CX Digital... Massive Fraud?

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Couple of weeks ago I sent over 700 clicks to a teeth whitening offer with 0 sales. I found that strange since my ad copy said 'pay for shipping and handling' I told my AM and he said 'that's weird' but never really looked into it.

I've also noticed their one field leads convert at about 50% of what they do on other networks.

I'm not sending them any more traffic for now.

Depending on where you sent the traffic from, 700 clicks isn't always a guaranteed lead even on a simple form submit. However, if it was targeted, you got screwed big-time.:fart:

As one of the networks cited in the initial example, I have tried to stay out of this discussion. While I appreciate the heightened interest in our network as a result, my preference would have been that the thread wasn't as negative towards CX Digital as it turned into. Our experience and understanding of CX Digital has been positive in the past. I believe they deserve the benefit of the doubt. I know the advertiser (and their tracking system) well and run the offer as well, so I would guess that CX Digital was having issues with their tracking. Well, Shit Happens and mistakes are made.

Assuming no tricks were being played, I can only find fault with how CX Digital handled the situation. As a network, I understand the temptation not to proactively let your affiliates know that there is a big tracking issue as this usually results in more complaints, etc. But, affiliates are spending time/energy/money to drive traffic to these offers and deserve the information so they can decide what they should do.

As a final note, I do want to reiterate my belief in CX Digital's lack of bad intent and I am sure they will make their affiliates whole on the situation.
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My Name is Tal Hayek. I am the VP, Affiliate Relations at CX Digital Media.

I just want to let everyone know that we are having our tech team look into this issue and will come out with a response soon.

I also would like to let everyone know that CX Digital is one of the best networks around. We are working with thousands of affiliates that are extremely happy with us. We are a public company which means that our standards are higher than almost all other networks out there.

I am concerned about this issue but would like to emphasize that much of the information needed to make a proper comparison is missing here.

I have also seen in the past that there are sometimes hidden agendas with these kinds of posts.

I would be more than happy to personally talk to any affiliates about this or any other issues.

Ctrl+C ...Ctrl+V... I know those too!
Well I just lost a nice fucking post and I ain't gonna retype it, so I'll just sum up:

Avoid CX. They consistently lose 30% of my clicks everyday. The same traffic has been tracked perfectly through other networks. Avoid them like the plague. Inquires resulted in circular discussion/troubleshooting.
I hate how affiliate companies do this bullshit. You really have to watch out for it - they may just take the leads for themselves. I'm suprised that CX Digital would do such a thing like that.

I've had problems with smaller companies.
Well I just lost a nice fucking post and I ain't gonna retype it, so I'll just sum up:

Avoid CX. They consistently lose 30% of my clicks everyday. The same traffic has been tracked perfectly through other networks. Avoid them like the plague. Inquires resulted in circular discussion/troubleshooting.

I'm having the same problem, losing 1000+ clicks a day. My AM told me to watch tomorrow and let them know if the same problem is still happening. I have a feeling nothing will be fixed.
I mentioned it in the new skin thread, thought there was a post about CX. Hmmmmmmm.
I'm having the same problem, losing 1000+ clicks a day. My AM told me to watch tomorrow and let them know if the same problem is still happening. I have a feeling nothing will be fixed.

BTW, just an update. They actually did fix the click problem (for me at least). All clicks are pretty much recording accurately for me now. Split test one of my offers too and performed equally with the other network.

I was having some big lag issues with them last week, but that also appears to have been fixed.
Wow they are banking off everyone. CNW Group | CYBERPLEX INC. | Cyberplex Inc. Reports a Strong Second Quarter 2008

34% margins are a bit much, how bad can the tracking be?

Gross profit for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 was $3.2 million
resulting in a gross margin of 34% compared to $2.6 million or 32% gross
margin last quarter. This increase resulted from the Company executing on
strategic revenue models during the quarter and executing new initiatives to
build and strengthen its network

Any more updates? Have they fixed the tracking issue? I just joined them and about to push some traffic that way.

Any feedbacks would be appreciated.
Tracking seems fine for me now. I just completed some testing comparing the same offer between CX and another network and both performed equally.
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