Cure For HIV and Cancer

The sad thing is they already have medication that lets AIDS patients live semi comfortably. They have hundreds of thousands of these "pill regimen kits" in warehouses all across America. Meanwhile people are suffering and dying in other countries of AIDS.

Weird system of scarcity we have created. Scarcity is so profitable that we will hold medicine from people because they dont have the money.

I agree. It's so sad to see and hear people suffer all because of pure greed!

All I get from this is that people in this video must be blind for wearing these sweaters. If they can't figure out how to match their clothing for public speaking events, then I kinda doubt they can accomplish anything they are claiming. And the presenter's voice sounds like he's going through puberty.
I believe that if a scientist submits something truly awesome at destroying big pharma's profits to any large & reputable outlet like Nature, it would not be published nor ever heard about again. -Nor would the scientist, one way or another.

Trust if you come up with anything or speak out against anything you end up here

List of Dead/missing scientist :disgust: