Cure For HIV and Cancer

I lost my grandfather to cancer. My mother has survived breast cancer. My cousin recently had both breasts removed and underwent heavy chemotherapy for cancer. My wife has had one of the rarest forms of cancer that occurs in the human body.

Sort of hard for me to follow this thread, but I have. I find stuff like this, that is on the net and regurgitated by well meaning (for the most part) people on places like forums and message boards, shows very little understanding and compassion for the suffering of those with cancer and those that have to deal with their loved ones that have cancer, and the possibility of losing them. It almost seems callous to offer hope, when, in some cases, there is none to be had.

It's been two and a half years since they removed the cancer from my wife and if she makes it five she is in the clear. We are under no illusions though - that if it reoccurs that she is fucked. They don't even attempt chemo on this type of cancer. So I find this shit really annoying.

There is no scientific evidence to back any of this shit up and this is one of my bug-bears of the internet. Instead of becoming the super information highway that was envisaged, it has become the most easily accessible source of misinformation known to man.

Why do that to people??

Don't know why I even posted or if it made sense. I just hate seeing this sort of stupid shit.

Totally understand your position and I wish all the best for your wife. I also seen people close to me suffer from all types of cancer, but I won't get into details. I think the the reason these threads are popping out all over the web is because people are sick (literally) of the way western medicine is dealing with cancer. The treatments we have today are simply not good enough, and even if they cure the symptoms, they don't cure the source. We now all understand that the Pharma industry is big, scary big! They have thousands of employees and shareholders to satisfy. They HAVE TO keep producing their medicines and keep their financials up. They do have R&D departments researching new compounds and treatments, but they would never go the "natural" route and risk losing their businesses for some FREE medicine pushed by nature itself, which is why people are doing their own research, looking into Eastern medicine, plants, herbs and other natural ways for prevention/treatment. I don't see this as being negative... it just shows that people are trying to learn more and not blindly trusting Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline and the such. Again good luck to your wife bro.
one of the more promising ways to prolong life after the cancer diagnoses (for certain types of cancer more than others) is a very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet. i believe the restriction of carbs has something to do with the warburg effect--especially in brain cancer (i am not a medical professional, merely an interested layman).

The control of the metabolic switch in cancers by ... [Science. 2010] - PubMed result

Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer throug... [J Cancer Res Ther. 2009] - PubMed result

Low-carbohydrate diets and prostate cancer: how lo... [Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2010] - PubMed result

Metabolic management of brain cancer. [Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011] - PubMed result

The complete control of glucose level utilizing th... [Med Hypotheses. 2011] - PubMed result

NB: The links are to the abstracts only. The abstracts may state a conclusion that is not strongly supported by the original data.
^ This is the best approach. The only credible place to look for treatments for any serious disease is in the journals via Pubmed.

If someone can't even get a small study published in a minor journal, then the chance of a treatment being anything more than wishful thinking is remote.

And before anybody replies with "but the scientists are all in the pockets of the pharma companies" etc, I can tell you that's bullshit, because, I'm married to one and she fucking hates pharma companies. All they do is try to steal academic ideas so they can develop their own versions. Most of her funding comes from charities or non-profit foundations.

She's also publishing some research on a homeopathic remedy in a journal soon (not for cancer - that's not her area). There are journals for alternative medicine too.

I know there are cases where scientists can't find a venue for their work because it's so groundbreaking and they are later vindicated, but those are the exception, not the rule.

IMO Selling false hope to cause critically ill people to waste their time and money instead of enjoying what time they have left on the planet is the scummiest form of marketing there is.
And before anybody replies with "but the scientists are all in the pockets of the pharma companies" etc, I can tell you that's bullshit, because, I'm married to one and she fucking hates pharma companies. All they do is try to steal academic ideas so they can develop their own versions. Most of her funding comes from charities or non-profit foundations.
I wouldn't go so far as to say the scientists are in the pockets of biggie P, but they are certainly controlled by them.

For instance, ask yourself or you wife would happen to her funding, or even her life if she did come across a cheap & repeatable solution to eradicate all signs of cancer in a patient.

Somehow I doubt she'd get any funding from anyone, if her brake lines aren't cut.
The governments of the world are secretly hiding all the cures from us! They want us all to die!! Aieiiedihies!

Or maybe we just really don't have cures for this stuff yet, and even if we did, we're still going to die of something else.

The idea that big pharma companies are hiding cures from us to make money is retarded. They could destroy competition in a single day by curing something like cancer. The amount of money lost by competition on treatments would be staggering, and the amount gained on controlling it would also be staggering.

