Matt Roberts from AdInfusion = LIAR AND CHEATER!!!

Real talk, Jon he's learned his lesson & I'm pretty sure all of WF has as well

Nope. He hasn't. Nor will he ever.

You're too soft, Ben.

What he's actually trying to do is win the crowd over to feel sorry for him and pity him quickly.... Because he knows full well that the chances of me posting the convo we had last night, and then the messages he sent to me after I logged off will not make him look all that sorry after all... AND THEN OF COURSE... There's the criminal record that he really doesn't want associated with this thread...

All he's doing now is coming clean and admitting that he did in fact do what I originally claimed, plus confirming that everything up until this very point has been jam packed with lies and nonsense. CONFIRMING the obvious is not an apology at all. It doesn't prove that he is truly sorry, nor was that the intended goal here.

The goal here is to show everyone... if you steal from me, regardless of how big or small of an incident YOU believe it is, has ZERO bearing on my response to it. If you steal from me, I will lay down the law onto you on a level you have never thought anyone ever would until you feel it first hand and experience it. Then you'll know. Plus, it makes for a great way to show others and warn them to not fuck around.

When someone crosses me, personally, especially when its via stealing or doing sneaky things, and then covering it up with more sneaky shit or worse, lies, holy fuck.... You are in for one hell of a time.

Just because YOU have decided its not a big deal, does not mean that I agree with you. I consider all acts a BIG FUCKING DEAL. And I will act and react accordingly.

Oh, the fucking horror...

Nothing he can do nor say will stop me now. Its just how I am. Nor do anyone's opinions neither good or bad make any difference to me either.

Why do you think no one ever gets away with owing me money in this industry? Its because I do not fuck around, and they assume I'm a nerdy Jew from NY that has assistants lifting for him, hiding behind a keyboard on the internet and that nothing bad will possibly happen to their reputation nor effect them offline and online for very long if at all... and they are ALWAYS soooooooooooooo fucking wrong. I don't like being this ruthless or harsh, but its the only way to get results, time and time again.

Matt Roberts already dared me to go near him and show my face at any industry event he's at... He's probably betting on that having some sort of intimidation factor on me too. He's actually only the second person this year to threaten me in any sort of way offline, and I don't expect him to be the last. But, no one has ever tried to do anything to me. They always threaten it, but never even dare. If anything, they see me and either freeze up or walk the other way pretending they didn't see me. Its a fucking joke. Just like most people are. All talk, no action.

Take that... from someone that doesn't need to lift to get things done.
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You don't even call, you don't even write, you don't even lift :(

Nope. He hasn't. Nor will he ever.

You're too soft, Ben.

What he's actually trying to do is win the crowd over to feel sorry for him and pity him quickly.... Because he knows full well that the chances of me posting the convo we had last night, and then the messages he sent to me after I logged off will not make him look all that sorry after all... AND THEN OF COURSE... There's the criminal record that he really doesn't want associated with this thread...

All he's doing now is coming clean and admitting that he did in fact do what I originally claimed, plus confirming that everything up until this very point has been jam packed with lies and nonsense. CONFIRMING the obvious is not an apology at all. It doesn't prove that he is truly sorry, nor was that the intended goal here.

The goal here is to show everyone... if you steal from me, regardless of how big or small of an incident YOU believe it is, has ZERO bearing on my response to it. If you steal from me, I will lay down the law onto you on a level you have never thought anyone ever would until you feel it first hand and experience it. Then you'll know. Plus, it makes for a great way to show others and warn them to not fuck around.

When someone crosses me, personally, especially when its via stealing or doing sneaky things, and then covering it up with more sneaky shit or worse, lies, holy fuck.... You are in for one hell of a time.

Just because YOU have decided its not a big deal, does not mean that I agree with you. I consider all acts a BIG FUCKING DEAL. And I will act and react accordingly.

Oh, the fucking horror...

Nothing he can do nor say will stop me now. Its just how I am. Nor do anyone's opinions neither good or bad make any difference to me either.

Why do you think no one ever gets away with owing me money in this industry? Its because I do not fuck around, and they assume I'm a nerdy Jew from NY that has assistants lifting for him, hiding behind a keyboard on the internet and that nothing bad will possibly happen to their reputation nor effect them offline and online for very long if at all... and they are ALWAYS soooooooooooooo fucking wrong. I don't like being this ruthless or harsh, but its the only way to get results, time and time again.

