Realistic revenues for beginner after 3 months

How much you made after 3 months from the start

  • Less than $0

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $0-100

    Votes: 513 25.5%
  • $100-500

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $500-1500

    Votes: 255 12.7%
  • $1500-5000

    Votes: 200 9.9%
  • $5000-10000

    Votes: 102 5.1%
  • More than $10000

    Votes: 215 10.7%

  • Total voters

You have basically created a question that no one person can provide an accurate answer.
There are almost an unlimited number are variables involved, a lot of which are based on your personality and work ethic.

I personally think that you just need a mass of determination, a sick worth ethic and you should go a very long way.

Some people here may have got lucky and made a fortune by doing the right thing at the right time. You cannot just sit and wait for this to happen to you.
You never know one day your product/service might create a niche for all of these douches to jump on : - )

Just keep planting seeds, one day you will reap the crop.

Good luck. I wish you the best.
You have basically created a question that no one person can provide an accurate answer.
There are almost an unlimited number are variables involved, a lot of which are based on your personality and work ethic.

I personally think that you just need a mass of determination, a sick worth ethic and you should go a very long way.

Some people here may have got lucky and made a fortune by doing the right thing at the right time. You cannot just sit and wait for this to happen to you.
You never know one day your product/service might create a niche for all of these douches to jump on : - )

Just keep planting seeds, one day you will reap the crop.

Good luck. I wish you the best.

This is the best post. It all depends on you.
If you are just starting out and don't already have one I would recommend you get a job in order to speed up the process.

I was laid off and found affiliate marketing, I was writing in order to get money to invest in my sites, and live on, and my sites were starting to bring in some pretty good money and were looking better and better as time passed.

Then came the Penguin, and everything that I had worked for was taken away overnight. I later decided to get a shitty job in order to get by while rebuilding my sites as well as allowing me to have money to invest in them too.
It depends. It's not like a game where you're vs someone. You're just grabbing peoples attention and giving them a product they can't refuse.

Some people stumble on things, like I did (and made $500/day within a couple weeks from start - and I was a noob) and some people have to trial and error.

Here's a few things you might want to keep in mind:

1. Start out with a clear goal in mind. Now, you might be thinking that you don't know what you are going to sell, so you don't have a goal yet.


Your goal IS to find your first trial. It may result in a success, or it might end in failure. But keep in mind that failure IS a part of success. If you are willing to have an open mind and have a willingness to learn from -any- experence - good or bad, then failure has a gift inside for you.

A clear signal of a good idea worth pursuing is one that gives you excitement, makes your mind race. Picture yourself in a rapidly flooding basement, trying to find your kids, who are close to drowning.

What's going on? You're thinking clearly. The 'Now' state is taking over. You don't have any options. You must find your kids before they drown. Instincts and intuition take over.

Just like a singing a tune and flipping the station and its there (sometimes sync'd), I believe there is a higher consciousness in all of us, but it is elusive and rarely comes out by force of will.

I am not saying you will reach the same level of dertermination as in saving your kids from a flooded basement - for you must fully believe in what you are doing and have an utmost for bringing 'god mode' into play. (btw i sold a godmode that made me over $3m lol)

Anyway, #2 is Excitement. I am not talking about the level of excitement from getting ready to watch Breaking Bad or Game of thrones or even Mel gibsons Freeeeedom speech, I am talking about a goal being realized that will change your life and seeing it work in your head. You must have this - or is it just me? Hm.

3. Plan out everything. It is crucial you take the time to research and plan your attack.
I must warn you though - the road is broad and the gate wide who many IM'ers hath fallen into the Research Abyss. Part of my time in this 3rd dimension haf i frowen into eth.

But you say, Surely I must not go down that road, No Frodo, you must. For the night is dark and full of terrors. Here is some Mithril, HARD as dragonscale, but light as a feather! You must frodo. You must!

Ok I ruined it lol
You have basically created a question that no one person can provide an accurate answer.
There are almost an unlimited number are variables involved, a lot of which are based on your personality and work ethic.

I personally think that you just need a mass of determination, a sick worth ethic and you should go a very long way.

Some people here may have got lucky and made a fortune by doing the right thing at the right time. You cannot just sit and wait for this to happen to you.
You never know one day your product/service might create a niche for all of these douches to jump on : - )

Just keep planting seeds, one day you will reap the crop.

Good luck. I wish you the best.

I was going to write the exact same advice, but you got it before I could, cudos!
it's really dependent on how much you learned before actually taking action. the IM buddies of mine that were too dependent on the forums...struggled. Why? because most the forums become too distracting and there's too many "shiny objects" that promises great things

On the other hand, my IM buddies who purchased a course to learn a specific marketing skill...they accelerated very fast!
It all really depends on how much time can you spend daily. If you spend 3 months doing nothing, well you get nothing :) But if you can devote at least 4 hours of UNINTERRUPTED time to your project, then you can see some quick results.
I made a $28 so far with a web hosting affiliate. Currently earning $7.88 a month for referring a few customers. I took the recurring commissions vs the one big lump sum.
chances are $0.

Payments are always a month or even two behind.

So at the end of month 3, you'll have 3 months of expenses, and only 1 month of revenue. I don't care how lucky you are, but there is no way you'll be that profitable as a beginner.

As the whole EWA situation(and all the failed networks before it) showed us, you can't count on getting paid until the money hits your account.
I hit over £100 in December from one feed based site, probably the xmas shopping rush. Took me 8 months to get to that point but consisted of occasionally adding content so not too much work involved. In total the site has made me £450 in commission and I have sent sales of £4,500 to the advertiser.