Cure For HIV and Cancer

The sad thing is they already have medication that lets AIDS patients live semi comfortably. They have hundreds of thousands of these "pill regimen kits" in warehouses all across America. Meanwhile people are suffering and dying in other countries of AIDS.

Weird system of scarcity we have created. Scarcity is so profitable that we will hold medicine from people because they dont have the money.


Sounds like absolute bullshit to me.

You got a better source than a fucking Google video?

I hate this kind of shit, a family friend we knew got diagnosed with cancer and fell for a scam just like this one. Spent her life savings on a special juicer and fucking imported fruit and still died in her early 30's from the cancer.

Must take some balls to come here telling us you can cure fucking cancer.

I know someone who had cancer, had surgery to remove it and then did the juice/organic diet method and the cancer never came back. I have also done some reading about the high nutrient juice diets and they do work for some people.
You don't need a juicer for this one.

Besides, who says chemotherapy would have cured her. Research more on chemotherapy.

There are thousands of peer reviewed studies published in Scientific journals that show chemotherapy is an effective treatment for cancer.

Can you show me just one study in a reputable journal that supports your claims?

From the site:

"Static magnets as a health therapy have gained in credibility and use over the last several decades. The healing power of magnets is well accepted in natural health circles."

Come on dude. If you want to believe fucking magnets can cure cancer that's fine but try and spread that bullshit to other people and you're getting called out on it. People talking the same shit you are ruin the last few months for so many cancer patients who get pulled into this bullshit.

Substantiate your claims.
There are thousands of peer reviewed studies published in Scientific journals that show chemotherapy is an effective treatment for cancer.

Can you show me just one study in a reputable journal that supports your claims?

From the site:

"Static magnets as a health therapy have gained in credibility and use over the last several decades. The healing power of magnets is well accepted in natural health circles."

Come on dude. If you want to believe fucking magnets can cure cancer that's fine but try and spread that bullshit to other people and you're getting called out on it. People talking the same shit you are ruin the last few months for so many cancer patients who get pulled into this bullshit.

Substantiate your claims.

Peer review and consensus is political science dude. You need to check the real life application of chemotherapy.
Peer review and consensus is political science dude. You need to check the real life application of chemotherapy.

Peer review is Political Science?

Who better to judge if an experiment or study has been done properly or not than other Scientists.

You're rejecting the Scientific method whilst communicating through a medium that wouldn't be possible without it in the first place.

Come on then, what better method do you have to determine what works and what is bullshit other than Science?

Peer Review is essential as Scientists can get too involved in their work and not interpret the data fairly.
Peer review is Political Science?

Who better to judge if an experiment or study has been done properly or not than other Scientists.

You're rejecting the Scientific method whilst communicating through a medium that wouldn't be possible without it in the first place.

Come on then, what better method do you have to determine what works and what is bullshit other than Science?

Peer Review is essential as Scientists can get too involved in their work and not interpret the data fairly.

You are getting confused. Scientific method is NOT peer review. Also scientists need funding and funding is provided with special interests.

Also lets not continue with argumentum ad populum.
You are getting confused. Scientific method is NOT peer review. Also scientists need funding and funding is provided with special interests.

Also lets not continue with argumentum ad populum.

Fundamentally, peer review is not an integral part of the Scientific method. But there's a reason reputable journals don't publish without peer review.

But I mean come on, this Bob Beck guy isn't even a Scientist as far as I can see. But regardless, if he can cure fucking cancer why can't he go up to one of the countless cancer research charities and get them to look into it?

It's becuase they'll look at his site, see "magnetic healing power" and all that bullshit and no exactly what it's all about.

There is nothing more sickening than making money off cancer patients by selling them "alternative medicine" shit like this that doesn't work.

Seriously though, please show me some serious evidence that this works. And anecdotes don't count for obvious fucking reasons.
yea but you still gotta worry about those that pull out a dong bigger than yours. No electric therapy can help you there.
One word: tasers.

As for this electrotherapy machine thing, the only thing I could find was a patent for it that claims that it kills nasties in the blood. link

Patent =/= published study

Plus the thing in the patent is like a fucking dialysis/heartlung machine - you're supposed to pump your blood through it. Fuck that.
Top Five Reason this anti-viral tech is a CROCK OF SHIT:

5. People get electrocuted all the time. They would have discovered before that it cured some viral situation long, long ago.

4. Even if shoving this anal probe up your ass did kill the nearby viri in your colon, electricity doesn't flow from the probe to everywhere in your body equally... It's trying to go to ground, so at best the treatment should only be able to electrocute viri between the probe and the most grounded part of your body.

3. Have you seen the sales page of that Sota link? Granted they aren't the only ones pushing this (as far as we know) but my god are they pushing the Fear sales tactic HARD. (This coming from someone who DOES believe the world and the government are completely controlled by big pharma.)

2. If it really worked, they'd all be dead, period. This kind of real tech getting out would save millions, if not a billion lives, cutting directly into big pharma's paycheck by several Billion dollars a year... Perhaps a trillion. -Who fucks around with a trillion bucks at stake?

1. One word: Magnets.
If this works, it could be a life saver for millions. I have earlier read about this while reading some conspiracy theories. It is sad how the big corporations suppress non-profitable cures, fuels and such..

Recently I read how Europe is gonna ban hundreds of herbal remedies. The evil corporations are winning
Damm it there goes productivity again watching to lecture and looking up the patents he was talking about , I found the using google patent search.
There are LOTS of so-called "alternative cures" available and they all have a few things in common: decent videos, anecdotal stories (I know someone who got cured, I know someone who knows someone who got cured and so on) but no double blinded studies.

I'm 100% sure a few people will post something along the lines of "double blinded studies cannot be trusted" along with the usual "pharma companies are evil" stuff. Ok, pharma companies are evil and double blinded studies cannot be trusted. Then what's the alternative?

There are thousands of "alternative cures" out there, how can we decide which is better without double blinded studies?

Now let me refer to the Robert Beck protocol for a moment. Ok, we read some anecdotal stories about how it worked for some people. But here is an anecdotal story about how it didn't work for someone else.

Now what? You have anecdotal stories about how this protocol worked and you have anecdotal stories about how this protocol didn't work. How do you make an informed decision? Honest question.

Double blinded studies are not perfect but they sure are better than the alternatives I'm seeing.

Making decisions based on anecdotal stories is exactly like jumping to conclusions when it comes to a traffic source after just two visitors. WTF?

You need statistically relevant information if you're serious about making informed decisions.

Two visitors? Two anecdotal stories? So what?

Show me data for a few hundred visitors at the very least and you're on the right track. The more data you have at your disposal, the better.

The same way: show me data for at least a few hundred patients (something along the lines of "100 patients tried this product and it worked for x out of 100") and you're on the right track. The more data you have at your disposal, the better.

I consider myself an open minded person, so please prove me wrong.

Double blinded case studies suck. Ok, show me a viable alternative!

My honest advice: don't make important health-related decisions based exclusively on what you read on teh Interwebz, don't make important health-related decisions before talking to a doctor. If you believe in a therapy like this one and there are no life threatening side effects, give it a try but only AFTER doing what your doctor recommended (maybe surgery, maybe surgery + chemo, maybe surgery + chemo + radiation and so on).
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lukep laying down teh law. As for your friend SeoReborn, Correlation does not imply causation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Damn, you beat me to it.

As someone said, I'm surprised more of you don't fall for your own landing pages.

BTW, I have some great plans for a perpetual motion machine. Only $29.99, but if you order now, I'll throw in the materials for an extra $9.77*

* Recurring monthly charges of $77 to keep the magic karma going that makes the machine work.