Cure For HIV and Cancer

Recently I read how Europe is gonna ban hundreds of herbal remedies. The evil corporations are winning

This happened in April this year already. It is not a ban but is as effective as a ban. To sell a herb, the vendor now needs go through alot of protocols and pay large sums to pay for a license application. They just can't afford it.

Hey guys, we cured AIDS and cancer! Here's how you can build your own!


This device is not FDA approved, so it is mandatory they include such a statement.
Jesus some of your a ignorant.

Duh, cancer is NOT a bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus. It is a DNA problem in your own cells. That is why it is so hard to cure. That is why chemo is so harsh, because anything that can kill cancer can kill you too. The idea is to poison the body enough and with enough targeted accuracy to kill the cancer without killing the patient.

If you have such a superiority complex as to negative rep me with "you are soooo retarded, it is hard to believe you are real", at least back yourself up with enough brain cells to do a simple search. Here's one article

Viruses May Cause More Cancer than Previously Thought | LiveScience
There are LOTS of so-called "alternative cures" available and they all have a few things in common: decent videos, anecdotal stories (I know someone who got cured, I know someone who knows someone who got cured and so on) but no double blinded studies.

I'm 100% sure a few people will post something along the lines of "double blinded studies cannot be trusted" along with the usual "pharma companies are evil" stuff. Ok, pharma companies are evil and double blinded studies cannot be trusted. Then what's the alternative?

There are thousands of "alternative cures" out there, how can we decide which is better without double blinded studies?

Now let me refer to the Robert Beck protocol for a moment. Ok, we read some anecdotal stories about how it worked for some people. But here is an anecdotal story about how it didn't work for someone else.

Now what? You have anecdotal stories about how this protocol worked and you have anecdotal stories about how this protocol didn't work. How do you make an informed decision? Honest question.

Double blinded studies are not perfect but they sure are better than the alternatives I'm seeing.

Making decisions based on anecdotal stories is exactly like jumping to conclusions when it comes to a traffic source after just two visitors. WTF?

You need statistically relevant information if you're serious about making informed decisions.

Two visitors? Two anecdotal stories? So what?

Show me data for a few hundred visitors at the very least and you're on the right track. The more data you have at your disposal, the better.

The same way: show me data for at least a few hundred patients (something along the lines of "100 patients tried this product and it worked for x out of 100") and you're on the right track. The more data you have at your disposal, the better.

I consider myself an open minded person, so please prove me wrong.

Double blinded case studies suck. Ok, show me a viable alternative!

My honest advice: don't make important health-related decisions based exclusively on what you read on teh Interwebz, don't make important health-related decisions before talking to a doctor. If you believe in a therapy like this one and there are no life threatening side effects, give it a try but only AFTER doing what your doctor recommended (maybe surgery, maybe surgery + chemo, maybe surgery + chemo + radiation and so on).

I agree that a FAIR IMPARTIAL double blind study with clinical trials would be ideal. However who is going to provide the funding? When you find time, watch the video in the other thread 'cancer is serious business' - it documents how the corrupt FDA imposes protocols to ensure the failure of treatments that may eat into the big pharma's pockets. Science and scientific method is not wrong or corrupt, people are. God knows how many alternative treatments have been dismissed after manipulation of clinical data and procedures, Also clinical trials/double blind studies is an attempt to verify treatment, they do not make a treatment work. A treatment does not need a clinical trial for it to work.

Do you realize how bad chemo is? I believe i have already linked you to some references in the other thread.
^ This is the best approach. The only credible place to look for treatments for any serious disease is in the journals via Pubmed.

If someone can't even get a small study published in a minor journal, then the chance of a treatment being anything more than wishful thinking is remote.

And before anybody replies with "but the scientists are all in the pockets of the pharma companies" etc, I can tell you that's bullshit, because, I'm married to one and she fucking hates pharma companies. All they do is try to steal academic ideas so they can develop their own versions. Most of her funding comes from charities or non-profit foundations.

She's also publishing some research on a homeopathic remedy in a journal soon (not for cancer - that's not her area). There are journals for alternative medicine too.

I know there are cases where scientists can't find a venue for their work because it's so groundbreaking and they are later vindicated, but those are the exception, not the rule.

IMO Selling false hope to cause critically ill people to waste their time and money instead of enjoying what time they have left on the planet is the scummiest form of marketing there is.

My brother works in a big pharma and he keeps well away from its products.
Peer review and consensus is political science dude. You need to check the real life application of chemotherapy.

All i can say is chemotheraphy kept my Dad alive for 5 years after he was diagnosted with metatastic cancer. Same oncologist helped my wife with breast cancer. I'm now being screened for colon cancer.

Guess who I'm going to see next ?
domnt knwo if that works but IF IT DID, they wouldnt let it live anyways.
u people are stupid if u think gov or any health copro would let such thing go live.
This happened in April this year already. It is not a ban but is as effective as a ban. To sell a herb, the vendor now needs go through alot of protocols and pay large sums to pay for a license application. They just can't afford it.

Yeah, better just let all the quacks sell what the fuck they want without it being clinically tested.

I'm complimented with your statement (for which you have stated in the past also). You who goes along with whatever the mainstream tells you should find my posts bullshit. For that I thank you.

My pleasure.
If you have such a superiority complex as to negative rep me with "you are soooo retarded, it is hard to believe you are real", at least back yourself up with enough brain cells to do a simple search. Here's one article

Viruses May Cause More Cancer than Previously Thought | LiveScience

You didn't contradict me. I said cancer is not a virus, fungi, parasite or bacteria. It isn't. The fact that some viruses and bacteria cause cancer does not mean that they are cancer. Your argument is a non sequitur.

And yes, I called you a retard, you are being a retard.
if this can cure why not sell this item...

There is no reason of keeping this a secret if this can help greater mankind. Unless someone or somebody is taking advantage of it.
This happened in April this year already. It is not a ban but is as effective as a ban. To sell a herb, the vendor now needs go through alot of protocols and pay large sums to pay for a license application. They just can't afford it.

As I understand it, the vendor can sell the substance but can't make untested/unverified claims about what it does. Taking all emotion and conspiracy theories out of the equation, that sounds sensible doesn't it?

I don't think anyone would say that current clinical trial system is perfect, but having worked in scientific research for a short time I can honestly say that I've never met a scientist who's motivated by money. I'm not saying that pressure isn't applied to research groups by the people funding them in certain cases, but it's not the major problem that a lot of people imagine it to be.

What's sad is that some people become so obsessed by conspiracy theories and stories of doctor negligence that they end up trusting sellers of alternative medicine (who are effectively allowed to say whatever they want without any sort of testing other than anecdotal evidence) instead of scientific based medicine. I've personally known several examples of this and it doesn't end well most of the time....
lol I can't tell you if works or not, I don't have cancer, but I own all four devices... bought them long ago when curious. Used them a few times.... the brain tuner is cool if you want to have lucid dreams by using it at the wrong time of day.

There's no affiliate program, I've been asking for years. Sota instruments sells the equipment.

The guy is dead. The "Beck Manual" leaves something to be desired. However, if the worst thing that happens from it is the ability to create a positive belief/change in people via placebo effect, I think that's great.