Can Beta become Alpha?

You wouldn't want to be Joe Rogan? He's awesome.

If I had to choose Rogan or Zucherberg? I'd take Zucherberg without question. Not only am I a billionaire who's transforming modern communication, but I also have loads of personal details on hundreds of millions of people. Sounds pretty sweet to me.
I'm confused, so maybe some of you better alpha guys can help me out.

John Gotti vs. Brad Pitt
Mark Zucherberg vs. Joe Rogan
Prince William vs. Vin Diesel
Steve Jobs vs. The Rock (or whatever his real name is)

So who exactly are the alpha and beta males there? Not sure about you guys, but I'd much rather be in the first column.

You saying Gotti is a beta? I really have no idea, just interesting and I have never heard of Rogan.

I will tell you that Brad Pitt is a total beta as was/is/has been Tom Cruise and a lot of actors.

By the way - You really want to be any of them? Have access to their capital, yes, but to be them? - not so much.
isnt alpha before beta ?

I mean, I code releases as alpha, then when they dont suck as much they are beta.

Conclusion, I am Release Candidate Male, you jelly?
You saying Gotti is a beta?

Compared to most of your guys' definition, yeah. He might have been a cruel and merciless cunt, but nonetheless, he was hardly some ripped guy pumped full of testosterone who acted all sly & cool.

I have never heard of Rogan.

Used to be the host of Fear Factor, big into MMA, standup comedian, gets all the ladies, etc.

By the way - You really want to be any of them? Have access to their capital, yes, but to be them?

From that list? I wouldn't mind being Steve Jobs (well, except the being dead part), but that's about it.
I'm with yucky this time man. A lot of people don't really understand that the kind of thing he described happens to some people on a daily basis. No reason to call BS because of that.
I'm not saying he is bullshitting. I don't think anyone cares about [sic] Alphas who have to go around saying,

"Hey look, I AM AN ALPHA. Can you see how ALPHA I am? Look at me, the most alpha of the alphas!"

You really should have read my posts bro.

Actually, I do this with nearly every lady I meet, regardless of intent.

I'm kidding.*

* Nope. Not kidding at all. :)

This works. It accomplishes a lot all at once too. The trick is to be genuine with it. You can't "fake" ignore a girl, you have to genuinely not give a fuck and I swear to god they can smell it--the rest is easy really.
I'm trying to think if I've ever found a post on this forum that I've disagreed with more.

I'm cool with the expat thing - there's a bunch of y'all in here - but if you're doing it ALL for BUYING cheap tight pussy, umm.... you're doing it wrong.

Genghis Khan didn't pay for his pussy. And I sure as hell never will either. Your post looks like you are idolizing people who have flat out given up. Paying for sex? Seriously? I just can't feature that - EVER.

and this ^^

ur so alpha bro
well i don't consider someone alpha if i could beat their ass. i consider someone like mauriusz pudzianowski alpha since he's bigger than me. me and joe rogan aren't even in the same weight class. shit, i doubt joe rogan could even lift me over his head.
Joe's the fucking man. There are also way shorter dudes 10x alpha though, none famous that I can think of off the top of my head but I've met Indian dudes who are barely pushing 5 feet who mack hard as fuck and nail more girls than I do, so it is what it is.
ahahhaha you seriously think muscle = fighting ability

Look at pudzianowski's record.

Your head is so far up your ass I don't even... Don't be a jive turkey.
Joe's the fucking man. There are also way shorter dudes 10x alpha though, none famous that I can think of off the top of my head but I've met Indian dudes who are barely pushing 5 feet who mack hard as fuck and nail more girls than I do, so it is what it is.
getting chicks doesn't make you alpha. being able to beat another guy's ass makes you alpha. any retard can get a girl. fuck bitches.
getting chicks doesn't make you alpha. being able to beat another guy's ass makes you alpha. any retard can get a girl. fuck bitches.

See, this is where you guys get me confused. Take Mohammed Ali and John Gotti. Obviously, Ali could kick the shit out of Gotti without question. However, all Gotti has to basically do is snap his fingers, and Ali gets tortured mercilessly for hours before succumbing to an agonizing and cruel death.

So you have Ali who is stronger, and Gotti who is far more powerful. Who's the alpha out of the two? Or maybe, acting like 13yo kids with this whole beta vs. alpha thing is fucken retarded. Maybe...
See, this is where you guys get me confused. Take Mohammed Ali and John Gotti. Obviously, Ali could kick the shit out of Gotti without question. However, all Gotti has to basically do is snap his fingers, and Ali gets tortured mercilessly for hours before succumbing to an agonizing and cruel death.

So you have Ali who is stronger, and Gotti who is far more powerful. Who's the alpha out of the two? Or maybe, acting like 13yo kids with this whole beta vs. alpha thing is fucken retarded. Maybe...
you really think paying someone to beat someone else up makes you the stronger, "alpha" man?

i don't know what all this shit is about alpha and attracting girls. skinny ass indians can get chicks, like someoen else said. there's a difference between confidence to get girls and being that one dude in the room who could kick the shit out of anyone.
you really think paying someone to beat someone else up makes you the stronger, "alpha" man?

If I had to choose between being Hitler, and some unknown asshole in the trenches in -36C weather who can bench 340lbs, I'll take Hitler. Why do you think I picked software as a career? WAY better money, and I prefer this over doing seismic work in NW Canada in the middle of winter.

Does that make be "beta"? Please don't tell me I'm beta. My heart will be forever crushed...