Matt Roberts already dared me to go near him and show my face at any industry event he's at... He's probably betting on that having some sort of intimidation factor on me too. He's actually only the second person this year to threaten me in any sort of way offline, and I don't expect him to be the last. But, no one has ever tried to do anything to me. They always threaten it, but never even dare. If anything, they see me and either freeze up or walk the other way pretending they didn't see me. Its a fucking joke. Just like most people are. All talk, no action.

Take that... from someone that doesn't need to lift to get things done.

Barry I don't even care what they would say, would ban everyone whenever I feel like it!! Commie style.

You mean like ban you for posting sprinkle lips of nonsense to derail the topic of this thread?

Yeah, no one would be safe. You included. That's why you're not in charge here, nor will you ever be.
You mean like ban you for posting sprinkle lips of nonsense to derail the topic of this thread?

Yeah, no one would be safe. You included. That's why you're not in charge here, nor will you ever be.

Why do you think no one ever gets away with owing me money in this industry? Its because I do not fuck around, and they assume I'm a nerdy Jew from NY that has assistants lifting for him, hiding behind a keyboard on the internet and that nothing bad will possibly happen to their reputation nor effect them offline and online for very long if at all... and they are ALWAYS soooooooooooooo fucking wrong. I don't like being this ruthless or harsh, but its the only way to get results, time and time again.

Jon Jew Receivables > Gervitz Receivables
Jon Jew Receivables > Gervitz Receivables

Yeah I responded openly about that joke of a biz idea and Eagle got upset that I wasn't taking it seriously.

Funny enough, I've collected on Harrison before, on behalf of a former employee of his, and to date, he has to be the fastest collection ever, in my entire life. A whole NINE SECONDS went by, from him getting a msg on AIM to hitting Paypal and sending over $1k to the former employee. Entire convo with him took no more than FOUR minutes, total. It was absolutely amazing.

Then to see him be into collections... that had to be a joke.. Srsly. Harrison Gevirtz doing collections is about as believable that Donald Trump is a real billionaire. NO. FUCKING. CHANCE. IN. HELL.

Largest collection to date is still Deepak Agarwal. ($2.2M)
Simplest collection to date is Luiz. ($440k)
Quickest collection to date is Harrison. ($1700)
Longest collection to date is Hydra. ($21k)

Many more to come!
When someone crosses me, personally, especially when its via stealing or doing sneaky things, and then covering it up with more sneaky shit or worse, lies, holy fuck.... You are in for one hell of a time.

Matt Roberts already dared me to go near him and show my face at any industry event he's at... He's probably betting on that having some sort of intimidation factor on me too. He's actually only the second person this year to threaten me in any sort of way offline, and I don't expect him to be the last. But, no one has ever tried to do anything to me. They always threaten it, but never even dare. If anything, they see me and either freeze up or walk the other way pretending they didn't see me. Its a fucking joke. Just like most people are. All talk, no action.

I'm really not sure how you expect someone to react Jon. You cursed me out over skype and signed off, I came back saw you were angry so I reached out on FB. I started with an apology, you replied with a hate thread on your forum. Dunno how you expect someone to react to someone openly declaring all out war on their personal name AND their business.



Not only did you rank a thread for my company but you went and registered web 2.0 site profiles with my company name and then wrote posts that you purported were written by me, in an effort to make ORM more difficult.


You conveniently omitted the little detail of how you lied in the post you authored with the headline written to sound like I wrote it about my own company saying I didn't seem to care about the negative effect on my company. My first reaction was an apology.

I did post something saying to the effect that this wouldn't necessarily hurt my reputation and that statement kinda still stands don't you think. It's true - this thread speaks volumes about me. But I'd point out that it also speaks volumes about you and your personal and business practices.

One thing is for sure though.. I WILL be at AdTech and I stand by what I said - I highly doubt you'll show your face around me. Don't get it twisted though, that's NOT a threat, merely an observation.

Way to lie and cheat while accusing me of lying and cheating, hypocrite :thumbsup:
Once Jon skyped me and said "Hello", I was afraid of saying "Hello" back and never replied. I knew my place. Thank goodness.
I'm really not sure how you expect someone to react Jon. You cursed me out over skype and signed off, I came back saw you were angry so I reached out on FB. I started with an apology, you replied with a hate thread on your forum. Dunno how you expect someone to react to someone openly declaring all out war on their personal name AND their business.



Not only did you rank a thread for my company but you went and registered web 2.0 site profiles with my company name and then wrote posts that you purported were written by me, in an effort to make ORM more difficult.


You conveniently omitted the little detail of how you lied in the post you authored with the headline written to sound like I wrote it about my own company saying I didn't seem to care about the negative effect on my company. My first reaction was an apology.

