Matt Roberts from AdInfusion = LIAR AND CHEATER!!!

If I owned WF it would probably be 3 people maximum. I would not allow anyone to have a say, free speech or any freedom and would just ban everyone for no good reason. Jon is patient with all the retards.
Marina you need to add your famous display pic on here.

Sprinkles LLC
Barry I don't even care what they would say, would ban everyone whenever I feel like it!! Commie style.
I was trying to be proactive. I saw you were mad when you banned me from the forum. Nobody forced me to come forward, but I thought that even if you didn't unban me you'd appreciate that I came straight to you and told you I was sorry.

And I'll expand on that, as it was written in haste - and acting on impulse rarely is effective..

Jon -

Please accept my apology. In Japanese there is a word “Gomenasai” that translates roughly to the English word sorry. The overtones of the word, from my understanding, is that the word suggests humility... which I can appreciate isn't usually recognized as much as the flashy, outrageous personalities we more often encounter in this community. That is not to say they don't exist - Jason Akatiff aka Smaxor comes to mind.. and there are others - but I digress. Realizing that this situation is my fault.. my responsibility - is as important as realizing what I did wrong.

And about that: Yes. I copied your comment. I stole it and pasted it from here on Wickedfire to DG. I'll spare you all my "reasons" (i.e. "excuses") for what was really an inexcusable lapse in judgment. It would've been just as easy to hit the quote button and cite you properly. DG's know who you are too and it would've added to your reputation. You work tirelessly to run a successful forum.

The friendships I've made, all the things I have learned from so many people's threads - I owe you more than just this apology, I owe you for the successes I have in endeavours from things I have learned from people who posted on this thread. If you didn't work hard to make Wickedfire what it is - CCarter wouldn't have had a place to post so many awesome threads that had a major influence in the services I offer people via AdInfusion. (thanks CCarter)

I want to turn this into an opportunity to improve my own character and change this habit. While I can't point out specifics - I have done this on FB too. I'll see something cool and just repost it instead of sharing it. I am stating my commitment to change my actions. If I do post again on WF as iPwnNoobs - I'll make it a habit not just to bring value to the forum, but to cite my sources if not my own. Additionally this won't be limited to Wickedfire, I'll be making changes to my habits regardless of whether I'm on a forum, or social network or elsewhere. This change will be reflected upon my habits on social networks too - of which many people on this forum who I'm friends with on FB will be able to see.

Jon you have succeeded in teaching me that it is wrong to steal content. I am aware of the effort you put forth in producing your own content and from now on I will make it my practice to make sure if I cite someone's work somewhere - that I attribute it to them so they may receive credit for their work.

-Matt (iPwnNoobs)

Real talk, Jon he's learned his lesson & I'm pretty sure all of WF has as well
I used to hold Ctrl button with my Little finger while pressing C with my Middle finger then V with my Index finger (left hand).

I've just cut all 3 of them, just in case.