Good places to live as an internet marketer?

So steering back towards the original topic, I think there is one facet that many IM ballers aren't considering when they think of where to live. That is, where can they live that facilitates protecting their wealth? Lots of opinions on how to do that. I tend to think people like Marc Faber are more correct than not. That leads to figuring out where is a safe place to own land, gold, cash and equities that are relatively safe from state debasement and confiscation. And where you live can impact that.

minor concern. most Im ballers are not really ballers. they make their 6 figures and the only big difference is they don't have a boss.

minor concern. most Im ballers are not really ballers. they make their 6 figures and the only big difference is they don't have a boss.

If you think protection of wealth is unimportant than you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Six figures turns into a tidy sum if you don't blow it all on the latest gadget every six months that is worthless in six months. But that tidy sum will become worthless or be confiscated if you let it.
I am surprised central and south america is not mentioned more here. Mostly friendly people..Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, etc have some of the hottest girls in the world. I think Venezuela has been dominating the Miss Universe pageants.
Nice cost of living as well and beautiful beaches, colonial cities and sunshine.

I know one thing...I am not into N American girls anymore...maybe CAN's...but not the USA. Once you have a taste of chick without a chip on her shoulder from too much TV and media in her won't go back. There is great girls...but they are few and far between. We have no culture in the US, we are so young and have very few traditions. I love it here...but culture we can all relate too doesn't exist and that is a good reason many womens morals are so fked up here.
I get hot chicks wherever I want as it aint like that.
Speed and quality Internet connection. Beautiful girls, good mood and food. That's it.
And it doesn't matter which country to work in.
Thank you for bumping this thread with such an insightful post.

But since it's already bumped... I've been on the road for about 2 years now. Currently I'm in Ho Chi Minh city and I'm loving it. I think for an Im'er it's hard to beat.
Super fast Internet.
Large abundance of really nice cafe spots everywhere.
Super cheap
First world quality nice
Good English
And is pretty much the one place in Asia where I think the girls are cute.
A country can have hot women, but if you can't communicate with them, you aren't getting laid. I'm currently in Aix-en-provence, France - hot as hell women (30% university students), but they don't know English for shit.

Title should be: "Good places to live where the local women speak decent English"
Only if you're a foreigner and can dodge the IRS.

I pay 6 figure taxes and still wouldn't want to move out of nyc... some of the most successful and motivated people live here... and the tech/startup scene is blowing up here

i guess if i wanted to make 30k a year and do nothing id live in thailand... but if i want thai food i can just go get it down the street
^ Kind of a false dilemma. Just because you can live comfortably on 30K in Thailand doesn't mean you can't make a lot more. Btw, there are plenty of web people in Thailand now. I would guess Thailand is now one of the more popular places in the world for aspiring am/web people. They just can't talk too much about it cause most are working there on tourist visas. I've been here 2 months and already met several from pure chance. Now, Thailand isn't for everyone for sure, it requires self control and grounding, but besides that, it is a decent place to live on the cheap while working on your stuff.

Personally, I don't care about the low cost of living cause I spend a lot on food and accomodation (don't eat crap street food - nutrition wise), but I like the fact that I have zero stress here and don't have to waste time on mundane tasks which fortunately can be outsourced very cheap here.
I pay 6 figure taxes and still wouldn't want to move out of nyc... some of the most successful and motivated people live here... and the tech/startup scene is blowing up here

i guess if i wanted to make 30k a year and do nothing id live in thailand... but if i want thai food i can just go get it down the street

That's the thing, as you can see from this thread some people just want to live an easy, stress-free life, work a couple hours a week and still enjoy high purchasing power...

In NYC you have to hustle every day. No matter what you've accomplished there's always someone that did it better than you so you're always pushing yourself. The competition is fierce in every aspect of life. People are aggressive and stressed out. You can feel it in the air. People want to beat the shit out of you if you don't succeed in swiping your Metrocard in 1 go. lol

The other thing is that for single guys it's tough to get attention from the ladies in NYC. There's tons of good-looking, successful and smart guys everywhere. The below-average acne-ridden gay webmaster will never be able to get laid. In Thailand that same guy will pull more pussy than his 4 inch penis can handle. :D
That's the thing, as you can see from this thread some people just want to live an easy, stress-free life, work a couple hours a week and still enjoy high purchasing power...

In NYC you have to hustle every day. No matter what you've accomplished there's always someone that did it better than you so you're always pushing yourself. The competition is fierce in every aspect of life. People are aggressive and stressed out. You can feel it in the air. People want to beat the shit out of you if you don't succeed in swiping your Metrocard in 1 go. lol

The other thing is that for single guys it's tough to get attention from the ladies in NYC. There's tons of good-looking, successful and smart guys everywhere. The below-average acne-ridden gay webmaster will never be able to get laid. In Thailand that same guy will pull more pussy than his 4 inch penis can handle. :D

LOL you paint a great picture of NYC. Sounds like a great place to stroke out from stress and exhaustion. I guess New Yorkers don't have a reason to move to Asia anyways. They already have tiny ass apartments, materialistic girls, and garbage piled up on the streets. :usa:

dunno about that... my place is huge and about to trade up (and i own, not rent)... i don't have to move to Asia because I can afford living comfortably in nyc

NYC is nice but I don't know if it's worth the tax ass raping:

New York | Tax Foundation

Plus a NYC city income tax. Ridiculous.

yea i'm in no way saying im not getting ass raped with taxes... still lots of things you can do to bring your numbers down

now back to my WF break... get so much more work done when im not reading this nonsense

"entrepreneurs" who don't want to work hard... never heard of this