Cure For HIV and Cancer

Jesus some of your a ignorant.

which electronically sterilizes the blood, resulting in all known pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungus, being completely eliminated!

Duh, cancer is NOT a bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus. It is a DNA problem in your own cells. That is why it is so hard to cure. That is why chemo is so harsh, because anything that can kill cancer can kill you too. The idea is to poison the body enough and with enough targeted accuracy to kill the cancer without killing the patient.

Cancer /ˈkænsər/ ( listen) (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth, invasion that intrudes upon and destroys adjacent tissues, and sometimes metastasis, or spreading to other locations in the body via lymph or blood. These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which do not invade or metastasize.

Top Five Reason this anti-viral tech is a CROCK OF SHIT:

2. If it really worked, they'd all be dead, period. This kind of real tech getting out would save millions, if not a billion lives, cutting directly into big pharma's paycheck by several Billion dollars a year... Perhaps a trillion. -Who fucks around with a trillion bucks at stake?

Ha, that was why I dropped that first post. I do keep an open mind for this kind of stuff though, it would obviously be amazing if it worked.

To reinforce your point above again, I know someone would started this huge anti-dairy campaign (dairy from a cow is horrible for you, do some reading) he started doing seminars and picking up some steam and then he got a big fat paycheck from 'someone' and never opened his mouth up again.
So they say you "sterilize" the blood via electrification and it clears the body of cancer cells? LMFAO. If anyone believes this, hell, I don't even know.
Ha, that was why I dropped that first post. I do keep an open mind for this kind of stuff though, it would obviously be amazing if it worked.
I don't see the CIA connection though; Big Pharma likely has some guyz on payroll that already handle their silencing operations for them... No need to tell outsiders like a government agency.

To reinforce your point above again, I know someone would started this huge anti-dairy campaign (dairy from a cow is horrible for you, do some reading) he started doing seminars and picking up some steam and then he got a big fat paycheck from 'someone' and never opened his mouth up again.
Yep, buyouts happen more often than out-n-out murder. The overall point here for those that are skeptical: There are many ways to silence something, no matter how big it is. Especially when you have more money than most governments in the world!
There's one thing we can all be sure of here:

We're all educated on and qualified to debate on the efficacy of cancer treatment techniques.
Do you believe we are all educated enough to debate on the efficacy of snake oil creating miracles like parting the red sea?
Faceman from the A-Team cured his own cancer by eating all nuts an shit. Then again, he's in the A-Team.
I don't see the CIA connection though; Big Pharma likely has some guyz on payroll that already handle their silencing operations for them... No need to tell outsiders like a government agency.

The CIA part was a joke, the rest was not, ha
companies are making too much profit off of cancer/(ppl dieing and their loved ones having to get stuck with medical bills) to even begin thinking about find a so called cure

just sayin
Sounds like absolute bullshit to me.

You got a better source than a fucking Google video?

I hate this kind of shit, a family friend we knew got diagnosed with cancer and fell for a scam just like this one. Spent her life savings on a special juicer and fucking imported fruit and still died in her early 30's from the cancer.

Must take some balls to come here telling us you can cure fucking cancer.

yea its a new level of low

my dad has Parkinsons and considered buying this shit

Watch this video

Suppressed Medical Discovery: Dr. Robert C. Beck ( Cancer,AIDS, anything viral)

A guy I know cured his mother in law of cancer using this device. She was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs, and was due in for another screening the week after. He suggested her to try it out for 5 days, she used it for 3 days and when she went for the screening, the doctors were dumbfounded that the cancer is gone.

^You working on a new landing page?

Seriously, even IF the above story is true, one of the most basic things you need to learn in life is just because b follows a doesn't mean a caused b. The amount of bullshit you post is amazing.
Eat more oranges! Cure cancer!

Yeah right.

Its actually true, there was research in the 70s I believe with very high amounts of vitamine C given though IV was effective a treating cancer, theres no money in it so it fell into the background. There is actual medical journals on it, ill try to find them.

edit-Actually it might be one of the vitamin B's, I cant remember now. Ill see if I can find anything on it.
I lost my grandfather to cancer. My mother has survived breast cancer. My cousin recently had both breasts removed and underwent heavy chemotherapy for cancer. My wife has had one of the rarest forms of cancer that occurs in the human body.

Sort of hard for me to follow this thread, but I have. I find stuff like this, that is on the net and regurgitated by well meaning (for the most part) people on places like forums and message boards, shows very little understanding and compassion for the suffering of those with cancer and those that have to deal with their loved ones that have cancer, and the possibility of losing them. It almost seems callous to offer hope, when, in some cases, there is none to be had.

It's been two and a half years since they removed the cancer from my wife and if she makes it five she is in the clear. We are under no illusions though - that if it reoccurs that she is fucked. They don't even attempt chemo on this type of cancer. So I find this shit really annoying.

There is no scientific evidence to back any of this shit up and this is one of my bug-bears of the internet. Instead of becoming the super information highway that was envisaged, it has become the most easily accessible source of misinformation known to man.

Why do that to people??

Don't know why I even posted or if it made sense. I just hate seeing this sort of stupid shit.
OP, I see your sig. Ron Paul and Alex Jones are psyops. Control the opposition so to speak. There's a reason Alex Jones is the only conspiracy theorist that ever appears on mainstream news.