free seemed to be the operative word above... offer two or three for free: emp and bofu2u would be good candidates if they were willing. writing a review takes time, you're asking people to a) pay you, and b) take their time to write a review. right or wrong, those you've offered review copies to probably felt they paid for it and didn't feel compelled to follow up w/ a review, taking time out of their busy schedules.
here's the best piece of advice for you: offer to those two for free if they are willing to write reviews. once they have received their product and have finished their reviews, then start a new thread that isn't so fucking derailed and coordinate with them to immediately post to it.
if those two aren't available - figure someone else who has some decent iTrader, good post count, and seemingly knows his shit (and if his handle is 'radio' all the better).
finally, i appreciate that these sites/links/mininet/etc take time to build - but look at the number of people above with cash in hand and all they need is a couple positive reviews to GIVE YOU MONEY!