Matt Roberts from AdInfusion = LIAR AND CHEATER!!!

My Reaction Before And After Reading





Jon knows who I am because I came forward before any of this and
offered an apology for reposting his comments from this thread on this thread

I was merely sticking up for a friend who was getting badmouthed
on a message board he doesn't really frequent. I didn't stand to gain
anything by copying Jons posts onto DG and I thought that by being
proactive and reaching out and immediately apologizing, that would be
the end of it.

Again, I reiterate my original apology to Jon. I should have cited you using
a quote tag like I later did in that thread
<begin plagiarism>
Matt Roberts (username on here iPwnNoobs) decided to copy some random comment of mine from here, and repost it on another forum, under the same exact topic. Normally, this would never be caught and it would be no big deal right?

Well, I take offense to it, because I am unique. And my writing style and humor is important to me. That's just my own personal opinion... However, when content is posted here, and then reposted elsewhere and pawned off as original or unique, then I have an even bigger problem with that. But, we'll get to that later when I go after this dipshit full force.. just to really set an example of what I do to people who steal from me, regardless of how small or big it is...

If you steal from me, you are assuming that I will do nothing back to you, or that I will act like its not a big deal.... Well, it is. And I hate people who steal, let alone, people who do sneaky things -- that REALLY gets me fired up...

Matt Roberts went ahead and apologized to me from his personal account on Facebook. He sent me a message. If he fucks around a bit more, I'll gladly post that too, just so everyone can see what a slimeball he really is deep down.

He says he's sorry... he types the words out "I am sorry" or "I apologize"... but the question is... Is he really truly sorry for it, or is he just saying it quickly to get it over with, and doesn't really care what happens, because he ASSUMES that it won't be a big deal, since its not a big deal to him... fuck what I think right???

Well, fuck you right back, Matt Roberts...

I'm letting everyone know that I am going to do what it takes to get ranked for your name and for your business. Then, I'm going to make sure, in a sneaky way of course, that you lose business... PROFITS especially.

You sir, are a fucking idiot...

You have crossed the line.

Anyone who follows you gets what they deserve.

Never forgive. Never forget. NO MERCY.

Matt Roberts.. you are now MY bitch, I have officially pwned you and you are going to be advertising it shortly.

Oh yes... here is the screen shot of Matt Roberts making a post on Facebook, and then deleting it after I responded shortly thereafter... It sums it up and his lovely behavior.

PS- Enjoy my awesome pwnage skillz in MS Paint too... :thumbsup:

<end plagiarism>

I sensed a disturbance in the force, so I literally woke up and decided to check Wickedfire... And I find this raping. Good.... Good.

This is like a parody of CCarters thread right?

Real Life. It's all real life. Like I stated earlier to opticfaze, these unknowns can't just use the WF community as a soapbox when they have problems or for personal gain and then leave on their merry way.

I like this. I like this a lot. We need more blood.
Again, I reiterate my original apology to Jon. I should have cited you using
a quote tag like I later did in that thread

I'm not going to lie, the way you cited Jon, and at the end "better???" sounds like a taunt. I don't see any apology anywhere on that forum. Probably cause of that damn orange floaty box, but I doubt it. (No i don't have an account at DG, and rather not get one)
taking glee in running a revenge site and ruining peoples lives


reposting your comment you made defending a person to defend that very same person on an identical thread.

imagine if people started running around trying to destroy people's lives when they found someone reposting their FB status.
I was driving up to the gates of WF today and noticed the road seemed to be lined with bloodied heads on spikes! I wondered who that latest was - the one still with the painful look of utter anguish on.