CX Digital... Massive Fraud?

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wow. this may be the reason why i never get leads/sales on cx..... their rewards were so enticing :\
wow. this may be the reason why i never get leads/sales on cx..... their rewards were so enticing :D lol
I'm not ready to call this standard practice for CX quite yet. I personally haven't run too much through them, but I've heard good things about them from others who use them, and never had any issue with their tracking up until this point.
But yes, I would call it a fuckup.
the merchants are LESS trustworthy then the networks. That is for sure.

I agree with this. I am running some offers with cx, and a split test showed a couple offers converting better on cx than other networks. But i will keep a close eye on my stats..
From what I see Tal has responded explaining that they'll look into the issue and compensate anyone affected from this, so no need for all the BS against CX.

On another side, I'm a very happy affiliate with CX, payments on time, friendly AM, high payouts and I've never noticed any tracking issues. Infact, I get compensated for the tracking issues on their end.
From what I see Tal has responded explaining that they'll look into the issue and compensate anyone affected from this, so no need for all the BS against CX.

On another side, I'm a very happy affiliate with CX, payments on time, friendly AM, high payouts and I've never noticed any tracking issues. Infact, I get compensated for the tracking issues on their end.

I dint read anything he said about compensating anyone. I have a feeling you work for them?
I would like to say that CX has always been good with me. Timely payment and good offers. Never had an issue with them.
Kind of funny how two people that are saying good things about them are 1 or 2 post wonders. dooby and vjstar.
Kind of funny how two people that are saying good things about them are 1 or 2 post wonders. dooby and vjstar.

LOL! just like that clickbooth rep did some time ago on ALL blogs that blogged about how much they suck..
I just started a split test on a new offer - comparing hydra and cx - will update in a couple of days
Just throwing a prediction. Hydra will win.

CX Digital has some good people, but their tracking system is SO flawed it's kind of ridiculous.

I just started a split test on a new offer - comparing hydra and cx - will update in a couple of days
Just throwing a prediction. Hydra will win.

CX Digital has some good people, but their tracking system is SO flawed it's kind of ridiculous.

...says the CX fanboy;

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Just throwing a prediction. Hydra will win.

CX Digital has some good people, but their tracking system is SO flawed it's kind of ridiculous.

...says the CX fanboy;

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CX Digital $750 Signing Bonus
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Just throwing a prediction. Hydra will win.

CX Digital has some good people, but their tracking system is SO flawed it's kind of ridiculous.

...says the CX fanboy;

CX Digital Shopping Spree
Thank You CX Digital!
Being A Good Affiliate Manager
CX Digital $750 Signing Bonus
The MMN Issue #1 Interview
Ask An Uber Affiliate - Round 9
Ask An Uber Affiliate Round 6
Affiliate Summit West 2008 Recap
Uber Affiliate Marketing Guide

Just throwing a prediction. Hydra will win.

CX Digital has some good people, but their tracking system is SO flawed it's kind of ridiculous.

...says the CX fanboy;

CX Digital Shopping Spree
Thank You CX Digital!
Being A Good Affiliate Manager
CX Digital $750 Signing Bonus
The MMN Issue #1 Interview
Ask An Uber Affiliate - Round 9
Ask An Uber Affiliate Round 6
Affiliate Summit West 2008 Recap
Uber Affiliate Marketing Guide

Alright, I'll admit that was a bit excessive but the point is you figure a "super" affiliate would do a little more research on a company before he recommends them to his readers about a dozen times but, then again if these problems arose recently it wouldn't be his "fault" for suggesting a network with serious tracking issues before they started to happen that theoritcally could be the difference between a successful campaign and an utter failure which could discourage a lot of new potentially good marketers. So can I really blame him for this? Maybe not however, don't you think someone who has a following, blog that some people trust, and is a self proclaimed "super" (uber actually) affiliate would warn his readers that CX had some tracking problem recently and maybe they should consider picking a different network or split test it because at the time you recommended them they weren't having major tracking issues and now they are. Seems like the right thing to do? Then again I might be expecting to much eh?

So paul, you end up making it to boston for ase this weekend?
By no means do I mean to hijack the thread in any way... but I think CX also needs to screen their advertisers better before accepting them into the network. One of their advertisers charged me back just under $25,000 for bad leads. Thing is, I used the exact same traffic sources I use to generate those leads for other networks (but different advertisers). As far as I was made aware, no investigation or any effort was made to try to arbitrate this in a fair manner. The money just disappeared. This was months ago, and I've kind of let it go. Oh well.

Needless to say they aren't exactly on my top 10 network list, either.

My Name is Tal Hayek. I am the VP, Affiliate Relations at CX Digital Media.

I just want to let everyone know that we are having our tech team look into this issue and will come out with a response soon.

I also would like to let everyone know that CX Digital is one of the best networks around. We are working with thousands of affiliates that are extremely happy with us. We are a public company which means that our standards are higher than almost all other networks out there.

I am concerned about this issue but would like to emphasize that much of the information needed to make a proper comparison is missing here.

I have also seen in the past that there are sometimes hidden agendas with these kinds of posts.

I would be more than happy to personally talk to any affiliates about this or any other issues.

Why didn't you post some boobs instead of this long, boring excuse. We would'v take you more seriously.
Wow, my post got a little fucked up hahaha, won't let me edit it. I didn't mean for it to be copied like 4 times. It does illustrate my post a little better though hahaha.

Edit: Any of the mods that want to fix it, feel free.
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