I did post something saying to the effect that this wouldn't necessarily hurt my reputation and that statement kinda still stands don't you think. It's true - this thread speaks volumes about me. But I'd point out that it also speaks volumes about you and your personal and business practices.

One thing is for sure though.. I WILL be at AdTech and I stand by what I said - I highly doubt you'll show your face around me. Don't get it twisted though, that's NOT a threat, merely an observation.

Way to lie and cheat while accusing me of lying and cheating, hypocrite :thumbsup:

WAIT! So you weren't serious about being sorry and humble?


PS. Can I ban this account Jon? I have not shed blood today...yet.
I'm really not sure how you expect someone to react Jon. You cursed me out over skype and signed off, I came back saw you were angry so I reached out on FB. I started with an apology, you replied with a hate thread on your forum. Dunno how you expect someone to react to someone openly declaring all out war on their personal name AND their business.



Not only did you rank a thread for my company but you went and registered web 2.0 site profiles with my company name and then wrote posts that you purported were written by me, in an effort to make ORM more difficult.


You conveniently omitted the little detail of how you lied in the post you authored with the headline written to sound like I wrote it about my own company saying I didn't seem to care about the negative effect on my company. My first reaction was an apology.

I did post something saying to the effect that this wouldn't necessarily hurt my reputation and that statement kinda still stands don't you think. It's true - this thread speaks volumes about me. But I'd point out that it also speaks volumes about you and your personal and business practices.

One thing is for sure though.. I WILL be at AdTech and I stand by what I said - I highly doubt you'll show your face around me. Don't get it twisted though, that's NOT a threat, merely an observation.

Way to lie and cheat while accusing me of lying and cheating, hypocrite :thumbsup:
The truth is Matt is just a gay homosexual who doesn't know any better. Last time I was in Sacramento he tried to suck my cock for some direct advertisers. Yes literally he told me to come in the bedroom so he could suck my cock.

He even has a ace tattoo on his wrist he got for free from suckin off the dude at the shop.

No joke.
WAIT! So you weren't serious about being sorry and humble?


PS. Can I ban this account Jon? I have not shed blood today...yet.

what gives you the impression that ANYTHING i said I wasn't serious about???
Jon, my bad bro.


Nope. He hasn't. Nor will he ever.

You're too soft, Ben.

What he's actually trying to do is win the crowd over to feel sorry for him and pity him quickly.... Because he knows full well that the chances of me posting the convo we had last night, and then the messages he sent to me after I logged off will not make him look all that sorry after all... AND THEN OF COURSE... There's the criminal record that he really doesn't want associated with this thread...

All he's doing now is coming clean and admitting that he did in fact do what I originally claimed, plus confirming that everything up until this very point has been jam packed with lies and nonsense. CONFIRMING the obvious is not an apology at all. It doesn't prove that he is truly sorry, nor was that the intended goal here.

The goal here is to show everyone... if you steal from me, regardless of how big or small of an incident YOU believe it is, has ZERO bearing on my response to it. If you steal from me, I will lay down the law onto you on a level you have never thought anyone ever would until you feel it first hand and experience it. Then you'll know. Plus, it makes for a great way to show others and warn them to not fuck around.

When someone crosses me, personally, especially when its via stealing or doing sneaky things, and then covering it up with more sneaky shit or worse, lies, holy fuck.... You are in for one hell of a time.

Just because YOU have decided its not a big deal, does not mean that I agree with you. I consider all acts a BIG FUCKING DEAL. And I will act and react accordingly.

Oh, the fucking horror...

Nothing he can do nor say will stop me now. Its just how I am. Nor do anyone's opinions neither good or bad make any difference to me either.

Why do you think no one ever gets away with owing me money in this industry? Its because I do not fuck around, and they assume I'm a nerdy Jew from NY that has assistants lifting for him, hiding behind a keyboard on the internet and that nothing bad will possibly happen to their reputation nor effect them offline and online for very long if at all... and they are ALWAYS soooooooooooooo fucking wrong. I don't like being this ruthless or harsh, but its the only way to get results, time and time again.

Matt Roberts already dared me to go near him and show my face at any industry event he's at... He's probably betting on that having some sort of intimidation factor on me too. He's actually only the second person this year to threaten me in any sort of way offline, and I don't expect him to be the last. But, no one has ever tried to do anything to me. They always threaten it, but never even dare. If anything, they see me and either freeze up or walk the other way pretending they didn't see me. Its a fucking joke. Just like most people are. All talk, no action.

Take that... from someone that doesn't need to lift to get things done.
