Good places to live as an internet marketer?

Fat and manly?

I'm pretty sure the top 5% of hot women of the world come from California.


Couldn't agree more, lived in Orange County for about 4 years, I must say the girls there are so fucking hot it's unreal.

Even though most of them that I had the pleasure to meet seem really uptight and shallow bitches, but hey you get what you pay for :banana_sml:

typical clubbers in singapore:

The Butter Factory.... - 1
LOLOL (insert not sure if serious.jpg). A short FB search of .. 5 seconds will pull up at least 10 girls from Northern/Eastern Europe that will make these butterfaces look even more like real life trolls. Come on. I don't like Asian chicks but I've seen hotter Asian chicks than that in cities like NY, Stockholm, London and Miami. Why the fuck would you put up with high rent and an enourmous cost of living if the chicks are that fucking ugly in the 'best club in singapore' as you say for yourself.

Funny fact: I'm currently living with someone who grew up in Singapore. From what I hear, not the kind of women I'd even nearly would feel interested in.

Well it's a long story how I ended up here, but I got a scholarship here at Singapore. And since then I have been stuck here because of relationships with my girlfriends (or ex gfs from other nationalities, SG gals no thanks lol). Now that I am single again, I am looking to move to other country - preferably where there are a lot of hot women.
Hmm.. if you're an attractive Asian female in Sing are you immediately declared persona non grata and deported? And I appreciate Asian women but what is this SHIT??? I'd rather fuck some of the guys on those pics.

Not that actually, it is just that the genes here are pretty bad because their ancestors were coolies from China. So that explains why Singaporeans are ugly in general (no offense to Singaporeans here.. just saying the truth).
I'm guessing that the guys who think Cali and Miami girls are the world's hottest have never been outside the U.S.
I'm guessing that the guys who think Cali and Miami girls are the world's hottest have never been outside the U.S.

Hint: I AM from outside the US. ;)

The problem with comparing international girls to American girls is America got them all.

p/s: Would love to hear your opinion of this beauty from Miami..

[ame=""]Miami Ink - Filipino Rose - YouTube[/ame]
Hint: I AM from outside the US. ;)

The problem with comparing international girls to American girls is America got them all.

p/s: Would love to hear your opinion of this beauty from Miami..

Miami Ink - Filipino Rose - YouTube

you are full of shit. Miami has hot girls because there are tourists from all over the place. American girls have a very high rate of obesity compared to any other place in the world. You sir, have obviously never been to Scandinavia.
Known lots of Asian-American girls. SoCal has tons of Filipinos, Thais, Koreans, etc. Hate 'em. Most turn to skanks when they hit the U.S. border. WTF is that whole import model silicone plastic tat'd skank bag scene? Generally much better in their country of origin. YMMV of course.
you are full of shit. Miami has hot girls because there are tourists from all over the place. American girls have a very high rate of obesity compared to any other place in the world. You sir, have obviously never been to Scandinavia.

To each his own, you're right, I've never been to that place.

Even if they're tourists, they make up for Miami's population and is what you see when you go there.

I personally like girls that I can converse with. (speaks English).
Beautiful teeth is a bonus.
I like fit girls, not skinny. Difference being fit girls work out, skinny girls are just underfed.

All are rare qualities outside the US.

Do you have a source to back up your claim that American girls have a high rate of obesity compared to any other place of the world? because my observation in Cali, Miami, Seattle, NYC, and SF says otherwise. or maybe I'm just fat-blinded. :banana_sml:

Known lots of Asian-American girls. SoCal has tons of Filipinos, Thais, Koreans, etc. Hate 'em. Most turn to skanks when they hit the U.S. border. WTF is that whole import model silicone plastic tat'd skank bag scene? Generally much better in their country of origin. YMMV of course.

Skank? Hm.. not sure what you're talking about, as far as I'm concerned they exist everywhere.
"I like fit girls, not skinny. Difference being fit girls work out, skinny girls are just underfed."

Ok, I'm just picking on you/trolling a bit, but I gotta say that those girls that need to work out are about one burrito short of being porkers. On the other hand, where I live I watch those skinny girls chow down and they never get fat. Big difference and it's not about being "underfed". They eat more than I do. You just can't fight the genes.

Also, the conversing in English thing. I gotta tell you that when I learned to speak Thai well enough I discovered that the language had so much more in the way of fun opportunities for flirting built right into it. It's way more fun than English.
clyde is a Malay, he has never been to US. Malays are known to be lazy bastards.

"I like fit girls, not skinny. Difference being fit girls work out, skinny girls are just underfed."

Ok, I'm just picking on you/trolling a bit, but I gotta say that those girls that need to work out are about one burrito short of being porkers. On the other hand, where I live I watch those skinny girls chow down and they never get fat. Big difference and it's not about being "underfed". They eat more than I do. You just can't fight the genes.

Also, the conversing in English thing. I gotta tell you that when I learned to speak Thai well enough I discovered that the language had so much more in the way of fun opportunities for flirting built right into it. It's way more fun than English.
It's dumb arguing about where the hottest girls are. They are wherever you find them. So I'm going to stop being dumb now.
"I like fit girls, not skinny. Difference being fit girls work out, skinny girls are just underfed."

Ok, I'm just picking on you/trolling a bit, but I gotta say that those girls that need to work out are about one burrito short of being porkers. On the other hand, where I live I watch those skinny girls chow down and they never get fat. Big difference and it's not about being "underfed". They eat more than I do. You just can't fight the genes.

Also, the conversing in English thing. I gotta tell you that when I learned to speak Thai well enough I discovered that the language had so much more in the way of fun opportunities for flirting built right into it. It's way more fun than English.

Hehe, no problem as long as we keep things civilized.

"but I gotta say that those girls that need to work out are about one burrito short of being porkers. "

Not sure if they work out because they have to, I was under the impression that it was more of a lifestyle choice to live healthy.
Majority girls in SEA/developing nations just don't care about fitness/doesn't have enough money to afford it so they starve instead.

As for the language part, yeah I get it man, totally.
So steering back towards the original topic, I think there is one facet that many IM ballers aren't considering when they think of where to live. That is, where can they live that facilitates protecting their wealth? Lots of opinions on how to do that. I tend to think people like Marc Faber are more correct than not. That leads to figuring out where is a safe place to own land, gold, cash and equities that are relatively safe from state debasement and confiscation. And where you live can impact that.