CX Digital... Massive Fraud?

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I have also seen offers convert better outside of CX when split testing. The people working at CX really need to look into this tracking BULLSHIT. Cause they got great offers and great people... just CRAPPY TRACKING
I have also seen offers convert better outside of CX when split testing. The people working at CX really need to look into this tracking BULLSHIT. Cause they got great offers and great people... just CRAPPY TRACKING

I doubt it is "crappy tracking" on accident.
hydra, addrive and cpaempire I believe are the only ones that I have not questioned their tracking. the one issue i ever had with hydra abbey made me whole on.
Just throwing a prediction. Hydra will win.

CX Digital has some good people, but their tracking system is SO flawed it's kind of ridiculous.

Wow! So why do you keep praising CXD in all your blog posts?

Talk about special treatment with all those rewards?
Why it doesn't happen with everyone ????


Well i think, they didn't do it knowingly . Must be some kind of tracking issue. I did split testing for the above offers on various networks and it was working well.

Hmm... i am not sure though.
Why it doesn't happen with everyone ????


Well i think, they didn't do it knowingly . Must be some kind of tracking issue. I did split testing for the above offers on various networks and it was working well.

Hmm... i am not sure though.
How you gonna register the name google that has to be some sort of sin.
Because I didn't have a tracking problem until about a month ago where an offer was VERY off.

In the past CX Digital has been fine for me, hence the promotion.

Wow! So why do you keep praising CXD in all your blog posts?

Talk about special treatment with all those rewards?
Because I didn't have a tracking problem until about a month ago where an offer was VERY off.

In the past CX Digital has been fine for me, hence the promotion.
But the question is since you have a following have you pointed it out. Made a post on how you think the system they use is flawed.
tracking must be pretty bad if uber went from getting LPs made and loving cx to publicly stating that their tracking is f'd :confused::confused::confused: a posterchild no more.
I've also had tracking problems with CX back in May. I've been running this offer on autopilot for several months, it doesn't make much just a few hundred a month. I'm not really concerned about the money issue, just want to post in this thread to say they do have problems with their tracking.

This campaign I was running I average a 10% conv rate per month. Well, towards the end of May I checked my stats and I hadn't made anything. The clicks were being recorded but, the conversions weren't.

I e-mailed my AM, and they said that their was a problem and their pixel wasn't going off. They said they would credit me for the conversions. They said to keep running the offer and I won't lose sales. I don't spend too much on this offer so I kept running it.

Well another month goes by I don't hear from them, this is in July now. I try to see what's going on. Now, they want to know the cost of my traffic to make a "fair settlement". I give them my stats, since I started running the campaign for at the end in 2007. 10% avg. conversion rate per month.

Now they say that the problem is that they are losing money on the offer. I don't see how this has anything to do with it. If their tracking didn't mess up this wouldn't be an issue. The payout was never a problem previously. Anyway, I told them I understand and I don't really care if they don't credit me for the 10% conversion rate. If they could just pay me back for my advertising costs (PPC traffic) that would be good enough which was about $300.

Well, I don't hear from them for a couple more weeks so I e-mailed them again a couple weeks ago, told them I don't have time for this and it's been months since we've been dealing with this problem.

My AM replied and said that they will give me a small credit and they are losing money on this (again, what does that have anything to do with it, all this is their fault due to their tracking). Then he says he won't be able to do any more biz with me. I'm not sure what that means but, I stopped running my campaign and didn't reply back to him.

I just checked my CX account now after reading this thread and looks like they've credited me $150. So, they didn't even pay me back for the traffic I sent to them.

Also this AM has known me for a while as he was my AM on another network where I was doing pretty good. I'm sure all this was out of his control and I have no problems with him. I've never had any problems requesting higher payouts or anything like that. It's probably their company policies that is the problem.
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