But eh, it's more fun pretending there's a fountain of youth that scary people are depriving us of.
The idea that big pharma companies are hiding cures from us to make money is retarded. They could destroy competition in a single day by curing something like cancer. The amount of money lost by competition on treatments would be staggering, and the amount gained on controlling it would also be staggering.

But eh, it's more fun pretending there's a fountain of youth that scary people are depriving us of.
Your ideas about what makes a profitable business model for big pharma ASTOUND me.

I hope for your sake that you still work for someone else. You aren't going to make much money on your own.
I wouldn't go so far as to say the scientists are in the pockets of biggie P, but they are certainly controlled by them.

For instance, ask yourself or you wife would happen to her funding, or even her life if she did come across a cheap & repeatable solution to eradicate all signs of cancer in a patient.

Somehow I doubt she'd get any funding from anyone, if her brake lines aren't cut.

If she found a cure for cancer, she'd be extremely surprised, because she's not a cancer researcher. But I get what you're saying :)

The answer is no, that's not the case, because:

a. She'd win a nobel prize, and have no shortage of funding for anything ever again. A lot of funding over here comes from charities or governments. EU Governments have a great incentive to actually cure diseases, because of universal care.

b. Not likely - most research is done by international teams of5-6 scientists, and they're quite secretive about it until a paper is submitted to the journal. A major cancer breakthrough would go straight into Nature. Short of an entire team of 20 professors + post docs simultaneously having 'accidents' knocking one off wouldn't make much difference,

Every academic scientist I know is motivated by 2 things:

1. The thrill of discovering something new
2. Recognition by their peers.

Most aren't that motivated by personal income. The ones that are typically don't stick around in academia long enough to make any big discoveries.

The reason that a cure hasn't been discovered yet is that cancer research is very, very hard. At a molecular process level, we really don't know that much about the human body, and that's the understanding we need to make major progress on this shit.
@seoreborn thanks for posting that, I've watched a little and it's very interesting.

Weirdly, my wife is working on a peptide-related treatment for another disease. I used my copywriting skills to help her win the grant :D

I agree with the stuff in the video about the FDA - it's at the stage of clinical trials where most of these things will get stalled, because that's where pharma can flex their lobbying muscle. The level of infiltration of the regulatory agency by its industry sounds familiar - that's what happened with the Gulf of Mexico disaster. It's really disturbing, and undermines democracy.

As for doctors being dismissive of it - I can believe that. Some of them (but by no means all) are remarkably closed-minded when it comes to anything that's outside of their belief system. They're as prone to dogma as anyone else.
The answer is no, that's not the case, because:

a. She'd win a nobel prize, and have no shortage of funding for anything ever again. A lot of funding over here comes from charities or governments. EU Governments have a great incentive to actually cure diseases, because of universal care.

b. Not likely - most research is done by international teams of5-6 scientists, and they're quite secretive about it until a paper is submitted to the journal. A major cancer breakthrough would go straight into Nature. Short of an entire team of 20 professors + post docs simultaneously having 'accidents' knocking one off wouldn't make much difference,

Every academic scientist I know is motivated by 2 things:

1. The thrill of discovering something new
2. Recognition by their peers.

Most aren't that motivated by personal income. The ones that are typically don't stick around in academia long enough to make any big discoveries.
I find this response a tad bit naive.

First of all, does not your countries' healthcare system use drugs from the same international cartel, er, I mean pharma corporations that we use? Like BP, they don't really live in one place nor sell to one country.

The motive is there, no matter which country the cure is discovered in, to silence a cure.

Secondly, about the item being published in Nature asap, who's to say the editor at Nature isn't an undercover pharma man put there for exactly this reason? -If I had a trillion dollars on the line, I'd plant him there in a heartbeat to protect from exactly this shit on many different fronts.

I believe that if a scientist submits something truly awesome at destroying big pharma's profits to any large & reputable outlet like Nature, it would not be published nor ever heard about again. -Nor would the scientist, one way or another.

EU Scientists and even Government officials can have the best possible intentions, I don't doubt at all that they do in fact... But they are just an ant trying to fight against an invisible dragon... Without any knowledge that the dragon exists!
Upsell for the cancer cure.

@seoreborn thanks for posting that, I've watched a little and it's very interesting.

Weirdly, my wife is working on a peptide-related treatment for another disease. I used my copywriting skills to help her win the grant :D

I agree with the stuff in the video about the FDA - it's at the stage of clinical trials where most of these things will get stalled, because that's where pharma can flex their lobbying muscle. The level of infiltration of the regulatory agency by its industry sounds familiar - that's what happened with the Gulf of Mexico disaster. It's really disturbing, and undermines democracy.

