Realistic revenues for beginner after 3 months

How much you made after 3 months from the start

  • Less than $0

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $0-100

    Votes: 513 25.5%
  • $100-500

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $500-1500

    Votes: 255 12.7%
  • $1500-5000

    Votes: 200 9.9%
  • $5000-10000

    Votes: 102 5.1%
  • More than $10000

    Votes: 215 10.7%

  • Total voters
Hi friend,

You can make as much money as you want. It depend on how much you have to spend. If you have $1 million to spend than you can make over $1 million in revenue. If you have $10,000 than you can make over $10,0000 in revenue.

Good luck bro.

This is the hardest thing ever, and it baffles the fuck out of me to hear all you guys making 3 & 4 figures in your first months. WTF? Should I find a better niche, or am I just a wanker?

Don't get discouraged pickle, you've got the work ethic which is key to succeed in AM. I started with a content service, made 4 figures in my first few months. When people talk about making $7xxx, $5xxx, etc they are referring to PPC. Blogging and WH SEO = not so much. Start with PPC first, find profitable niches, then build long-term SEO properties around those areas.
pickledegg, this screen is from amazon ? I don't know that's why I am asking it.

If so then just fuck them, I don't know anyone who make decent money with them. Even $100/month pretty hard. Maybe I am mistaken, but that's it.
Well I've been hard at white hat blogs (30DC) for the last 2 months, trying to establish 2 blogs in a niche for different keyphrases on each. My first blog ranks #2 & #3 in google US for my chosen keyphrase, and my second (3 week old one) is yet to rank. Currently a shitty 179th. I've spent countless hours writing content and link building, and I've made a grand total of $4.80 in affiliate sales and $2.60 adsense. Where do you draw the line? My traffic estimations where way off the mark. 30 day challenge my fucking arse.

This is the hardest thing ever, and it baffles the fuck out of me to hear all you guys making 3 & 4 figures in your first months. WTF? Should I find a better niche, or am I just a wanker?

I'm going through the same thing, making $1 a day or less, and working 10-12 hours daily, 7 days a week working on content and trying to drive traffic. You can lose your mind and your shirt if you're doing seo sites to pay bills. A mature seo site is a genuine asset, but PPC is where you make fast real money.
cheers keeper33 for the encouragement, and blueyonder. noted! yes seolinker, its those fuckers over at amazon ;)

Can't wait for the day when it clicks, and I start to make a few dollars more. I don't want for much, just a smidgin more than $4.80 ;)

Looks like I got to speculate to accumulate.
After 3 months of working at the internet money making, I was pushing ~$100 a day. Not with PPC (I was basically broke before then, so, the fuck I was going to spend my money on testing ad campaigns when I needed to buy beer and cigarettes).

The best thing to do, especially if you're starting out, is to not be creative. As a beginner, you don't know shit, and your great idea is therefore probably shit. When starting out, copy what other people are doing. See what is making other people money, and do the same thing, possibly with a bit of spin on it.

When I was first starting out, I wrote applications for Bebo (a shitty social network you've probably never used). They had just started their third party API, so there wasn't much competition. I didn't make anything innovative: I copied what was already working for other people on Facebook.

Later, with the money from those shenanigans, I was able to start some PPC campaigns, and keep the internet money coming in, even as my applications declined.

So, yeah, if you want to make the money, be like Microsoft - don't innovate - copy.
nstory, wow, so you assume that people know programming and social networks API ? I assume it's even harder that save monies for PPC:)
nstory, wow, so you assume that people know programming and social networks API ? I assume it's even harder that save monies for PPC:)

No, he was just sharing a real-life example of what has worked for him. Don't hate 'cause you can't program. Retard.
Yea, lets all copy what works. Laura's weight loss blog anyone? Acai berry niche anyone? Oh well, welcome to affiliate marketing...
kyleirwin, stop talking trash. His real-life example has nothing to do with topic as well as your scanty post.
I agree with most of the sentiments here.

I started out with a simple goal, start one new site per week consistently, just find a niche and build, build again and do not stop, one of my major flaws in my early days was stopping to look around - keep fucking going, try new things; generally do not listen to people.

I now have nearly 300 sites currently active and with a decent system to manage them all it is piss easy, and can make you a lot of cash.
Where do you draw the line? My traffic estimations where way off the mark. 30 day challenge my fucking arse.

You tried and failed, but learned that you should make sure your traffic estimates are accurate before putting in any hours. You learned something and next time around you won't make that mistake (I hope).

There's nothing worse than ranking #1 for a term you suspect will get a shitload of traffic only to find that you're getting no more than 1-2 users trickling in a day. Of course that won't convert.
kyleirwin, stop talking trash. His real-life example has nothing to do with topic as well as your scanty post.

Sure it does. You completely missed the point of nstory's post, even though he iterated it numerous times in plain English. And he's absolutely right, too. It's silly trying to come up with creative ideas before you've had any actual experience. What would your ideas be based on? Probably assumptions.
I am talking about developing social network applications being PPC beginner:) I didn't missed any point. Case which described very rare to find plus it will not help newbies very much. But let stop it here:)
I agree with most of the sentiments here.

I started out with a simple goal, start one new site per week consistently, just find a niche and build, build again and do not stop, one of my major flaws in my early days was stopping to look around - keep fucking going, try new things; generally do not listen to people.

I now have nearly 300 sites currently active and with a decent system to manage them all it is piss easy, and can make you a lot of cash.

Thanks for this Goldie I was planning on going this exact route when you said this was what you did it confirmed my assumptions. :D
Goldie Dice:

I like the sig: " There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs."
Don't throw that TV to the sea!! You need it to watch Oprah. She know's what's going to be the next big thing.