Realistic revenues for beginner after 3 months

How much you made after 3 months from the start

  • Less than $0

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $0-100

    Votes: 513 25.5%
  • $100-500

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $500-1500

    Votes: 255 12.7%
  • $1500-5000

    Votes: 200 9.9%
  • $5000-10000

    Votes: 102 5.1%
  • More than $10000

    Votes: 215 10.7%

  • Total voters

ofcourse you have to know how to do your shit. Otherwise everyone could take a 20k loand and profit.

Some people also start out with the help of others, making it really easier to bank. While some just start on their own, begging for help, and struggling their way to $100/month.

You have every type of people, you just have to do what you think you gotta do to make it work, and you'll gain experience one way or the other. There is no guarantee that you will "make it", but if you don't try you will never make it.
"just do it now"

stop reading ebooks and stop going through warriorforum threads.

follow those four simple words and you will make it ahead. i finally realized that to get the ball rolling on all the projects and ideas i had going on in my head, i had to just do it and test it out; stop procrastinating and putting up mental blocks that would be a barrier to motivation.

now i have my tuition covered in advance and live very comfortably as a college student.
Doing it instead of reading is really the best advice. Also, if you've got a few hundred bucks and no job, get a job.

You can't rely on AM for a full time income right off the bat.

I made around 2k in my first three months. I'm now around month 6, doing $xxx-$xxxx a day.
While some just start on their own, begging for help, and struggling their way to $100/month.

Bullshit. I started on my own, didn't beg for help, and made much more than $100/month.

It's those who beg who get nowhere, they're followers. Entrepreneurship requires self-determination.
way back when i started as a Affiliate it was much easier than it is today, but even back in the day there was huge risks. I recall my first few sites, back then everyone told me email marketing was dead you could not make money building lists - i as told i was wasting my time. I invested maybe $1,000 and a whole lot of sweat equity my first two months were negative but my third month was around 20k i dumped every dime of it back into the biz and it grew from there. Since than i have done a bunch of different things online and all of them required a ton of work and risk. I'm still just as optimistic today as i was back in the day and i still say FU to people who say "that will never work" Just keep at it, and work your ass off. I give props to the new guys and PPC guys in the game today its way more complex than when i started.
Or maybe they just have shitloads of money from start ? To make $10k after 3 monthes it's already $10k to spend in average to make $20k, and if they start from few hundreds once again they should probably double frew times a month.

WhatUPG, try PPC coach, I just signed up and learning there.

I started out with a couple of $200 MSN Adcenter coupons, $10 for 12 months of web hosting and $8 for a domain. Just kept reinvesting everything. So yeah, you do not need a shit load of cash to get started.
set a goal everyday. like i will get this done and this done and this done and for every hour i read a blog or a forum i will work for 4 hours. its honestly all about action.

starting the initial momentum is tough, making little to no money is discouraging at the beginning, but fighting through it is how this game works.
Depends on a number of things. When I "started" I was doing much more reading of blogs and forums and not working at things. I had a list of things I wanted to do, but never really took action. It wasn't until a few months ago that I actually started making some campaigns and ironically enough, I started making money too. I only read blogs/forums if I'm bored or want a break from work instead of the other way around (working if I got tired of reading blogs/forums).

Your earning potential will rely on how hard you work (to start), your cashflow (most people run into credit issues when first starting and scaling up), and getting in on the right things at the right time.

IMHO this is the best advise someone can give to a noob.
There is no sure formula that tells what is the realistic nevenues for a newbie in first 3 months. It depends how much money he/she can invest, dedication, focus and determination are the factors that decide. It has never been easy before and it will never be easy.
How is that possible? How much did you start with? lol

capital $5k
lots of research
lots of test
hell of a lot of doing.
profit was 8k,
next is reinvest.

there are tons of good info and advise out there, some are good
some are not. Best to just learn some here and there and always to use your mind along with the info, results and research. good luck and happy new year to all
I started yesterday and today i earned 300usd. Can you believe that? I am a complete noob and I can't even spell AM right.

I earned 300usd in my dream.
I can also say that for the first three months when I started I was doing pure SEO and my initial profits ended up being almost all from adsense (usually $1-$3 a day) and that while I got Amazon over 1 thousand clicks to product pages and made them > $250 in sales, they paid me a total of $11, so I stopped using them. Thank you 30 day challenge.

Whats my point? You can still get more than $100 a month with no knowledge and no capital starting out, even with promoting the wrong things. And that little bit of money in the beginning starts to make you believe in online marketing in general.
Hi guys first post here just wanted to give my results on my efforts with affiliate marketing.

First i only started 13 days ago with ads4dough and i have made over $5,200 since i started 13 days ago and im only doing one campaign and not paying for the leads i get. So im averaging a little over $440 per day. Im looking for some sort of training that will show me how to use the power of ad words to take me to the next level. Any one know of any such class or training available ?
Hi guys first post here just wanted to give my results on my efforts with affiliate marketing.

First i only started 13 days ago with ads4dough and i have made over $5,200 since i started 13 days ago and im only doing one campaign and not paying for the leads i get. So im averaging a little over $440 per day. Im looking for some sort of training that will show me how to use the power of ad words to take me to the next level. Any one know of any such class or training available ?

You made that much without paying for any advertising in less than 2 weeks and you're asking for help?

Not often you see a post like this. If you truly paid for no traffic and made that amount in such a short amount of time I would say you're on the right track.
Hi guys first post here just wanted to give my results on my efforts with affiliate marketing.

First i only started 13 days ago with ads4dough and i have made over $5,200 since i started 13 days ago and im only doing one campaign and not paying for the leads i get. So im averaging a little over $440 per day. Im looking for some sort of training that will show me how to use the power of ad words to take me to the next level. Any one know of any such class or training available ?

go with a lot of people recommend them if you're just starting out with adwords.
I agree with most of the sentiments here.

I started out with a simple goal, start one new site per week consistently, just find a niche and build, build again and do not stop, one of my major flaws in my early days was stopping to look around - keep fucking going, try new things; generally do not listen to people.

I now have nearly 300 sites currently active and with a decent system to manage them all it is piss easy, and can make you a lot of cash.

Wow, that was the direction I was going and I stopped at 14 websites because I just simply burned out building them. That's a lot of work man. Today, without SEO, PPC, or any kinds of decent promotions, these websites are making $100/month total.

I think that's not bad, but doing volume is not the thing for me. I know of others who are able to profit just off one website and constant, dedicated updates there. I think that would be my preference.

Anyway, props to you man. That's work!!!