipped a domain or started earning passive income on another website, I'd be making a lot of threads. But I don't because I don't need internet strangers to praise me for making money.

No ones here to brag. I make this in a week. If anyone has questions regarding this, how i sold, what I do - pm me and ill help the n00bs.
somehow I doubt you make 20k a week.

Why? Because I'm on this forum, and people on this forum can't make that much? It tends to range in the 15-23 range. I'm not here to provide proof of what I make tho, I could give a shit really. Join the list of haters :)

Do you have a strategy/structure to your link buying - from the above it looks like you are just throwing everything you can find at your sites

Strategy/structure, well fuck I could sit here all day talking about how I rank my sites. I'll just post a bit to give intelligence to the noobs or for those whom don't know wtf's going on.

The websites must be 100% fucking perfect, flawless and beautiful. IMO, if you can't design websites and you suck @ graphics, you better get to the outsourcing or fucking quit. I've personally never used a wordpress theme or template kit. Sometimes (but rarely), I'll do a search for logo psd's and modify them for my sites. All my content is done by myself, I do not outsource them to third world countries or people whom merely copy and spin the shit out of them and all them unique. So part of my strategy is to (A) Design an attractive site, (B) Write my own 100% unique articles that flow into the H1 and title tags. Make sure the site has proper alt tags, and I keep my density between 0.5 and 1.0%. I usually put 1-2 authority links (Pr4+) outgoing on all my pages (relevant). Make sure your site includes a sitemap.html, sitemap.xml and I usually also include alot of social triggers (twitter, facebook, and similar sites = usually 5 per site). I usually rank just a few desired pages, yet create 50+ internal pages (500 words+) of random propaganda or related discussions to show google "I care about the community". I see to many people with piece of shit websites, wordpress sites with no navigation etc.. ................Maybe this is why my site didn't have a penalty the other day (See the list of these goons who probably have this site here:

Step 2:
Once you have a legit site, it's "pretty" (I do have an internal belief that once you start getting traffic maybe managers at google will check the sites manually and if looks like crap or is to small = your fucked), with all the additional shit necessary as explained above, just buy links. My strategy does not include buying xrumer or blog comments, I tend to stay away from those. I don't go out and buy $2,000 annual links on PR7's, or any other bullshit link offers (usually found on digitalpoint, etc). I do try and low ball those fuckers tho (PR7s cant have a domain authority of 20/100 on seomoz, lol). My strategy includes just buying link packages; I then get those packages and submit them to lindexed + blast them on a 200k aa list through scrapebox. I can usually get a site listed in the top 2-4 positions in a month, maybe two max. I use diversity in my link building as well (not all one keyword, target similar variations = username danke is a fag, username danke sucks dick, etc). So targeting one keyword is never a good thing when thinking of strategy. Remember; after buying the packages tho building multiple tiers (to backlink your backlinks) is a good thing.

..................I'm busy prepping for this new site, but anymore questions feel free to ask -- that or I'll write more later.

Sent you a PM a couple days ago. No rush - just letting you know, man.

Checking now
I don't think you have any idea of what debt settlement businesses make, 20k is nothing.

the debt settlement niche bought me my first house at age 21 so I do have an idea, I just don't tend to start threads pointing out how much money I make.

I'll be the first one to admit I don't make $20k a week (yet) but if I did I sure as hell wouldn't be hanging out in the "shooting the shit" forum all day with a few thousand posts.

if op actually makes that much, power too him, I just found his thread title a little strange. different strokes for different folks.
the debt settlement niche bought me my first house at age 21 so I do have an idea, I just don't tend to start threads pointing out how much money I make.

I'll be the first one to admit I don't make $20k a week (yet) but if I did I sure as hell wouldn't be hanging out in the "shooting the shit" forum all day with a few thousand posts.

if op actually makes that much, power too him, I just found his thread title a little strange. different strokes for different folks.

Someone who may have 70 posts and 4 itrader, may be spending to much time jerkin it to internet porn or watching television. I eat sleep dream fuck $$ for a living, which would explain why im here (learning and buying) - and frequently posting. Maybe if you got it together, you'd be up 1 level? Something to think about. No reason to brag either. But congrats on your first home, you obviously know the potential here.
Someone who may have 70 posts and 4 itrader, may be spending to much time jerkin it to internet porn or watching television. I eat sleep dream fuck $$ for a living, which would explain why im here (learning and buying) - and frequently posting. Maybe if you got it together, you'd be up 1 level? Something to think about. No reason to brag either. But congrats on your first home, you obviously know the potential here.

If you were all about $$ you'd know that Wicked Fire isn't the place to land good info, and certainly not the "shooting the shit" sub forum.

The baller seo forums that actually have legit info are either invite only or cost a lot to get into ie wpblackhat. I've learned more in one day on those forums than in my entire time fucking around on wicked fire, hence my low post count. Regarding itrader, I did those for the fuck of it, all of which proved to be terrible gigs run by people in india. I do all my shit with bots/scrapebox/scripts etc.

Wasn't bragging about the house at all. Bragging would be telling you how much its worth, how many I've acquired since then or, say, starting a thread with an exact dollar amount in the title.
Why? Because I'm on this forum, and people on this forum can't make that much? It tends to range in the 15-23 range. I'm not here to provide proof of what I make tho, I could give a shit really. Join the list of haters :)

Step 2:
Once you have a legit site, it's "pretty" (I do have an internal belief that once you start getting traffic maybe managers at google will check the sites manually and if looks like crap or is to small = your fucked), with all the additional shit necessary as explained above, just buy links. My strategy does not include buying xrumer or blog comments, I tend to stay away from those. I don't go out and buy $2,000 annual links on PR7's, or any other bullshit link offers (usually found on digitalpoint, etc). I do try and low ball those fuckers tho (PR7s cant have a domain authority of 20/100 on seomoz, lol). My strategy includes just buying link packages; I then get those packages and submit them to lindexed + blast them on a 200k aa list through scrapebox. I can usually get a site listed in the top 2-4 positions in a month, maybe two max. I use diversity in my link building as well (not all one keyword, target similar variations = username danke is a fag, username danke sucks dick, etc). So targeting one keyword is never a good thing when thinking of strategy. Remember; after buying the packages tho building multiple tiers (to backlink your backlinks) is a good thing.

..................I'm busy prepping for this new site, but anymore questions feel free to ask -- that or I'll write more later.

Checking now

Dresden14, what are your favorites links these days? Blog networks/social bookmarks etc? You seem to be buying shit ton of everything.