Good places to live as an internet marketer?

Lol @ all the asian bangers here. Northern Europe in spring, Eastern Europe in the summer, Southern Europe in the fall and Southern America in the winter. Women wise you are taken care of 3/4 of the year. Southern Europe is for sun, beach, work and getting prepared for the xmas market ;) Done.

LOL @ Asian bangers.

If you want pussy galore, come to Singapore, they are very easy if you are white. But the quality.... oh man....I'll leave you to judge.

These pics are taken from Butter Factory (Singapore) which is the best club in year 2011 here in Singapore.







LOL @ Asian bangers.

If you want pussy galore, come to Singapore, they are very easy if you are white. But the quality.... oh man....I'll leave you to judge.

(images of ugly asians)

LOLOL (insert not sure if serious.jpg). A short FB search of .. 5 seconds will pull up at least 10 girls from Northern/Eastern Europe that will make these butterfaces look even more like real life trolls. Come on. I don't like Asian chicks but I've seen hotter Asian chicks than that in cities like NY, Stockholm, London and Miami. Why the fuck would you put up with high rent and an enourmous cost of living if the chicks are that fucking ugly in the 'best club in singapore' as you say for yourself.

Funny fact: I'm currently living with someone who grew up in Singapore. From what I hear, not the kind of women I'd even nearly would feel interested in.
WTF does it matter where you live if your source of income is removed from the local economy? I've lived in Spain for 7+ years, and yeah, unemployment is high and the economy is in the pisser. There's been a slight increase in petty crime and prostitution (some here might consider the latter a win). However, prices for just about everything other than utilities are cheaper than they've ever been here since I arrived. You certainly don't need 10k a month to live here. You can get a pimp apartment for €600-700 a month or you can get a whole villa in an affluent neighborhood for €1200-€2400 a month. Other than that, the weather is still great and the women are still horny.

yea lol I look at all these self proclaimed economic experts on WF and I think to myself: Thank god most idiots will believe what they say. Local economy doesn't matter anything at all if your income isnt derrived from the local economy.

Ive been in PT and ES for the last month and being a PT citizen myself I can tell you that if I'd like Iberian women (cough jsphll, cough) I'd probably chose Portugal for my winter residence. Its cheap (hell, bottle service at a club will set you back only 100eur per Bottle), plenty of tax loophoples (some being closed right now though), plenty of cultural stuff to do, most cities are absolutely beautiful, people are super nice, food/drinks and apartments are cheap. Negative: Gas is expensive and so are cars. Northern Portugal is still relatively poor so you will need Portuguese to get along with most residents older than 40
LOL @ Asian bangers.

If you want pussy galore, come to Singapore, they are very easy if you are white. But the quality.... oh man....I'll leave you to judge.

These pics are taken from Butter Factory (Singapore) which is the best club in year 2011 here in Singapore.








Hmm.. if you're an attractive Asian female in Sing are you immediately declared persona non grata and deported? And I appreciate Asian women but what is this SHIT??? I'd rather fuck some of the guys on those pics.
Hi everyone! I am new here. I enjoyed reading your posts here...

Anyways, living in a place with many beautiful girls is indeed fine for an Internet marketer.. But having many numbers in your bank account as a result of your Internet Marketing endeavor comes with privileges too. One of these is girls. You don't have to find them but they will find you..

An Internet Marketer can live anywhere as long as there is Safety and Security in Life, Property and Family.
What about experience different women? Not everyone likes the fat, manly, americanized women of the western world...

Fat and manly?

I'm pretty sure the top 5% of hot women of the world come from California.

Fat and manly?

I'm pretty sure the top 5% of hot women of the world come from California.


I lived in southern California most of my life, and traveled to many places around the world and around the U.S., and I would not agree with you at all. But to each his own.