Good places to live as an internet marketer?

The reason I've moved to Australia from Malaysia 7 years ago was cause of the stupid Malay government and no regret. Now back to talking chicks, I've developed quite an Aussie accent, I do love to go back to KL and lie about me being Australian Chinese and they bought it every fucking time, instant celebrity status and access to vaginas.

In Singapore, the Malay women are giving themselves for free to white guys. The locals call these girls Sarong Party Girls. These cunts are lazy and prefer to get rich by sex appeal. The Malay guys here are holding lousy jobs and can't get beautiful Malay women who prefer white rich dicks over their own poor race. Thus, the deterioration of Malay genes begins in Singapore.

am not defending wicked ice but that doesn't mean you are not a racist. In your last post, you called out indians as slaves, shit genes and lower caste. Guess you need some education, oh well sorry malays dont go to uni anyway. The government feeds them for being a muslim. What a shitty country. Its not even worth comparing malaysia to singapore.
It's history, it's facts, the Indian immigrants to Malaysia/SG are of the lower-caste called Kelings, from Calinga. Look it up. Wikipedia that shit.

and being of a dark complexion has everything to do with genes.

Never once did I say Malaysia was a better country than SG, Wicked Ice said that. (Malaysia has better looking girls, and more billionaires).

In 2007, i visited malaysia in a hope that i would get a on arrival visa. They took me to an immigration office, asked me to stand (not sit) for atleast 2 hours and then when i went to collect my passport. That mofo immigration officer saw my SGD in wallet and demanded $200 from me. When i refused to give, he took the passports away. Had to pay the money to get the passport. What a fucked up country. India is corrupted too but singapore is 1000% better than fucked up malaysia anyday
So? What does that have anything to do with anything at all?
am not defending wicked ice but that doesn't mean you are not a racist. In your last post, you called out indians as slaves, shit genes and lower caste. Guess you need some education, oh well sorry malays dont go to uni anyway. The government feeds them for being a muslim. What a shitty country. Its not even worth comparing malaysia to singapore.

In 2007, i visited malaysia in a hope that i would get a on arrival visa. They took me to an immigration office, asked me to stand (not sit) for atleast 2 hours and then when i went to collect my passport. That mofo immigration officer saw my SGD in wallet and demanded $200 from me. When i refused to give, he took the passports away. Had to pay the money to get the passport. What a fucked up country. India is corrupted too but singapore is 1000% better than fucked up malaysia anyday

No shit, I remember my dad and friends went to Japan and bought 5 katanas and 6 fireworks, back to Malaysia airport he pulled the officer to the side and bribed him for measly RM250 to let them pass. Not to mention, I've bribed enough traffic officers in my life, they were totally like my buddies on the street.
No shit, I remember my dad and friends went to Japan and bought 5 katanas and 6 fireworks, back to Malaysia airport he pulled the officer to the side and bribed him for measly RM250 to let them pass. Not to mention, I've bribed enough traffic officers in my life, they were totally like my buddies on the street.

Same here but that's just the way it is in "developing countries" I bet you could pull the same stunt in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Phillipines, and Indonesia. I was neighbor with the Chief of Traffic Police and guess what, we never get our speeding tickets, and didn't have to bribe.
It's history, it's facts, the Indian immigrants to Malaysia/SG are of the lower-caste called Kelings, from Calinga. Look it up. Wikipedia that shit.

Never once did I say Malaysia was a better country than SG, Wicked Ice said that. (Malaysia has better looking girls, and more billionaires).

So? What does that have anything to do with anything at all?

Yeah and now Malays working in SG in lower level jobs are from which caste?

with regards to billionaires, wicked obviously didnt get it right. check out: Singapore's 40 Wealthiest, 2011

Being a tiny country with tiny population, we have hell lot of millionaires and billionaires. Lot of billionaires moved here since 2009 mainly from mainland china. Mind you, if singapore stops importing stuff from malaysia, your economy will go downhill. You are literally fed by singapore.
Yeah and now Malays working in SG in lower level jobs are from which caste?

with regards to billionaires, wicked obviously didnt get it right. check out: Singapore's 40 Wealthiest, 2011

Being a tiny country with tiny population, we have hell lot of millionaires and billionaires. Lot of billionaires moved here since 2009 mainly from mainland china. Mind you, if singapore stops importing stuff from malaysia, your economy will go downhill. You are literally fed by singapore.