As for doctors being dismissive of it - I can believe that. Some of them (but by no means all) are remarkably closed-minded when it comes to anything that's outside of their belief system. They're as prone to dogma as anyone else.

Im glad you liked the movie, I suggest watching the rest, it basically puts a nail in the coffin of your previous posts. I used to think like you, probably not even 1-2 years ago. I cant even remember why but I started reading and reading about the corruption in the government and big corporations, its amazing how clueless we all are about what really goes on behind what we perceive as reality. I suggest you at least get on the fence about these "radical" topics, it will really open your mind.
Of course they have a cure for cancer, AIDS, our current energy problem(s), and so on. You can't just come out with them though. Cancer for example is a multi-billion dollar industry, and same goes for AIDS. Not to mention oil companies vs. energy problem(s).

The solutions / cures are there. We're just not allowed to know about them.
Your ideas about what makes a profitable business model for big pharma ASTOUND me.

I hope for your sake that you still work for someone else. You aren't going to make much money on your own.

Hmm, considering your job seems to be posting on wickedfire, I say you're not in a position to question what I do for a living.

That being said, continue to live in fear and pretend the man is keeping things from you. That often solves everything.
Chemotherapy doesn't work and only prolong life for 1-2 months. It gives hope and doctors keep prescribing it. Not like you'll enjoy your last 2 months anyway.
Hmm, considering your job seems to be posting on wickedfire, I say you're not in a position to question what I do for a living.
My Business model does indeed work in mysterious ways... Luckily for me, it works, & I'm loaded. STFU.

That being said, continue to live in fear and pretend the man is keeping things from you. That often solves everything.
No, but sticking your head in the sand must solve a lot of things for you to think like this.

BTW; It's not "The Man" - It's well-identified corporations like Merck, P&G, GSK, etc. Whichever is making billions (or trillions) off of Cancer "fighting" drugs. -You know, the people police would question first because they have MOTIVE. (A trillion dollar motive, at that.)

thanks for sharing this hiv is very dangerous
No, thank you for being an xrumer blast, ann!

Fundamentally, peer review is not an integral part of the Scientific method. But there's a reason reputable journals don't publish without peer review.

But I mean come on, this Bob Beck guy isn't even a Scientist as far as I can see. But regardless, if he can cure fucking cancer why can't he go up to one of the countless cancer research charities and get them to look into it?

It's becuase they'll look at his site, see "magnetic healing power" and all that bullshit and no exactly what it's all about.

There is nothing more sickening than making money off cancer patients by selling them "alternative medicine" shit like this that doesn't work.

Seriously though, please show me some serious evidence that this works. And anecdotes don't count for obvious fucking reasons.

From the site, what site? Have you even researched into how much Chemotherapy costs? Did you even watch the video? He does not even sell the product.
Top Five Reason this anti-viral tech is a CROCK OF SHIT:

5. People get electrocuted all the time. They would have discovered before that it cured some viral situation long, long ago.

4. Even if shoving this anal probe up your ass did kill the nearby viri in your colon, electricity doesn't flow from the probe to everywhere in your body equally... It's trying to go to ground, so at best the treatment should only be able to electrocute viri between the probe and the most grounded part of your body.

3. Have you seen the sales page of that Sota link? Granted they aren't the only ones pushing this (as far as we know) but my god are they pushing the Fear sales tactic HARD. (This coming from someone who DOES believe the world and the government are completely controlled by big pharma.)

2. If it really worked, they'd all be dead, period. This kind of real tech getting out would save millions, if not a billion lives, cutting directly into big pharma's paycheck by several Billion dollars a year... Perhaps a trillion. -Who fucks around with a trillion bucks at stake?

1. One word: Magnets.

5. So people get electrocuted every time. How do you know if some viruses got eliminated or not? Was there someone at hand to test the blood? The devise does not get rid of the all viruses on one doses, its supposed to be a number of doses.

4. Where does it say in the video you put some probe up your arse?

3. So you are using a sales page from a vendor to dismiss the treatment?

2. While I agree that when anything created that could reduce or diminish the profits of these big companies, assassinations can take place. However I won't use this reason to dismiss Dr Bob Beck. He does not sell the product, and all the schematics of his devise is in the public domain. Killing won't make it go away.

1. Magnets. Is this from the video or the sales page? Besides have you evidence that magnetic fields have no influence over human biology?