CX Digital... Massive Fraud?

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lead shaving will continue until there is a big court case from it. Ive seen it from every network. Its a major problem, but its part of the game that you must monitor closely until someone offically determines it "illegel".


so are there any prevention methods that an affil marketer can take to protect himself from having his campaigns scrubbed? does cloaking etc help? (i.e. using p202's cloaking)
so are there any prevention methods that an affil marketer can take to protect himself from having his campaigns scrubbed? does cloaking etc help? (i.e. using p202's cloaking)

If You Think it's the Network
Every so often rotate which network you send the traffic to(find the same campaign on both). If one's backing out worse than the other it may not be a scrubbing issue really, but whatever. Just go with the higher epc. If you see a downturn after a bit do it again.
But if the merchant is in charge of the scrub, in some cases it's equal across the board and you're just screwed.

If You Think it's the Offer
Find similar offers from different merchants, and do the exact same process as above, except rotating the offers instead of the networks.

But in most cases you're just fucked.

Edit: Make sure you're actually rotating the offers automatically. Not manually on different days/times. Things convert different on different days and at different times.
My experience with CX has been great. I would think about a few things:

1) You are running for just such a short time, there could be something off with CX's pixel and the advertiser's thank you page.
2) The advertiser could be scrubbing the leads somehow.
3) eAdvertsing could be over stimulating the numbers for you. Maybe they have a larger margin so they can overreport and want to grab you and keep you on board.

Good luck!
Well I just read this entire thread and I also switched some traffic over to the same offer at CX Digital and noticed shitty leads, switched it back and everything was good again.
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