Why do you say "our" country as if Singapore's development is a direct result of your $1/100 words article writing jobs? Why do you assume I'm Malay or give a fuck about Malaysian Economy? Singapore could probably do better without you as a country. IDGAF.

Everything you said have no basis/evidence for it. There were never any caste system in the Malay community since the beginning of time because they never believed in it. Can't say the same for India, Caste system in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why can't you just accept history as what it is instead of being overly-sensitive and in denial?

p/s: How do you know I'm not Indian? How do you know I don't have relatives who are millionaires living in SG?
In Singapore, the Malay women are giving themselves for free to white guys. The locals call these girls Sarong Party Girls. These cunts are lazy and prefer to get rich by sex appeal. The Malay guys here are holding lousy jobs and can't get beautiful Malay women who prefer white rich dicks over their own poor race. Thus, the deterioration of Malay genes begins in Singapore.

Yeap I know some of these Sarong party girls. and Oh I've seen enough Asians giving away themselves to white guys in Australia. Japaneses, Koreans and Chinese, they came with working holiday visa, and to find a white husband for citizenship status. Guys would use this opportunity and get laid, then dump them. but who wouldn't?
p/s: How do you know I'm not Indian? How do you know I don't have relatives who are millionaires living in SG?

Well shithead, you are a Malay. You are guilty till proven innocent.

In regards to your question, how the fuck do I know? How do we know that you are not some Malay gay? How do we know that you don't suck guys' dicks every now and then? How do we know that you don't have super poor relatives in Singapore? Who the fuck knows?

You angry, brah?
Well shithead, you are a Malay. You are guilty till proven innocent.

In regards to your question, how the fuck do I know? How do we know that you are not some Malay gay? How do we know that you don't suck guys' dicks every now and then? How do we know that you don't have super poor relatives in Singapore? Who the fuck knows?

You angry, brah?

No not really, I know you talking shit is just to make up for your lack of self esteem in real life, momma's boy. How's your social life? Any new webcam dates lately? Let's see those pictures of other people looking ugly again to make yourself feel better.

Gargle those dicks while you can son. 29 y/o living with parents rocking expensive watches, yeahhhh big man.

SG owes all its achievements to people like you.
This is, by far, the biggest "beta male" shit I think I've witnessed... Sitting around a critiquing women?


Contemplating moving overseas to get laid? lmao

Have at it BOYS.
No not really, I know you talking shit is just to make up for your lack of self esteem in real life, momma's boy. How's your social life? Any new webcam dates lately? Let's see those pictures of other people looking ugly again to make yourself feel better.

Gargle those dicks while you can son. 29 y/o living with parents rocking expensive watches, yeahhhh big man.

SG owes all its achievements to people like you.

I guess you went through my old posts but you never check the fact that I rent a room for $1000 a month which implies I don't stay with parents. Yes I love expensive watches, if you don't like it, fuck yourself.
I guess you went through my old posts but you never check the fact that I rent a room for $1000 a month which implies I don't stay with parents. Yes I love expensive watches, if you don't like it, fuck yourself.

So you do lack self-esteem then? According to your posts people that spend money on nice things is trying to make up for their lack self-esteem am-i-rite?

I'm outta here boii. Remember, you amount to nothing, everything you do, your insults, you talking shit about other people's heritage/looks/ethnicity. It's all smoke and mirrors. You can't prove it in the real world. You're a fuckin loser and you know it. If you want to spend the rest of your short-lived 20's keeping your dick hard posting pics of ugly girls on WF. Be my guess.

Just look at the mirror every now and then and check yoself before you wreck yoself.
now since you both started fighting again, i will take a break. I am pretty confident that you are not a indian or of indian descent from what you have been posting in this thread. That makes you either a chinese or a malay but am ready to bet you are a malay.
What is all this crap in this thread? How about people just post pics of real girls they have met that are hot. I would post some but I live in Thailand and it has already been established there are not hot women here.
Countries to avoid in Europe, the PIGS: Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain. Things are fucked down there.

I would choose Monaco, or other places in the south of France (Cote D'Azur). Great weather and nice pussies everywere, if you can afford it (with 10k plus you'll be ok, not great but it'll do).
Countries to avoid in Europe, the PIGS: Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain. Things are fucked down there.

I would choose Monaco, or other places in the south of France (Cote D'Azur). Great weather and nice pussies everywere, if you can afford it (with 10k plus you'll be ok, not great but it'll do).

lol wat? moving to a foreign country with 10k?