Matt Roberts from AdInfusion = LIAR AND CHEATER!!!

They were free to anyone attending ASW and ASE that time. We used to give out different shirts and hoodies at every event when we cared enough.

I think its time to start doing that again. All of mine are still back in Israel. Fuck. I need to get those back!

don't know if you can mail one out? I own a GFY HOODIE , this one would add to my sexy collection :)

We used to give out different shirts and hoodies at every event when we cared enough.

figure out a way to animate GIF a shirt and I'd buy it..

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[ame=""]Family Guy Hitler at the Gym - YouTube[/ame]
Wow, got some interesting stories sent to me... Apparently Matt Roberts is quite the scam artist too... I've invited them to post it. Don't worry boys and girls, I'll protect you.