Matt Roberts from AdInfusion = LIAR AND CHEATER!!!

One thing is for sure though.. I WILL be at AdTech and I stand by what I said - I highly doubt you'll show your face around me. Don't get it twisted though, that's NOT a threat, merely an observation.

Way to lie and cheat while accusing me of lying and cheating, hypocrite :thumbsup:


WTF. Are you being serious?

Honestly Matt Roberts, that was a really stupid and egotistical thing to do. Jon tolerates a lot of shit. He actually tolerates dissent and flat out rude remarks against him. I goto this other non IM forum and any kind of mod / admin SASS is an insta ban. Jon welcomes an open conversation.

But everyone has their soft spots, and with Jon it's when someone steals his work. Can you really blame the guy? It's really obvious that you never really took the time to know Jon, because you would have seen it a mile away if you did!

You really are one shallow piece of shit.

Also you're like a poor man's Ccarter. That means you're a really shitty cheap knock off, just in case you don't get the joke.
Because Ryan Eagle knows better than to owe money to me, personally.

What he or a community does to him is solely up to them as individuals.

This, is an individual act. This thread. Right here.

So.. fuck off?

You tell ehm Jon <3
Legally speaking, how do you actually get damages if someone copies your comment on a forum? If you find out they copied, you first send them a DMCA notice, right? If the person refuses to comply, then you sue?

I'm just curious about the law here.

I'm have no dog in this fight but it's just scary to think that a person's name/reputation can be crushed overnight just due to a post that gets indexed by search engine and there's no way to get it removed...

Carry on...
Honestly Matt Roberts, that was a really stupid and egotistical thing to do. Jon tolerates a lot of shit. He actually tolerates dissent and flat out rude remarks against him. I goto this other non IM forum and any kind of mod / admin SASS is an insta ban. Jon welcomes an open conversation.

But everyone has their soft spots, and with Jon it's when someone steals his work. Can you really blame the guy? It's really obvious that you never really took the time to know Jon, because you would have seen it a mile away if you did!

You really are one shallow piece of shit.

This.. You could have handled it respectfully. The "apology" letter was satirical. Plus, laughable you would get testy on someone's home turf... let alone Jon's home turf.
This.. You could have handled it respectfully. The "apology" letter was satirical. Plus, laughable you would get testy on someone's home turf... let alone Jon's home turf.

dictionary dude. learn the meaning of words before you try and use them. :error:

whats laughable that Jon has nothing better to do than:


sure I copied your comment but don't think for a second I envy you.
maybe what this truly is - is a cry out for help. Are you OK Jon?

Defelice that was a rhetorical question.